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The Good, the Bad and the Ugly Micro-Organisms. Micro-organisms can be both beneficial and harmful to humans They play an important role in our daily.

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Presentation on theme: "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly Micro-Organisms. Micro-organisms can be both beneficial and harmful to humans They play an important role in our daily."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Good, the Bad and the Ugly Micro-Organisms

2 Micro-organisms can be both beneficial and harmful to humans They play an important role in our daily lives and our food supply

3 Molds: PenicillinPenicillin Bacteria (Brown Slime) Penicillin Mold (While Circle) Antibacterial Activity (clear area indicates Penicillin is “killing” the bacteria)

4 Discovered in 1928 by Scottish born, Sir Alexander Fleming While growing bacteria in his lab, he noticed that one of his samples had a fungus mold growing in it that was killing the bacteria. This mold (Penicillin) was able to kill the cell walls of bacteria.

5 Mold is added to blue cheese to give it its unique flavour, colour and smell!

6 Soy Sauce production uses mold to ferment a soybean/ wheat mixture to give it a unique taste, deep brown colour, and intense aroma.

7 Yeast and Baking When yeast is given sugar (sugar, wheat, grain…) it begins to ferment and produce CO 2 and ethanol (alcohol). Fermentation: Yeast + C 6 H 12 O 6  2C 2 H 5 OH + 2CO 2 Yeast + Sugar = Ethanol + Carbon Dioxide Baking (Rising Bread)

8 Bacteria and Yogurt A special bacteria called Lactobacillus bulgaricus are able to turn milk into a thick creamy yogurt. The bacteria found in yogurt are very good for your health. (Activia Challenge-probiotics) Bacteria is used to make cheese.

9 Algae Algae are used in ice cream, milkshakes, puddings, salad dressings, Jello®, peanut butter, toothpaste etc. to help thicken the mixture. Look for these algae ingredients: carrageenan, alginate, and beta carotene.

10 Harmful Effects of Some Micro- organisms 1. Rot (food, plants…)

11 Harmful Effects of Some Micro- organisms 2. Illness (diarrhea, food poisoning)

12 Harmful Effects of Some Micro- organisms 3. Disease (Cholera, Tuberculosis) Bacteria that cause choleraBacteria that cause tuberculosis

13 Harmful Effects of Some Micro- organisms 4.Infect wounds

14 Harmful Effects of Some Micro- organisms 5. Fungal growth (athlete’s foot)

15 Harmful Effects of Some Micro- organisms 6. Bad odour (smelly feet) Micrococci bacteria Corynebacterium

16 Protecting Ourselves Against Harmful Micro-organisms Person to Person: – Wash your hands often – Cover your nose and mouth when you cough or sneeze – Avoid kissing people if you are sick

17 Protecting Ourselves Against Harmful Micro-organisms Water: ­ Filter the water ­ Disinfect Water (e.g. chlorine, UV radiation) ­ Avoid drinking from unknown water sources Insects: ­ Wear bug spray ­ Wear protective clothing ­ Avoid scented products

18 Protecting Ourselves Against Harmful Micro-organisms Food: – Wash and clean food – Cook food properly – Reheat at high temperature – **Store food properly – Dispose of old food

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