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P ersian M anuscripts a selection of a private collection.

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Presentation on theme: "P ersian M anuscripts a selection of a private collection."— Presentation transcript:

1 P ersian M anuscripts a selection of a private collection.

2 Types of Items und how many 25 Still Images of copies of photos of the original pieces (which don’t do justice, but present the reader with some idea).

3 Descriptive Metadata Each Item shall contain the following pieces of metadata: Title Subject Description- a thorough, as thorough can be, description will be provided of the item itself a Creator a Source possibly a Date Format Language The Collector and a brief bio. Technically, these are Still Images of the Manuscripts, but they themselves were Manuscripts and will have an item- type created uniquely for it; ie. Persian Manuscripts (and a brief definition).

4 How will items be TAGGED Examples: Persian Persian Manuscripts Timurid Period Saffavid Period Persian Art circa … Persian Poetry Poetry Persian Miniatures Names of the Poets Names of the Writer and Illustrator if possible Name of the collector Natural Inks Any other Suggestions?

5 which Plug-in and Why? Comments for feedback Contribution for visitors to upload any images they may have of a Persian Manuscript Exhibit Builder to create an Exhibit Image Annotation for users to annotate their images Simple Contact form

6 Social Bookmarking preferably for the whole collection, not just one item SolrSearch Terms of Service as a disclaimer Tweetster for Omeka WikiCite


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