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Published byMarilynn Montgomery Modified over 10 years ago
Distribution Statement A : Approved For Public Release; Distribution is unlimited 1 A testcase framework for the PLCS-IF Ben Kassel Naval Surface Warfare Center Carderock Division Distribution Statement A : Approved For Public Release; Distribution is unlimited
2 Product Model data is the combination of 3D geometry and non-graphic attributes to define ship objects such as a piece of equipment, deck, bulkhead, etc. Product Model data can be organized to define interim products and ultimately the entire ship. Advocates anticipate substantial economies from Product-Model-based design, construction, and service-life support activities due to better integration and reduction of engineering effort to locate, verify, and transform information. Part & System Definition (Caterpillar 3512, Starboard Main Engine, Propulsion System) Design Definition (12 cylinder 4 stroke diesel engine ) Physical (Geometry, material connections, etc.) Engineering Definition (1175 HP, 6464kg, 170mm bore, 190mm stroke) Process Definition (Starting instructions, shaft alignment) Logistics Support (FGC, SCLSIS, etc.) Digital Product Model Data A brief review
Distribution Statement A : Approved For Public Release; Distribution is unlimited 3 Digital Product Model Data … its more than just design and construction The Digital Product Model can support the entire ship’s lifecycle. The DPM should be the primary source of data for all pre milestone B activities. The DPM should be used by NAVSEA to validate the design during the Detail Design and Ship Production phases. The DPM should be the authoritative source of data in support of the Situation Incident Room upon delivery of the ship. The DPM should be the authoritative source of data for technical manuals, training.
Distribution Statement A : Approved For Public Release; Distribution is unlimited 4 Uses of the Digital Product Model Rear Admiral Eccles affirmation
Distribution Statement A : Approved For Public Release; Distribution is unlimited 5 Provide guidance for the acquisition of product model and related technical data. This instruction applies to product models and technical data derived directly from the product model such as engineering analysis, bills of material, and drawings. This instruction implements the DON POLICY ON DIGITAL PRODUCT/TECHNICAL DATA issued in 2004 and the NAVSEA SHIP DESIGN AND TOOLS GOALS issued in 2008. This instruction does not specify a format explicitly, but instead requires Navy stakeholders to reach consensus on the definition and delivery of product model data. Balances cost, data utility, and data exchange technology. NAVSEA Instruction 9040.3A Acquisition and Management of Product Model and other Technical Data Ship and ship system design, acquisition, and fleet support activities shall procure and accept product model data in accordance with ISO 10303, Standard for the Exchange of Product model data (STEP) format, native Computer Aided Design (CAD) files, and/or Leading Edge Architecture for Prototyping Systems (LEAPS) format. This should be based on solutions that provide the best technical and cost performance as determined by a NAVSEA business case analysis.
Distribution Statement A : Approved For Public Release; Distribution is unlimited 6 Product Model Data Definition and Exchange A NAVSEA perspective A two level approach for the exchange of product model data First level : Second level : Support configuration management, logistics support, provisioning, spares, and repairs through the use of STEP for geometry, product structure, non graphical attributes, and to manage configuration items of the as-built / as-maintained ship. Deliver the as-designed class model of 1)molded forms suitable for defining a general arrangement 2)scantling level of detail of structure to support structural (and other types of) analysis 3)functional distributed systems model (i.e. path, components, and connections) 4)compartmentation, including accesses, opening, and tightness 5)plates, stiffeners, brackets, collars, and other structural components as parts 6)distributed system components, fittings, and equipment as parts.
