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Rise of New Empires Big Idea: The Assyrians and Persians establish vast empires in the ancient world.

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Presentation on theme: "Rise of New Empires Big Idea: The Assyrians and Persians establish vast empires in the ancient world."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rise of New Empires Big Idea: The Assyrians and Persians establish vast empires in the ancient world.

2 Assyrian Empire Northern Mesopotamia 1 st to use entirely iron weapons New military equipment movable towers &battering rams. Terrorized enemies Contributions: government, king -absolute power Divided empire into provinces- led by governor responsible to king. public works-built post for communication to relay messages. 1 st library-King Ashurbanipal built it with 1000’s of clay tablets at Nineveh.

3 Persia Largest yet seen empire-extended 3,000 miles Royal Road allowed for easy communication and travel. Persian Leaders Cyrus-created powerful Persian state and captured Babylonia. Known as “The Great” adopted features of conquered civilizations. Cambyses-son of Cyrus, successfully invaded Egypt. Darius-made Persia largest empire ever seen. Divided empire, each province ruled by a Satrap Fighting over Persian throne-made government weak-Greeks take over.

4 Persian Religion Religion-Zoroastrianism, based on Zoroaster (Phrophet). Holy book (Zend Avesta) Monotheistic, Ahuramazada (supreme god) (good) vs. Ahriman (evil spririt). Constant struggle between good and evil People choose right and wrong. Believed in afterlife.

5 Section 4 Review Persian route from Lydia to Susa The Royal Road The Immortals were professional cavalry and infantry forces that numbered____ soldiers each. 10,000 The Persian Empire was eventually weakened by what? Struggles to control the throne Persian Religion Zoroastrianism

6 Section 4 Review Zoroaster taught what 4 things? Good, evil, afterlife, and free choice Governor of Persian province Satrap

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