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The Persian Expedition – Route of the 10,000. Classical Hoplite Bronze Helmet (horsehair crest) Cuirass with Metal Scales Oplon (3” diameter) Bronze Greaves.

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Presentation on theme: "The Persian Expedition – Route of the 10,000. Classical Hoplite Bronze Helmet (horsehair crest) Cuirass with Metal Scales Oplon (3” diameter) Bronze Greaves."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Persian Expedition – Route of the 10,000

2 Classical Hoplite Bronze Helmet (horsehair crest) Cuirass with Metal Scales Oplon (3” diameter) Bronze Greaves Leather Sandals Thrusting Spear (6’-10’) Short Iron Sword (2’ blade) Peltast No body armor Pelta light shield, wicker with goatskin cover, crescent-shaped javelin (4’) thrown

3 Phalanx Formation A solid wall of shields and spears, the hoplites stood shoulder to shoulder.

4 The Persian Expedition (401-399 B.C.)

5 Persian Players Artaxerxes, King of Persia Cyrus, younger brother of Artaxerxes and Satrap of western provinces Tissaphernes, Persian noble, friend and betrayer of Cyrus Orontas, Persian noble, another friend and betrayer of Cyrus

6 King Darius died in 399 B.C., leaving his empire to his older son, Artaxerxes, but to his son, Cyrus, he left only Cyrus’ own satrapy at the western end of the empire. So Artaxerxes took Persepolis, Susa, Ectabana. And Cyrus, in Sardis, plotted. Persepolis

7 Cyrus collected Greek forces abroad under various subterfuges, waiting for the signal to join him and his army to march against his brother. Among the Greeks: Clearchus, the Spartan General, brought 1,000 hoplites, 800 peltasts, 200 archers Menon, the Thessalian general, brought 1,000 hoplites, 500 peltasts Proxenus, the Boeotian general, brought 1,500 hoplites, 500 peltasts Xenias, the Arcadian general, brought 4,000 hoplites General Total: 10,000 Greeks

8 Xenophon Athenian, b. about 428 B.C. Friend of Socrates Writer, Adventurer Joined Persian Expedition in 401 B.C. invited by his friend, Proxenus, who promised great rewards from Cyrus’ friendship.

9 Spartans …For no man ever proves himself a good man in war/unless he can endure to face the blood and the slaughter, go close against the enemy and fight with his hands. /Here is courage, mankind’s finest possession, here is/ the noblest prize that a young man can endeavor to win/ and it is a good thing his city and all the people share with him/when a man plants his feet and stands in the foremost spears relentlessly, all thought of foul flight completely forgotten,/and has well trained his heart to be steadfast and to endure… Tyrtaeus, Spartan

10 War doesn’t change. Especially for warriors…

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