Distribution Statement A : Approved For Public Release; Distribution is unlimited 7 The Digital Product Model shall be delivered in both a native and neutral format. The neutral format shall comply with the Department of the Navy Policy on Digital Product/Technical Data dated 23 October 2004. ISO 10303 Part 214 shall be used to define the Digital Product Model geometry. ISO 10303 Part 239 shall be used to define product structure, the relationship between objects, and configuration management data. The Builder shall provide a list in the PPM 1 of each data exchange specification (DEX) that will be used to support the ISO Part 239 exchange. In the event the contractor can demonstrate the need for an additional DEX, then the contractor shall develop a NAVSEA approved DEX. 1 Process and Procedures Manual Implementing the Policy Ships Specification 098 – 3D Product Model
Distribution Statement A : Approved For Public Release; Distribution is unlimited 8 NATIVE ShipConstructor® DATA EXTRACTED NON-GRAPHICAL ATTRIBUTES EXTRACTED GEOMETRY Archiving Ship Product Model Data Mining ShipConstructor Product Model Definition
Distribution Statement A : Approved For Public Release; Distribution is unlimited 9 A testcase framework for PLCS-IF Test case ultimate depth and breadth
Distribution Statement A : Approved For Public Release; Distribution is unlimited A testcase framework for PLCS-IF A small distributed system Electrical Components ● Mechanical Components ● Piping Components Systems ● Subsystems ● Assemblies
Distribution Statement A : Approved For Public Release; Distribution is unlimited Monitor Gate Valve condition 1.Locate all of the valves in fuel oil service 2.Determine the date the valve was placed in service 3.If the valve is more than 20 years old flag it to be replaced 4.If the valve is between 10 and 20 years old, issue a service bulletin to inspect for signs of seepage and report back 5.For all reports that indicate seepage, schedule valve replacement during the next scheduled maintenance period 6.Determine the next time the ship has maintenance scheduled 7.For all reports that indicate no problem make a notation in the ships maintenance logs Attributes to support USE case Ship Hull Number Date put in service Location Availability System Attributes Type (SWBS?) Fluid Type Part Attributes Seal type Model number Serial number Seal material Install date Overhaul date Size The useful life of gate valves used in fuel oil service is 20 years. Gate valves between 10 and 20 years old should be inspected periodically, and their condition reported. This is not a critical issue so the repair does not need to be made immediately. However, planning is required to purchase new seals or replacement valves depending on their condition. From the product model repository A testcase framework for PLCS-IF A sample USE case (Product Operational Information)
Distribution Statement A : Approved For Public Release; Distribution is unlimited 12 The test case was developed to exercise Parts Assemblies Systems Configuration Management Multiple product structures Workflow Revision control Parts placed in a system Parts placed in an assembly Assemblies placed in a system Systems divided into subsystems A testcase framework for PLCS-IF Scope like stuff The test case includes information required to Design the system Develop the work package to assemble a system Purchase components Maintain the system Repair the system Operate the system Provide sufficient data to develop a product model and collect all the “other technical data” necessary to perform the aforementioned task. The test shall be of sufficient breadth and depth that the output products required to support the aforementioned tasks can be generated automatically from the product data. Additionally, there will be sufficient information to associate the other technical data to the product data and to allow simultaneous configuration management of the product data and other technical data.
