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1 Return from Exile History of the Old Testament Ezra, Nehemiah, Haggai Zechariah, Malachi, Esther.

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2 1 Return from Exile History of the Old Testament Ezra, Nehemiah, Haggai Zechariah, Malachi, Esther

3 2

4 3 + official length of exile: 70 Years (Je. 25:11-12; 29:10; 2 Chr. 36:21; Da. 9:2; Zec. 1:12) + Isaiah’s Prophecy: “a king called Cyrus” will allow exiles in Babylon to return home (Is. 44:28; 45:1, 4, 13) + Proclamation of Cyrus (Persian Empire) : exiled peoples return to your homes! (2 Chr. 36:22-23; Ezr. 1:1-4) Introduction ?

5 4 Sheshbazzar Zerubbabel Return & Rebuilding Temple (Ezra 1-6; Haggai; Zechariah 1-8)  Reconstructed the great altar  Laid the foundation (Ezr. 3)

6 5 !!!! l Work suspended...... local authorities (Ezr. 4-5) l Discouragement (Hg. 1:2) l Severe drought (Hg. 1:10-11) l Encouragement: Haggai (Hg. 1:13-14) & Zechariah (Zec. 1:16-17) “Do not lose heart!” (Ezr. 5:1-2) opposition

7 6 Finally! The temple is completed and dedicated with a celebration of passover (Ezr. 6)

8 7

9 8 Rebuilding the Walls/Ezra Malachi; Zechariah 9-14; Nehemiah 1-13; Ezra 7-10  Post-exilic community in Palestine: disillusionment set in   Many promises: not immediately fulfilled  The Dynasty of David: rise again! (Is. 11:1-3; Am. 9:11-12)

10 9 Reality though... temple restored (cf. Is. 4:2-6) remnant returned (Is. 10:20-25; 37:30-32)... u Jerusalem a center of worship for the nations (cf. Is. 56:6-7; 66:18-21) u Davidic king on the throne u Post-exilic community floundered (Mal. 1:10, 12-13; 3:8-9) not

11 10  The future for which they longed would indeed come (3:1)  Elijah the prophet would arise to preach (4:5-6) Malachi

12 11 Zechariah  New King Coming!  Peace on the Earth! (Zec. 9:9-10)  God:  destroy enemies (Zec. 12:2-9)  extend forgiveness for their sin (Zec. 13:1)

13 Ezra Nehemiah

14 13 s Trek from Persia to Jerusalem: walls of Jerusalem still lying in ruin!! (Ne. 2) s rebuild the walls!! (Ne. 2:17-18) s formidable opposition (Ne. 4, 6) s persevered until the wall was completed (Ne. 6:15-16)

15 14 teaching ministry (Ezr. 7:8-10) the law of Moses (Ne. 8) spiritual reform (Ne. 9-10) repentance: intermarriage (Ezr. 9:1-4)

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