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USPS Updates March 2007 Release. 2 General Updated tax related tables –Federal withholding tables –Federal withholding allowance amounts –EIC Payment.

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Presentation on theme: "USPS Updates March 2007 Release. 2 General Updated tax related tables –Federal withholding tables –Federal withholding allowance amounts –EIC Payment."— Presentation transcript:

1 USPS Updates March 2007 Release

2 2 General Updated tax related tables –Federal withholding tables –Federal withholding allowance amounts –EIC Payment –Social Security tax wage base Validation on Country code updated –All country codes added will be validated

3 3 Adjustments to Leave Balances Software changes were made to begin tracking of leave balance changes –USPSCN/ATDSCN –USPSCN/BENSCN –BENACC

4 4 Adjustments to Leave Balances Any program that modifies a leave balance will print on the AUDRPT –Included with the BEN selection as well as ‘all’ (blank) –Can’t identify what program made the change, just the leave balance was modified –Logic will tell you what program might have changed it Reduction in balance indicates delete of AC in ATDSCN, AB entry was added in ATDSCN, BENACC ran with a negative in the accumulation value –AB added will be paired with ‘Adj to leave entry’ Increase in balance indicates BENACC accumulation ran or ATDSCN AB entry was deleted –AB deletion will be paired with ‘Adj to leave entry’

5 5 Adjustments to Leave Balances AUDRPT Enter BEN or leave blank

6 6 Adjustments to Leave Balances AUDRPT Increase in balance with no other ‘adj’ entry is from BENACC Decrease in balance and increase adj indicates ‘add’ in ATDSCN

7 7 Adjustments to Leave Balances AUDRPT Decrease in balance and increase adj indicates ‘add’ in ATDSCN Increase in balance and decrease adj indicates ‘delete’in ATDSCN Decrease in balance and increase adj indicates ‘add’ in ATDSCN

8 8 New Field Added A new field was added to hold the State Assigned Credential ID –Is visible in DEMSCN and BIOSCN of USPSCN Validations will include –First 2 characters must be alpha –Remaining must be numeric



11 11 New Field/Credential ID New 1 time use - USPS program –If the EMIS credential ID is blank, the ODE alternate ID file will be read and the state assigned ID will be placed in the EMIS credential ID field After 1 time program is ran, district will have to enter the EMIS credential ID for new staff


13 13 USPS ID Fields SSN –Employee SSN Employee ID –District assigned employee ID –May be employee SSN EMIS ID –May be the state assigned ID –May be blank Credential ID –Must be the state assigned ID for certificated staff

14 14 EMIS ID Fields EMIS reported ID –Included on extraction file –Prior to credential ID, this was the SSN if the EMIS ID in USPS was blank Credential ID –Required for reporting starting with February ’07 cycle

15 15 New Field/Credential ID USPEMS changes –The user will be prompted for the ID to place on the report and file for the EMIS Reported ID If the EMIS ID in USPS is blank, options will be –Report the SSN –Report the district assigned Employee ID –Report the credential ID

16 16 USPEMS

17 17 New Field/Credential ID –It is imperative the user select the option that matches the ID the district has used in their student software for certificated staff The credential ID from USPS will always be placed in the credential ID field on the extraction file

18 18 New Field/Credential ID If credential ID is blank –Field will be “*” filled and reported to EMIS as such –Likely the situation for all classified staff

19 19 New Reporting Cycle Reporting cycle “C” added –February 2007 USPEMS Changes –New reporting cycle selection option will be added –All staff records will be extracted –EMIS aggregations will process only those records needed for the CTAE requirements

20 20 USPEMS

21 21 BENACC ACCRUAL –Defaults to projection option always and not the last entered RESET –Defaults to projection option always and not the last entered

22 22 USPLOAD/DEDSCN Board error adjustment field can be loaded –BOARD_ERROR_ADJ Employee error adjustment field can be loaded –ERROR_ADJ Advance error adjustment field can be loaded –ADV_ERROR_ADJ

23 23 USPLOAD DEDNAM –Added new SUPPRESS_SSN_ID field BIOSCN –Added credential ID JOBSCN –Added supervisor ID

24 24 MASCHG/MASENOT Includes employee email address on the report –Report is now 132 columns wide

