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INSPECTION MATTERS Providing Inspection Services for Department of Education Department for Employment and Learning Department of Culture, Arts and Leisure.

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Presentation on theme: "INSPECTION MATTERS Providing Inspection Services for Department of Education Department for Employment and Learning Department of Culture, Arts and Leisure."— Presentation transcript:

1 INSPECTION MATTERS Providing Inspection Services for Department of Education Department for Employment and Learning Department of Culture, Arts and Leisure The Education and Training Inspectorate - Promoting Improvement Killyhevlin Hotel 22/23 rd April 2010

2 Inspection Strategy 1. Proportionate approach to inspection 2. Evaluation of performance 3. Proposed Procedures

3 Performance Indicators The Inspection landscape  Outstanding  Very good  Good  Satisfactory  Inadequate  Unsatisfactory

4 Proportionate Strategy  Key elements of Proportionate Strategy : - fair and appropriate - longitudinal/collaborative - formal and rigorous

5 Proportionate Classification  Outcome of recent inspection  Outcome of recent follow-up inspection  Outcome of surveys  Outcome of the school’s analysis of its assessment data  DI knowledge  Outcome of external evaluations/AHS  Outcome of school’s annual self-evaluation report

6 Proposed Procedures: The Strategy in Action  Outstanding or very good -- -------- collaborative process---------published report/case study  Good> satisfactory ---Capacity building process( MV) ------------FUI  Inadequate and Unsatisfactory ---- programme of change----------MVs- FUI -------progress report

7 Inspection Matters The Personal Landscape  Dealing with uncertainty  Working in a challenging environment  Recognising the strengths of the sector  Personal perspectives on organisation  Responsible leadership for all  Dealing with concerns.

8 Inspection Matters Great service is in the eye of the beholder. Batteries Included Nigel May Barlow

9 Inspection Matters Together Towards Improvement Providing Inspection Services for Department of Education Department for Employment and Learning Department of Culture, Arts and Leisure The Education and Training Inspectorate - Promoting Improvement Killyhevlin 2010 April

10 Together Towards Improvement ‘ all children and young people are entitled to education of the highest quality which enables them to develop as individuals and gain skills, knowledge and understanding’ Overview questions  How effective and efficient are the provision and related services in meeting the needs of learners and why?  What steps need to be taken to improve the provision further?  Has he organisation the capacity to improve the provision?


12 How effective are leadership and management in raising achievement and supporting learners?  Vision and knowledge  Self-evaluation and targets setting  Staff development and deployment  Resource  Partnership  Values and principles

13 Provision for Learning

14 Teaching and Learning How effective are teaching, training and learning and assessment?  Planning  Learning environment  Curriculum experiences  Classroom assistants  Assessment leading to learning  Pathways-careers-transition

15 Achievements and Standards

16 Achievements and Standards How well do the learners develop and achieve?  Baseline start – profile  IEPs– access to learning  Demonstrating progress  Recording and reporting  Outcomes

17 The cloud will clear-----eventually

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