Distribution Statement A : Approved For Public Release; Distribution is unlimited 13 A testcase framework for PLCS-IF Bill of Material (well almost) InstanceComponent Item NameT0T1T2R00R01R02R10R11R12R20R21R22pipe end xpipe end ypipe end zlength E01Tank, 700 gallon480000100001 E0210 GPM Pump and Motor Unit120.89847.38-4.0701000001 E03Tank, 200 gallon209.12541201000001 E04Breaker Box, 300 amp1837236100010001 E05Strainer Y, 150lb, 1in, FF104.502303100010001 F01Elbow, SCH40, BW, 1in193.0630310000010 F02Elbow, SCH40, BW, 1in196.0630510000 0 0 J01Gasket 1/16in, 150lb, 1in50.56303100010001 J10Flange, 300lb, FF, 1in130.945303100010001 J11Flange, 150lb, FF, 1in142.82303000 0001 J12Gasket 1/16in, 150lb, 1in142.88330300010001 J13Gasket 1/16in, 150lb, 1in146.823303100010001 J14Flange, 150lb, FF, 1in146.885303100010001 J15Flange, 150lb, FF, 1in206.498305100010001 J16Gasket 1/16in, 150lb, 1in206.56305100010001 J02Flange, 150lb, FF, 1in50.623303100010001 J03Flange, 150lb, FF, 1in106.8830300010001 J04Gasket 1/16in, 150lb, 1in106.94330300010001 J05Gasket 1/16in, 150lb, 1in110.883303100010001 J06Flange, 150lb, FF, 1in110.945303100010001 J07Flange, 300lb, FF, 1in122.82303000 0001 J08Gasket 1/16 in, 300lb, 1in122.82303100010001 J09Gasket 1/16 in, 300lb, 1in130.883303100010001 P01Pipe, SCH40, BW, 1in50.883303100010001106.623031.41572 P02Pipe, SCH40, BW, 1in111.205303100010001122.563030.288417 P03Pipe, SCH40, BW, 1in131.205303100010001142.563030.288417 P04Pipe, SCH40, BW, 1in147.145303100010001193.1263031.167917 P05Pipe, SCH40, BW, 1in194.56304.500010100194.563049.51.143 P06Pipe, SCH40, BW, 1in196.063051100010001206.23830510.258521 P07Pipe, SCH40, BW, 1in50.883303100010001100.1773031.252068 V01Valve Gate, 150lb, 1in, FF106.943303100010001 V02Valve Gate, 150lb, 1in, FF142.88330300010001 W01Wire121.38342.690.3810001000119275364.140683
Distribution Statement A : Approved For Public Release; Distribution is unlimited 14 A testcase framework for PLCS-IF Systems of Parts
Distribution Statement A : Approved For Public Release; Distribution is unlimited 15 A testcase framework for PLCS-IF Assemblies of Parts
Distribution Statement A : Approved For Public Release; Distribution is unlimited 16 A testcase framework for PLCS-IF Parts Libaries
Distribution Statement A : Approved For Public Release; Distribution is unlimited 17 A testcase framework for PLCS-IF Catalogs
Distribution Statement A : Approved For Public Release; Distribution is unlimited 18 A testcase framework for PLCS-IF Drawings
Distribution Statement A : Approved For Public Release; Distribution is unlimited 19 A testcase framework for PLCS-IF Ordering Information
Distribution Statement A : Approved For Public Release; Distribution is unlimited 20 A testcase framework for PLCS-IF Configuration Management
Distribution Statement A : Approved For Public Release; Distribution is unlimited 21 A testcase framework for PLCS-IF Configuration Management
