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Gift Giving 선물하기 Korean Heritage Language Teachers’ Project NHLRC/STARTALK 2012 Heritage Language Teacher Workshop July 16-20, 2012 Los Angeles, California.

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Presentation on theme: "Gift Giving 선물하기 Korean Heritage Language Teachers’ Project NHLRC/STARTALK 2012 Heritage Language Teacher Workshop July 16-20, 2012 Los Angeles, California."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gift Giving 선물하기 Korean Heritage Language Teachers’ Project NHLRC/STARTALK 2012 Heritage Language Teacher Workshop July 16-20, 2012 Los Angeles, California Hee Ju, Mijeong Kim, Ok-Sook Park, Jaemin Roh 1

2 1 st Birthday Celebration gifts 2

3 60 th Birthday Celebration Gifts 3

4 Wedding Gifts 4

5 Background Information for Unit  Theme: Gift giving practices and traditions  Age: 9 college students enrolled in HL class  Language Level: - Listening & Speaking: Intermediate - Reading & Writing: Novice-mid/Novice-high  Time Frame: 4 class periods ( 50 minutes each ) 5

6 Korean HL Learner Profile  Background – Children of small business owners/professionals – Exposure to Korean: Community Korean Schools, one or two years Primary care giver: grandparents, parents – Grandparents : Primarily monolingual Korean speakers – Parents: Korean and English Sequential bilinguals Presence of Korean culture in daily lives 6

7  Social-Linguistic Context Family and relatives Religious groups and student organizations Korean language programs Study-abroad and travel Media and Internet: - Film, drama, variety shows, news Korean HL Learner Profile 7

8  Students’ Strengths Comprehension of concrete vocabulary Speaking with string of simple sentences Writing with string of simple sentences  Students’ Weaknesses Use of honorifics, irregular verbs, relative clauses, connectives Limited writing skills, spelling errors Limited vocabulary Misuse of registers Pronunciation – sound discrimination and intonation Korean HL Learner Profile 8

9 Desired Outcome  Students will be able to use appropriate register and terms for gift-giving occasions such as 돌 (1 st birthday), 환갑 (60 th birthday), 결혼 (wedding), 장례식 (funeral), etc. in the interviews  Students will understand various gift-giving practices in a Korean community  Students will be able to talk about gift-giving practices and learn proper etiquettes 9

10 Unit Plan  Day 1: Scaffolding activities – pictures, survey, vocabulary  Day 2: Reading activities  Day 3: Creating interview questions, interview elders over the weekend  Day 4: Presentations 10

11 Day 1: Scaffolding Activities Goals:  Introduce unit topic  Introduce essential words related to gift-giving in special occasions  Compare and contrast gift-giving cultures in Korea and in the U.S. 11

12 Day 1: Scaffolding Activities Material:  Pictures  Survey  Distribute reading material: “What gift do you give for these special occasions?” “ 이런 때 어떤 선물을 사세요 ?” 12

13 Day 1: Scaffolding Activities  Comparing 1 st birthday pictures 13

14 Day 1: Scaffolding Activities My familyKoreaU.S. 1 st year birthday ( 돌 ) Birthdays ( 생일 ) 60 th birthday ( 환갑 ) Graduation ( 졸업 ) Wedding ( 결혼 ) Funerals ( 장례식 ) Christmas ( 크리스마스 ) New year’s Day ( 설날 ) Valentine Day ( 발렌타인데이 )  Survey: Compare and contrast different practices of gift-giving or receiving across cultures. 14

15 Day 2: Reading Activities  Reading material “What gift do you give for these special occasions? 이런 때 어떤 선물을 사세요 ? ” is presented as Word Cloud. Students discuss relevant vocabulary (10 min)  Differentiated Teaching: Students are grouped into 3 groups: Novice-Intermediate-Advanced  Each group answers comprehension questions; Novice level answers #1-5, Intermediate level answers #6-10, Advanced level answers #11-15 (15 min)  The whole group shares all the answers # 1-15 (15 min)  Students report Exit Card by the end of the day (5 min) 15

16 Day 3: Creating Interview Questions  Students design interview questions on gift- giving practice in Korean (15 min)  Whole class instruction on: appropriate and formal use of registers when addressing to elders, use of honorifics and interview etiquettes (20 min)  Students check with each other whether the interview questions are valid (10 min)  Distribute and explain the rubrics of Day 4 presentation (5 min) 16

17 Day 4: Presentation  Student Presentation -Oral report: Summary of the interviews (5 minutes x 9 = 45 minutes ) -Use PowerPoint slides (No sentences, keywords only) - Audience fills out presentation summary chart 17

18 Day 4: Presentation  Audience fills out presentation summary chart while listening to each report. PresentersIntervieweeGiverWhatWhenComments Solomon Kim GrandfatherUncleTravel to Korea 60 th birthday … … … … 18

19 Day 4: Presentation  Presentation assessment rubric (Check point: 1 lowest – 5 highest) 12345 FluencyV AccuracyV Use of honorifics V VocabularyV PowerPointV 19

20 Interpersonal, Interpretive, Presentational (Interview, presentation) Language, history, sociology, medicine, business/economics Gift-giving traditions, special occasions Practice of gift- giving and special occasions Real-world use in student’s home and community, Participating in discussions and practices of gift-giving Conclusion: 5 C’s 20

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