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Teach Faculty To Fish & Feed Students For Life Dr. Jeff D Borden.

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Presentation on theme: "Teach Faculty To Fish & Feed Students For Life Dr. Jeff D Borden."— Presentation transcript:

1 Teach Faculty To Fish & Feed Students For Life Dr. Jeff D Borden

2 Best Success Indicator?

3 Grit Score

4 *I rarely plan ahead. I’m a spur-of-the-moment kind of person. ~I’d be good in a dangerous job because I can make my mind up quickly. *If something better comes along it’s OK to cancel a longstanding appointment. ~Seeing an animal injured or in pain doesn’t bother me in the slightest. *Driving fast, riding rollercoasters, and skydiving, appeal to me. ~It doesn’t matter to me if I have to step on other people to get what I want. *I’m very persuasive. I have a talent for getting other people to do what I want. ~Cheating on your partner is OK so long as you don’t get caught. *I find it easy to keep myself together in situations when others are cracking under pressure. ~If I am able to con someone, that’s their problem. They deserve it. Score each: 0, 1, 2, 3

5 Are You A Psychopath? 0-10: Low 11-15: Below average 16-20: Average 21-25: High 26-30: Very high

6 James Fallon

7 The Best Surgeons? CEO’s?


9 Software, Apps, Websites, and More…

10 Connection

11 Agenda Why Fish At All? Where to Fish

12 Why Fish Here? 1

13 1. It allows you to do something you could not do before…

14 Common College Outcome Communication: – Nonverbal Haptics Objectics Proxemics Chronemics Optics Vocalics Kinesics – Mirroring

15 Kinesic Mirroring: Modern Communication 2007 NYTimes “The majority of communication in the workplace occurs over email and chat today.” 2009 WSJ: “…leading more and more Fortune 500 companies to ask if future employees have taken an online class.”

16 History Pin (Creative Assessment)

17 Why Fish Here? 1. It allows you to do something you could not do before… 2. It allows you to use Education 3.0

18 The Mixxer

19 Why Fish Here? 1. It allows you to do something you could not do before… 2. It allows you to use Education 3.0 3. It allows you to connect education to life…

20 1 st Year = Gen Pop


22 +7.2%

23 23

24 Teams / Collaboration

25 From Perry Mason…

26 To teams of experts

27 From Dr. Kildare…

28 To teams of professionals

29 From The Lone Professor…

30 To The Lone Professor…

31 Team Development

32 Brainstorming Berkun’s Laws: – Nothing matters if the room is filled with morons or strangers (or both). – Brainstorming is designed for idea volume, not depth or quality. – The person leading an idea generation session matters. – Debate during or after brainstorming…but debate!

33 Group Role Types Leader Initiator/Contributor Information Gatherer / Recorder / Scribe Gatekeeper/Expediter Follower / Listener Initiator / Contributor Information Seeker Information Giver Procedural Technician Evaluator/Critic Opinion Seeker Opinion Giver Elaborator Coordinator Orientor Energizer Encourager Harmonizer Compromiser Observer/Commentator Aggressor Blocker Recognition Seeker Self-confessor Disrupter/Playboy or Playgirl Dominator Help Seeker Special Interest Pleader Task Based Roles Social Based Roles Positive Negative


35 Team Structures

36 Social Interaction

37 Collaboration Graphs




41 Project Management

42 Why Fish Here? 1.It allows you to do something you could not do before… 2.It allows you to use Education 3.0 3.It allows you to connect education to life… 4.It promotes teaching & learning (VS management)…

43 Dan Meyer: Compelling Questions

44 Angry Birds & Do First Education

45 Best Fishing Holes 2

46 Teaching You To Fish Aggregators Social Bookmarking Google Apps

47 How To?

48 Don’t Forget Access




52 Evernote


54 BBC Microscope

55 Favorites

56 Social Bookmarking

57 history+ project, group, RLO, applet, etc

58 Poll Everywhere

59 Google Search Terms Math+ (Specific) Quadratic Equations+ (Grade) 7 th grade Math+ Applet Learning Object OER (Open Educational Resource) RLO (Reusable Learning Object) Project Collaboration Assessment Presentation

60 Artist Scientist Essayist

61 Thank You! @bordenj / 1066&y=-133 / To see the Short-Film “School of Thought” that Jeff wrote and produced:

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