Distribution Statement A : Approved For Public Release; Distribution is unlimited 22 distPort_22 J03 J04 V01 J06 J05 distPort_20 distPort_62 distPort_63 distPort_23 distPort_24 distPort_25 Component NameInstanceNodeNode Unique IDxPartyPartzPartxModelyModelzModel Flange, 150lb, FF, 1inJ03J03 Port 1distPort_20000106.88303 Flange, 150lb, FF, 1inJ03J03 Port 2distPort_210.2600106.62303 Gasket 1/16in, 150lb, 1inJ04J04 Port 1distPort_22000106.943303 Gasket 1/16in, 150lb, 1inJ04J04 Port 2distPort_230.062500106.8805303 Gasket 1/16in, 150lb, 1inJ05J05 Port 1distPort_24000110.883303 Gasket 1/16in, 150lb, 1inJ05J05 Port 2distPort_250.062500110.9455303 Flange, 150lb, FF, 1inJ06J06 Port 1distPort_26000110.945303 Flange, 150lb, FF, 1inJ06J06 Port 2distPort_270.2600111.205303 Valve Gate, 150lb, 1in, FFV01V01 Port 1distPort_62000106.943303 Valve Gate, 150lb, 1in, FFV01V01 Port 2distPort_633.9400110.883303 distJoint_5 distJoint_6 distJoint_8 distJoint_7 FromToNode 1 UIDNode 2 UIDUnique IDConnection Description J03 Port 1J04 Port 2distPort_20distPort_23distJoint_5J03 Port 1 - J04 Port 2 J04 Port 1V01 Port 1distPort_22distPort_62distJoint_6J04 Port 1 - V01 Port 1 V01 Port 2J05 Port 1distPort_63distPort_24distJoint_7V01 Port 2 - J05 Port 1 J05 Port 2J06 Port 1distPort_25distPort_26distJoint_8J05 Port 2 - J06 Port 1 distPort_26 A testcase framework for PLCS-IF Connections and Connectors
Distribution Statement A : Approved For Public Release; Distribution is unlimited 23 A testcase framework for PLCS-IF Connections and Connectors P06 Port 2 J15 Port 2 J15 P06
Distribution Statement A : Approved For Public Release; Distribution is unlimited 24 A testcase framework for PLCS-IF Ports Component NameInstance NamePortNode Descriptive NameNode Unique IDxPartyPartzPartxModelyModelzModel 1Tank, 700 gallonE011E01 Port 1distPort_1-2.300024.000069.000024.0000-2.300069.0000 2Tank, 700 gallonE012E01 Port 2distPort_230.0000-2.30003.000050.300030.00003.0000 3Tank, 200 gallonE031E03 Port 1distPort_324.0000-2.300039.0000206.820030.000051.0000 4Tank, 200 gallonE032E03 Port 2distPort_442.000038.30003.0000247.420012.000015.0000 5Tank, 200 gallonE033E03 Port 3distPort_524.000038.30003.0000247.420030.000015.0000 6Tank, 200 gallonE034E03 Port 4distPort_66.000038.30003.0000247.420048.000015.0000 7Gasket 1/16in, 150lb, 1inJ011J01 Port 1distPort_70.0000 50.560030.00003.0000 8Gasket 1/16in, 150lb, 1inJ012J01 Port 2distPort_80.06250.0000 50.622530.00003.0000 9Gasket 1/16in, 150lb, 1inJ021J02 Port 1distPort_90.0000 50.560030.00003.0000 10Gasket 1/16in, 150lb, 1inJ022J02 Port 2distPort_100.26000.0000 50.820030.00003.0000 1110 GPM Pump and Motor UnitE021E02 Port 1distPort_1117.38001.98407.0730122.882030.00003.0000 1210 GPM Pump and Motor UnitE022E02 Port 2distPort_1217.38009.98407.0730130.882030.00003.0000 13Gasket 1/16in, 150lb, 1inJ031J03 Port 1distPort_130.0000 50.560030.00003.0000 14Gasket 1/16in, 150lb, 1inJ032J03 Port 2distPort_140.06250.0000 50.622530.00003.0000 15Gasket 1/16in, 150lb, 1inJ041J04 Port 1distPort_150.0000 50.560030.00003.0000 16Gasket 1/16in, 150lb, 1inJ042J04 Port 2distPort_160.26000.0000 50.820030.00003.0000 17Gasket 1/16in, 150lb, 1inJ051J05 Port 1distPort_170.0000 50.560030.00003.0000 18Gasket 1/16in, 150lb, 1inJ052J05 Port 2distPort_180.06250.0000 50.622530.00003.0000 19Gasket 1/16in, 150lb, 1inJ061J06 Port 1distPort_190.0000 50.560030.00003.0000 20Gasket 1/16in, 150lb, 1inJ062J06 Port 2distPort_200.26000.0000 50.820030.00003.0000 21Gasket 1/16in, 150lb, 1inJ071J07 Port 1distPort_210.0000 50.560030.00003.0000 22Gasket 1/16in, 150lb, 1inJ072J07 