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Employer Reporting Requirements Starting in 2016, What You Need to Report to the IRS for ACA Compliance.

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Presentation on theme: "Employer Reporting Requirements Starting in 2016, What You Need to Report to the IRS for ACA Compliance."— Presentation transcript:

1 Employer Reporting Requirements Starting in 2016, What You Need to Report to the IRS for ACA Compliance

2 Two Kinds of ReportingTwo Kinds of Reporting The Affordable Care Act (ACA) requires two kinds of reporting under the tax code:  Section 6055 Reporting – MEC Report  Used by the IRS to enforce the “individual mandate” provision of the ACA.  Used by individuals when they file their taxes to show months during which they were covered  Section 6056 Reporting – Shared Responsibility Report  Used by the IRS to enforce the “employer shared responsibility” portion of the ACA  Used by individuals to prove eligibility for premium subsidy  Final regulations combined the reports into a single report

3 Section 6055 (MEC) Reporting For insurers (and employers with self-funded plans) to report who has minimum essential coverage (MEC)

4 Section 6055 (MEC) ReportingSection 6055 (MEC) Reporting  Who Needs to File?  Employers with self-funded medical plans  Carrier will file for all insured medical plans

5 Section 6055 (MEC) ReportingSection 6055 (MEC) Reporting  What Gets Reported?  The IRS wants to know who was enrolled in minimum essential coverage (MEC) to verify individual taxes for not having coverage  A penalty will apply to anyone who doesn’t have coverage (no more than a 3-month break is allowed), unless they qualify for an exemption.

6 Section 6055 (MEC) ReportingSection 6055 (MEC) Reporting  What Gets Reported?  Name, address, and EIN of insurer (or employer offering self- funded coverage)  Name, address, and Social Security number of each employee who is enrolled at any time during the calendar year  Name, address, and Social Security number if available of each covered spouse and child  Each month for which the individual was enrolled in MEC or entitled to receive benefits for at least one day of the month.

7 Section 6056 (ALE) Reporting For applicable large employers (ALEs) to report which employees were offered affordable, minimum- value coverage

8 Section 6056 (ALE) ReportingSection 6056 (ALE) Reporting  Who Needs to File?  Applicable Large Employers (ALEs)  Employers with 50 or more full-time or full-time equivalent employees. Note that ALEs with between 50 and 99 employees are not exempt from this requirement.  All ALEs must file whether they offer fully insured coverage, self-funded coverage, or no coverage.  Also includes aggregated groups (such as controlled groups) but each employer member of the group must file separately.

9 Section 6056 (ALE) ReportingSection 6056 (ALE) Reporting  What Gets Reported?  EMPLOYER INFO  The name, address, and employer identification number (EIN) of the employer  A contact person for the employer (name and telephone number)  The calendar year for which the information is filed

10 Section 6056 (ALE) ReportingSection 6056 (ALE) Reporting  What Gets Reported?  EMPLOYEE INFO:  Name, address, and Social Security number of each employee who was offered coverage  All the calendar months during which the employee was offered group health coverage (and, if not, a code explaining the reason) - Codes may be used for :  “not employed”  “waiting period”  “part-time”  “not eligible”  The number of full-time employees in each month

11 Section 6056 (ALE) ReportingSection 6056 (ALE) Reporting  What Gets Reported?  OTHER INFO  Certification as to whether the employer offered minimum essential coverage to full-time employees  Whether coverage provides the required minimum actuarial value (60%)  Whether coverage was offered to the employee, the employee’s spouse, and/or the employee’s dependents  The employee’s monthly share for self-only coverage in the least expensive plan offering a minimum actuarial value of 60%

12 Section 6056 (ALE) ReportingSection 6056 (ALE) Reporting  What Gets Reported?  The employer will also be required to report the name, address, and EIN of a third party filing on its behalf.  If the employer is a member of an aggregated group, it will need to report the names and EINs of any other aggregated group members.  The employer must also report if it is a contributing member to a multiemployer plan.

13 Section 6056 (ALE) ReportingSection 6056 (ALE) Reporting  Alternative Reporting Methods  There are two simplified reporting methods that can be used under certain circumstances:  Certification of Qualifying Offers  Report not Identifying Full-Time Employees

14 Section 6056 (ALE) ReportingSection 6056 (ALE) Reporting  Alternative Reporting: Certification of Qualifying Offers  Employer must certify that for all months in the calendar year that the employee was full-time the following was true:  The employer offered the employee minimum essential coverage that provided coverage with a minimum actuarial value of 60%;  The annual cost to the employee for employee-only coverage did not exceed 9.5% of the federal poverty level for a single individual (in 2014, the cost could not be more than $1108.65 ($92.38 per month)); and  Employer offered minimum essential coverage to the employee’s spouse and children, if any.  For 2015, if employer made a qualifying offer to 95% of full-time employees, spouses and children  Report for employees receiving a qualifying offer for all 12 months will include Employee Name, SSN and Address along with code that qualifying offer was made

15 Section 6056 (ALE) ReportingSection 6056 (ALE) Reporting  Alternative Reporting: No Individualized Reporting with 98% Coverage  Employer offers coverage that is  minimum essential coverage  affordable (using any of the affordability safe harbor methods) and  has a minimum actuarial value of 60% to “substantially all” (at least 98%) of its full-time employees, then the employer is not required to include the names of full-time employees or the exact number of full-time employees.  Form is expected to be released by the IRS soon.

16 Reporting Mechanics What you need to do

17 Section 6055 and 6056 ReportingSection 6055 and 6056 Reporting  What to File  Send the following to the IRS:  One single transmittal form (1094-C) to the IRS  A separate return (1095-C) for each covered and full- time or enrolled employee  6055 Section completed for enrolled employees  6056 Section completed for full-time employees  Send a copy of the 1095-C to each individual for whom the 1095-C was sent to the IRS.

18 Section 6055 and 6056 ReportingSection 6055 and 6056 Reporting  When and How to Provide to Employees  Copies to individuals due January 31 st  Mailed to last known address of employee  Electronic filing permitted if:  Employee consents  Disclosure statement is provided with the consent request  Inform employee that paper copy is available upon request (and procedures for obtaining)  Indicate how long the consent lasts  Notice is provided if information is furnished on a website – “IMPORTANT TAX RETURN DOCUMENT AVAILABLE”  Statements on website until 10/15 of the year in which the statement is first made available

19 Section 6055 and 6056 ReportingSection 6055 and 6056 Reporting  When and How to File with IRS  Paper returns due to IRS by February 28th  Electronic returns due to IRS by March 31st Electronic returns required for entities filing more than 250 returns.  Filing extension is permitted up to 30 days, if:  Good cause  Extension is applied for from IRS

20 Begin to Gather DataBegin to Gather Data  Employer will need to gather data in 2015 for the 2016 reporting (unless an alternative method is available).  Determine whether a controlled group exists that must be aggregated  Determine whether benefits department or admin software will maintain data

21 Polestar Benefits, Inc. 412 Jefferson Parkway, Suite 202 Lake Oswego, OR 97035 (855) 222-3358 www.polestarbenefits. com 21 Questions? Comments?Questions? Comments? We are happy to help!We are happy to help!

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