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 The Traditional Cinderella(Charles Perrault)  The Korean Cinderella  Cendrillion (Caribbean)  The Persian Cinderella.

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3  The Traditional Cinderella(Charles Perrault)  The Korean Cinderella  Cendrillion (Caribbean)  The Persian Cinderella

4  Cinderella - mistreated girl  Step-sisters - mistreat Cinderella  Step-mom - evil mom who mistreats Cinderella  Prince - falls in love with Cinderella  Fairy godmother- helps Cinderella (magical)

5  Pear Blossom - mistreated girl  Step-sister - mistreats Pear Blossom  Step-mom - evil mom who mistreats Pear Blossom  Magistrate - falls in love with Pear Blossom  Magical animals - help Pear Blossom

6  Cendrillion - mistreated girl  Step sisters- mistreat Cendrillion  Step mom- evil mom who mistreats Cendrillion  Prince - falls in love with Cendrillion  Godmother - helps Cendrillion(magical with wand)

7  Settareh -mistreated girl  Family - mistreats Settareh  Step sister- jealous and mistreats Settareh  Prince - falls in love with Settareh  Magical pot- helps Settareh with chores and get ready for the ball.

8 TitleCinderellaFamilyGod-motherPrince The Korean Cinderella Pear Blossom1 Step sister 1 Evil step mom Magical animals1 Magistrate The Caribbea n Cinderella Cenderellion2 Step sisters 1 Evil step mom Magical- with wand of mahogany 1 Prince The Persian Cinderella Settareh2 Step sisters Aunts Cousins 1 Step mom Magical bottle1 Prince The Traditional Cinderella Cinderella1 Step sister 1 Evil step mom Magical- turns animals into objects 1 Prince

9  Dilemma: - Cinderella is mistreated and has mandatory chores which are to keep her from attending the ball. She also loses her shoe.

10  Dilemma: - Cenderillion is mistreated and is forced to do chores in order to inhibit her from going to the ball.

11  Dilemma: - Pear Blossom is mistreated and can’t go to the ball because she is obligated and forced to do chores.

12  Dilemma : - Settareh is mistreated and can’t go to the ball, but more problems arise and bad things happen to her such as her turning into a bird

13 Title Dilemma The Korean Cinderella Pear blossom is mistreated and is not allowed to go to the festival and is held back by chores. The Caribbean Cinderella Cenderllion is not allowed to go to the ball and is forced to help her step family. The Persian Cinderella Settareh is mistreated and can’t go to the ball, but more troubles arise such as her turning into a bird. The Traditional Cinderella Cinderella is not allowed to go to ball held up by chores and is forced to help her family.

14  All the Cinderella's are mistreated and are not permitted to go to the ball or festival, but in the Persian Cinderella she also turns into a bird.

15  Solution: - A fairy god-mother uses her magic, to help Cinderella get ready to attend the ball.

16  Solution: - The magical animals help Pear Blossom do her chores in order for her to get ready for the festival.

17  Solution: - Cenderillion’s fairy god-mother uses her magical wand of mahogany to help her with chores and get ready for the ball.

18  Solution: - Settareh uses her magical vase which helps her get ready for the ball. - The prince helps her turn back into a human.

19 TitleSolution The Korean Cinderella The magical animals help with the chores, and she goes to the ball and falls in love. The Caribbean Cinderella The fairy god-mother helps Cenderellion do chores and helps her go to the ball and fall in love. The Persian Cinderella The glass vase was magical and helped her get ready for the ball. The prince helped her turn back into a human. The Traditional Cinderella The fairy godmother helped Cinderella get ready for the ball and helped fall in love.

20  All Cinderella's are helped but the Persian and Korean Cinderella are helped by magical animals and pots who help do chores. The prince in the Persian Cinderella turn her into a human again.

21 - The other Cinderella stories are based off of the original book because they have the same plot. The cultures effect the differences in the book by the environment around them.

22  The different Cinderella stories have similar plots, such as how they are mistreated and fall in love in the end.  The only story slightly different from the four mentioned, is the Persian Cinderella. Only because more bad things happened to her in the story.

23  Climo, Shirley. The Korean Cinderella. New York: Harper Collins Publishers, 1993.  Climo, Shirley. The Persian Cinderella. New York: Harper Collins Publishers, 1999  San Souci, Robert D,. Cenderillion. New York: 1998  Reiter, Joseph A. "Perrault, Charles." Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia. Grolier Online, 2012. Web. 1 June 2012.

24  Solomon, Charlotte D. "Cinderella." Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia. Grolier Online, 2012. Web. 1 June 2012.  Bettelheim, Bruno. "Cinderella." The Uses of Enchantment: The Meaning and Importance of Fairy Tales. Alfred A. Knopf, 1976. 236-277. Rpt. in Children's Literature Review. Ed. Scot Peacock. Vol. 79. Detroit: Gale, 2002. Literature Resource Center. Web. 1 June 2012

25  " Cinderella." The Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th ed. Columbia University Press, 2000. Reproduced in Kids InfoBits. Detroit: Gale, 2012.  "A Cinderella story. (Arts & Letters)." The Wilson Quarterly 27.3 (2003): 105+. Literature Resource Center. Web. 1 June 2012.  Bettelheim, Bruno. "Cinderella." The Uses of Enchantment: The Meaning and Importance of Fairy Tales. Alfred A. Knopf, 1976. 236-277. Rpt. in Children's Literature Review. Ed. Scot Peacock. Vol. 79. Detroit: Gale, 2002. Literature Resource Center. Web. 1 June 2012

26  Mathews, Thomas. "Caribbean." Encyclopedia Americana. Grolier Online, 2012. Web. 1 June 2012  “North Korea." World Book Discovery Encyclopedia. Ed. World Book Discovery. 8th ed. Chicago, IL: World Book Inc., 2009. 75-76  Persian Cinderella

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