Port 2distPort_220.06250.0000 50.622530.00003.0000 23Gasket 1/16in, 150lb, 1inJ081J08 Port 1distPort_230.0000 50.560030.00003.0000 24Gasket 1/16in, 150lb, 1inJ082J08 Port 2distPort_240.26000.0000 50.820030.00003.0000 25Gasket 1/16in, 150lb, 1inJ091J09 Port 1distPort_250.0000 50.560030.00003.0000 26Gasket 1/16in, 150lb, 1inJ092J09 Port 2distPort_260.06250.0000 50.622530.00003.0000 27Flange, 300lb, FF, 1inJ101J10 Port 1distPort_270.0000 130.945030.00003.0000 28Flange, 300lb, FF, 1inJ102J10 Port 2distPort_280.26000.0000 131.205030.00003.0000 29Flange, 150lb, FF, 1inJ111J11 Port 1distPort_290.0000 142.820030.00003.0000 30Flange, 150lb, FF, 1inJ112J11 Port 2distPort_300.06250.0000 142.757530.00003.0000 31Gasket 1/16in, 150lb, 1inJ121J12 Port 1distPort_310.0000 142.883030.00003.0000 32Gasket 1/16in, 150lb, 1inJ122J12 Port 2distPort_320.06250.0000 142.820530.00003.0000 33Gasket 1/16in, 150lb, 1inJ131J13 Port 1distPort_330.0000 146.823030.00003.0000 34Gasket 1/16in, 150lb, 1inJ132J13 Port 2distPort_340.06250.0000 146.885530.00003.0000 35Flange, 150lb, FF, 1inJ141J14 Port 1distPort_350.0000 146.885030.00003.0000 36Flange, 150lb, FF, 1inJ142J14 Port 2distPort_360.26000.0000 147.145030.00003.0000 37Flange, 150lb, FF, 1inJ151J15 Port 1distPort_370.0000 206.498030.000051.0000 38Flange, 150lb, FF, 1inJ152J15 Port 2distPort_380.26000.0000 206.238030.000051.0000 39Gasket 1/16in, 150lb, 1inJ161J16 Port 1distPort_390.0000 206.560030.000051.0000 40Gasket 1/16in, 150lb, 1inJ162J16 Port 2distPort_400.06250.0000 206.497530.000051.0000 41Elbow, SCH40, BW, 1inF011F01 Port 1distPort_410.0000 193.060030.00003.0000 42Elbow, SCH40, BW, 1inF012F01 Port 2distPort_421.5000 0.0000194.560030.00004.5000 43Elbow, SCH40, BW, 1inF021F02 Port 1distPort_430.0000 196.060030.000051.0000 44Elbow, SCH40, BW, 1inF022F02 Port 2distPort_441.5000 0.0000194.560030.000049.5000 45Pipe, SCH40, BW, 1inP011P01 Port 1distPort_450.0000 50.883030.00003.0000 46Pipe, SCH40, BW, 1inP012P01 Port 2distPort_4655.73700106.620030.00003.0000 47Pipe, SCH40, BW, 1inP021P02 Port 1distPort_470.0000 111.205030.00003.0000 48Pipe, SCH40, BW, 1inP022P02 Port 2distPort_4811.35500122.560030.00003.0000 49Pipe, SCH40, BW, 1inP031P03 Port 1distPort_490.0000 131.205030.00003.0000 50Pipe, SCH40, BW, 1inP032P03 Port 2distPort_5011.35500142.560030.00003.0000 51Pipe, SCH40, BW, 1inP041P04 Port 1distPort_510.0000 147.145030.00003.0000 52Pipe, SCH40, BW, 1inP042P04 Port 2distPort_5245.98100193.126030.00003.0000 53Pipe, SCH40, BW, 1inP051P05 Port 1distPort_530.0000 194.560030.00004.5000 54Pipe, SCH40, BW, 1inP052P05 Port 2distPort_544500194.560030.000049.5000 55Pipe, SCH40, BW, 1inP061P06 Port 1distPort_550.0000 196.060030.000051.0000 56Pipe, SCH40, BW, 1inP062P06 Port 2distPort_5610.17800206.238030.000051.0000 57Valve Gate, 150lb, 1in, FFV011V01 Port 1distPort_570.0000 106.943030.00003.0000 58Valve Gate, 150lb, 1in, FFV012V01 Port 2distPort_583.9400110.883030.00003.0000 59Valve Gate, 150lb, 1in, FFV021V02 Port 1distPort_590.0000 142.882530.00003.0000 60Valve Gate, 150lb, 1in, FFV022V02 Port 2distPort_603.9400138.942530.00003.0000 61WireW011W01 Port 1distPort_61000121.383042.69000.3800 62WireW012W01 Port 2distPort_6270.61732.3135.62192.000075.000036.0000 63Breaker Box, 300 ampE041E04 Port 1distPort_63930192.000075.000036.0000 64Pipe, SCH40, BW, 1inP071P07 Port 1distPort_6400050.883030.00003.0000 65Pipe, SCH40, BW, 1inP071P07 Port 1distPort_6549.29400100.177030.00003.0000
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