25 25 MASCHG/MASINC Modified to allow a user with PPS access into the program to increment years of experience

26 26 AUDRPT Modified to always make the default option the ‘demand’ report

27 27 OSDIRPT Includes OSDI changes effective January 1 –Details can be found at index.stm Choosing the ‘map’ option

28 28 PAYDIR Added option to include the employee ID rather than SSN on ACH submission file –Districts should contact direct deposit processing bank to determine if they require the SSN or if the district assigned ID can be used Y = Omit SSN from files (leaves field blank) N = No not omit SSN from file R = Replace SSN with district assigned employee ID

29 29 PAYDIR

30 30 PAYDED Added option to include the employee ID rather than SSN on ACH submission file for HSA deduction amounts –Districts should contact processing bank to determine if they require the SSN or if the district assigned ID can be used

31 31 PAYDED

32 32 USPSDAT/DEDNAM Added option to each deduction for printing of SSN/ID information on PAYDED report –S or blank = Always print SSN –I = Always print district assigned Employee ID –N = Print nothing, always leave blank Initial default will be to print SSN as previous behavior would have been


34 34 PAYDED Based on the DEDNAM flag for that deduction code, PAYDED will decide what to include in the Employee ID column on the report –Word of warning: If the district sorts by SSN/ ID and a deduction code is flagged to leave the SSN/ID blank, the records will be listed in the SSN/ID order even though the field on the report is blank

35 35 USPSDAT/DNAMRPT Added new flag for optionally suppressing the SSN and employee ID from the PAYDED reports to the DNAMRPT

36 36 USPSDAT/DEDNAM Added warning for mismatch of annuity type –When adding an ANN deduction type, if the annuity type “H” is selected a warning will be issued USPS only supports annuity type “H” when using the ADOP deduction type, which is a special annuity

37 37 USPSCN/DEMSCN Changed description of “Degree Major” to “ECE Qualification”

38 38 PAYROLLCD Modified to copy the PAYFORM.TXT Modified to copy PAYDED.DAT

39 39 UDMS EMPLOYEES view –Added Credential ID field

40 40 USPRPT SURCHG –Modified report to always default to a blank fiscal year –User will always have to enter a value EMPMST –Added credential ID field to report

41 41 W2C Changed for new area on W2C form for employee’s name suffix Allows an “X” to print if incorrect SSN box needs to be checked Added information for designated Roth IRAs –401(k) –403(b)

42 42 W2PROC Modified so a user with read only payroll access can run W2PROC from the MENU –Previously they could run it interactive but not the MENU

43 Problems Corrected March 2007 Release

44 44 PAYROLLCD Corrected issue that prevented PAYDED reports from being copied when only a board share was processed in the program Group deduction checks will now be include on the CHKSTS reports created

45 45 W2PROC Corrected a problem that prevented HSA amounts from showing in box 12 when there was no employee share withheld, there was only board share contributions reportable on the W2 form

46 46 W2PROC Changed W2PROC to always create the normal name tokens when it would have created only a shortened name token. This happened for employees with long names. –Should allow laser software to print names correctly

47 Technical Updates March 2007 Release

48 48 New Field/Credential ID New field was added to USPEMP.LIB/USPEMP.IDX file –Added from existing filler space –9 characters long EMPLOYEE_REC

49 49 New Fields Added DEDNAM.LIB DEDUCTION_NAMES –Added new field from filler space for the flag to allow suppressing of the SSN or employee ID –Added designated Roth IRA field from filler space

50 50 ODJFSTR Modified so the program looks in the default directory location, SYS$DISK, for the appended file rather than where OECN$DTA

51 51 PAYROLLCD Corrected a problem that caused a SYMDUMP.TXT file to be created needlessly

52 52 New File Added to USPS USPKEYS.IDX –Will be used to store cross reference keys for various data files in USPS First use will be for supervisor ID lookups –Update save procedures to include this new file –Update access control lists to include this new file

53 53 USPS0703.COM Command procedure that builds the USPKEYS.IDX file Command procedure executes USPS00 which will create the file and populate Should be ran against all districts after install of March release After installation, the file will maintain itself and used internally

54 54 Adjustments to Leave Balances Districts with users who run only ATDSCN may require special updates so those restricted accounts have access to the USPAUD.SEQ file now –ACL changes –Protection changes, etc.

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