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Impact of War By Luke and Clayton. Agent Orange / Used in Vietnam / Reveal enemy hiding places / Distributed by hand, airplane, & vehicle / Vietnam vets.

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Presentation on theme: "Impact of War By Luke and Clayton. Agent Orange / Used in Vietnam / Reveal enemy hiding places / Distributed by hand, airplane, & vehicle / Vietnam vets."— Presentation transcript:

1 Impact of War By Luke and Clayton

2 Agent Orange / Used in Vietnam / Reveal enemy hiding places / Distributed by hand, airplane, & vehicle / Vietnam vets sue makers of Agent Orange / U.S. vets sue makers of Agent Orange / Only U.S. got money out of court / Used in Vietnam / Reveal enemy hiding places / Distributed by hand, airplane, & vehicle / Vietnam vets sue makers of Agent Orange / U.S. vets sue makers of Agent Orange / Only U.S. got money out of court

3 Operation Desert Storm / Invaded to acquire Kuwait oil / Started 2 a.m. August 2, 1990 / Less than 10% of dropped bombs were precision guided / Invaded to acquire Kuwait oil / Started 2 a.m. August 2, 1990 / Less than 10% of dropped bombs were precision guided

4 Health Problems from Agent Orange / Prostate, Lung, & multiple Myelome / Linked to diabetes / 2 skin diseases / Congress passed law for veterans / Prostate, Lung, & multiple Myelome / Linked to diabetes / 2 skin diseases / Congress passed law for veterans

5 During Operation Desert Storm / Estimated 10,000 to 30,000 Iraq military personnel killed / 1,000 to 5,000 civilians killed / Biggest civilian loss approx. 400 lives from 2 bombs

6 Conclusion / Agent Orange and Operation Desert Storm had major impacts on both the people and the war

7 Credits / All images were received from the Google image search. 2/29/08 / Deese, David A, “Persian Gulf War.” The World Book Encyclopedia. 1997 ed. 1997 / “Operation Desert Storm.” Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia. 2008. Scholastic Lib. 25 Jan. 2008 / Agent Orange Website. 24 Jan. 2008 / Bennett, Gary F. “Agent Orange.” World Book. 2006 ed. 2006. / Phillip, Griffiths Jones. “Agent Orange.” Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia. 2007. Scholastic / Lib. 24 Jan. 2008>.>. / Wikipedia. 25 Jan. 2008 / All images were received from the Google image search. 2/29/08 / Deese, David A, “Persian Gulf War.” The World Book Encyclopedia. 1997 ed. 1997 / “Operation Desert Storm.” Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia. 2008. Scholastic Lib. 25 Jan. 2008 / Agent Orange Website. 24 Jan. 2008 / Bennett, Gary F. “Agent Orange.” World Book. 2006 ed. 2006. / Phillip, Griffiths Jones. “Agent Orange.” Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia. 2007. Scholastic / Lib. 24 Jan. 2008>.>. / Wikipedia. 25 Jan. 2008

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