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Classroom Exercise: SQL

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1 Classroom Exercise: SQL
Consider a bookstore database with this schema: Books(bookid, title, author, year) Customers (customerid, name, ) Purchases (customerid, bookid, year) Reviews (customerid, bookid, rating) // rating is 1, 2, 3, … Pricing (bookid, format, price) // format is 'audio', 'hb', 'pb',… Write SQL queries to find the following information: titles of all books written by 'EDMUND MORGAN' since 1990 titles, authors and prices of all books with 'CIVIL WAR' in the title available in audio list how many books 'JOHN SMITH' bought in each year that he bought at least one book names and addresses of all customers who bought more than one book in 2003 titles, authors, and average ratings for all books with 'CIVIL WAR' in the title

2 Normalization Example
Consider relation R(name, SSN, BD, childName, childSSN, childBD, VIN, make) Assume these FDs: SSN -> name BD childSSN -> childName childBD VIN -> make Therefore key is {SSN,childSSN,VIN} and all FDs violate BCNF. Assume these MVDs: SSN ->-> childSSN childName childBD SSN ->-> VIN make Thus all MVDs violate 4NF.

3 Normalization Ex. cont'd
Decompose R using SSN ->-> childSSN childName childBD: R1(SSN,childSSN,childName,childBD) R2(SSN,name,BD,VIN,make) Decompose R2 using SSN ->-> VIN make: R2.1(SSN,VIN,make) R2.2(SSN,name,BD) Decompose R1 using childSSN -> childName childBD: R1.1(childSSN,childName,childBD) R1.2(SSN,childSSN) Decompose R2.1 using VIN -> make: R2.1.1(VIN,make) R2.2.2(SSN,VIN) final set of relations

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