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Thursday, 5/22 Lesson English 8 Absent students: Use your Agree/Disagree packet with the Lois Lowry speech inside to complete the tasks listed on the following.

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Presentation on theme: "Thursday, 5/22 Lesson English 8 Absent students: Use your Agree/Disagree packet with the Lois Lowry speech inside to complete the tasks listed on the following."— Presentation transcript:

1 Thursday, 5/22 Lesson English 8 Absent students: Use your Agree/Disagree packet with the Lois Lowry speech inside to complete the tasks listed on the following slides. Due Friday. Spelling and Vocab 14 quiz tomorrow as well!

2 You will need two highlighter colors and one pen or pencil for today’s lesson Step 1: number all the paragraphs Step 2: read the entire document Step 3: chunk the text Chunk 1- paragraphs 1-5 Chunk 2- paragraphs 6-8 Chunk 3- paragraphs 9-12 Chunk 4- paragraphs 13-16 Chunk 5- paragraphs 17-20 Chunk 6- paragraphs 21-27 Chunk 7- paragraphs 28-31

3 Re-read chunk 1 Highlight the following words in ONE color (use only for vocab words): Superficial Implications Glib Flippancy Discuss synonyms or define the selected vocabulary words with your group – note in the margin as needed Using your other highlighter color, highlight one piece of evidence in Chunk 1 that identifies how Lowry “knows where to start” with her book The Giver.

4 Re-read chunk 2 Highlight the following words in your vocab color: Tributaries Enclave Discuss synonyms or define the selected vocabulary words with your group – note in the margin as needed

5 Identify setting Circle the date of this particular story Circle the setting of this particular story With your group, research what was going on in Japan and the United States from 1940-1950 Confirm answer with teacher, then note it in the margin What reason does Lowry’s mom give for why they live in Washington Heights? Highlight it.

6 Re-read chunk 3 Highlight the following words in your vocab color: Vigor Garish Discuss synonyms or define the selected vocabulary words with your group – note in the margin as needed What reason does Lowry give for why she sneaks in to Shibuya? Circle the word(s) Focus on paragraph 11 Discuss with your group – in what way is Shibuya different from Lowry’s own life? Highlight the phrase(s)

7 Re-read chunk 4 Highlight the following words in your vocab color: Awry Dormitory Valedictorians Remorseful Discuss synonyms or define the selected vocabulary words with your group – note in the margin as needed Discuss with your group- in what way is the “one girl” different? Highlight: How does she make the other girls feel? What do they do as a result?

8 Focus on paragraph 14 Highlight the repeated line that appeared earlier in the speech How does this situation connect with the incident in Shibuya? Discuss with your group.

9 Re-read chunk 5 Highlight the following words in your vocab color: Impassioned Whimsical Discuss synonyms or define the selected vocabulary words with your group – note in the margin as needed Identify setting Circle the date of this particular story Circle the setting of this particular story Discuss with your group Do some people see color and art differently than others? In what way? Why is this unique?

10 Re-read chunk 6 Highlight the following words in your vocab color: Holocaust Devil’s advocate Discuss synonyms or define the selected vocabulary words with your group – note in the margin as needed Three different situations are discussed in this chunk. Discuss with your group: how might these situations be related?

11 Focus on paragraph 23 Highlight the sentence that is the main idea of the story Discuss with your group- how is this related to 2081? Focus on paragraph 24 Discuss with your group – what is the Holocaust? Note answers in the margin Focus on paragraph 26 What is the main idea of this paragraph? Highlight it and then rephrase is in the margin

12 Re-read chunk 7 Highlight the following words in your vocab color: Deluded Obsolete Discuss synonyms or define the selected vocabulary words with your group – note in the margin as needed Focus on paragraphs 30-31 Highlight: what does Lowry say she dislikes? Highlight: in order to have a world without those things that Lowry says she dislikes, what freedoms does Lowry say cannot exist?

13 Prediction paragraph: Based on what you learned about the background of Lowry’s writing The Giver, what do you think the novel will be about?

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