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2014 Charter Renewal Process. Select Renewal Volunteer An adult member of the unit to handle the process. Attend District Recharter Orientation and pick.

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Presentation on theme: "2014 Charter Renewal Process. Select Renewal Volunteer An adult member of the unit to handle the process. Attend District Recharter Orientation and pick."— Presentation transcript:

1 2014 Charter Renewal Process

2 Select Renewal Volunteer An adult member of the unit to handle the process. Attend District Recharter Orientation and pick up online Recharter Access Code. Complete Charter Renewal Attend District Turn-in Party

3 Gather Information (Prior to November 1 st ) Make sure all applications have been turned in to the SSC for anyone who is participating in the unit in 2013. Current and up to date list of their units membership –(Hint: Download Roster from Internet Advancement or on your unit’s MY SCOUTING TOOLS website.) Assure all adults to be registered are current with program specific Youth Protection Training. (Must have been within the past 2 years) Data of which adults are holding which paid position Data of which adults are holding committee positions Assure the top unit leader (Cubmaster, Scoutmaster, Varsity Coach, Crew Adviser or Skipper) are trained for that specific position Who will be receiving Boy’s Life Magazine Collection of fees

4 Youth Protection Training Be sure that all registered adults are current with program specific YPT. If an adult’s YPT expires between now and next October please have them retake the course before you recharter them. It is recommended that YPT is taken every year at recharter time.

5 Unit Committee Positions (Please complete and turn in with recharter.) 2014 Unit Committee Positions Please use your committee members and assistants for these positions and not the top leader PositionFirst NameLast Name Membership Treasurer/Friends of Scouting Popcorn Camp Cards Training Advancement

6 Top Leader Training Requirements Cubmaster Youth Protection Training Cubmaster Specific Training Scoutmaster Youth Protection Training Scoutmaster Specific Training Introduction to Outdoor Leaders Skills Varsity Coach Youth Protection Training Varsity Specific Training Introduction to Outdoor Leaders Skills Venturing Advisor Venturing Youth Protection Training Venturing Leader Specific Training Introduction to Outdoor Leaders Skills** **Crews with Outdoor Programs only Every Scout DESERVES a Trained Leader!

7 Adult Applications Applications must be complete –Must be their legal name, no nicknames (examples: What is on Birth Certificate, Marriage license, Adoption papers etc) –Legible (print with block capital letters) –Circles need to be filled in –Disclosure portion must be signed –Must have SSN#, and DL# –Ethnic Background must be entered –Must be original application and with original signatures –Scouting history, Bio, references and questions must be completed. –If adult is currently registered in BSA he/she still must fill out an application for the unit and also complete the information on where he/she transferred from. NO transfers after December 1 st. –Must have current program specific Youth Protection Training –MUST HAVE ALL THE CORRECT SIGNATURES.

8 Youth Applications Biggest problem in delaying the units rechartering Applications must be complete –Must be their legal name, no nicknames (What is on Birth Certificates, Adoption papers, etc) –Legible (print with block capital letters) –Circles need to be filled in –Must be original application and with original signatures –Ethnic Background must be entered –If youth is transferring in from another unit an application still must filled out for the unit and must complete the information on where he transferred from –Parent or guardian’s information must be filled out for Tiger Cubs, adult partners must indicate their relationship to the youth. It is highly recommended that all parents provide their information. –Adult Partners who do not live at the same address must complete an adult application.

9 Adult Leadership Requirements Generally, an adult can hold only one registered leader position in each unit –Example: a Cubmaster cannot be a Den Leader –Example: a Comm. Member cannot be a Den Leader These are the only exceptions: Exec. Officer also can be Chartered Org. Rep., AND either Comm. Chair or Comm. Member AND Parent Coordinator –Chartered Org. Rep. also can be either Comm. Chair or Comm. Member AND Parent Coordinator –Comm. Chair OR Comm. Member also can be Parent Coordinator Remember, MORE LEADERS involved means less work for each leader – try to have one person for each position!

10 Tiger Adult Partners These do not require an adult application. (exception: when the adult does not reside in the same residence as the Tiger Cub. An adult application must be submitted if they hold any other position in the unit.

11 ScoutParents This position no longer exists. Anyone who was a ScoutParent and still wants to hold a position in the unit MUST submit an adult application. The ScoutParent Coordinator (which is a paid position on the unit committee) is now the Parent Coordinator.

12 Merit Badge Counselors Registered through the District only New MBC requires separate application and MBC form to be submitted.

13 Youth Membership Requirements A unit must have at least five youth members –Exception: LDS units must have at least 2 paid youth members At least five (5) youth members must pay BSA registration fees in the unit (“primary” members”) To avoid approval delays, we recommend that all units have at least 6 “primary” youth members

14 Fees BSA Registration$24 Boys Life Magazine$12 Charter Renewal $40 –(Unit Liability Insurance Fee) Insurance$2 –Per paid member New Members$1.25 –With applications submitted with recharter (This is for December 2013 membership)

15 Church of the Latter-Day Saints Fees Registration for units sponsored by LDS Church will be handled as normal. The online process will have $0 registration fees calculated. Fee for LDS units will be billed directly by National BSA to the LDS Church in Salt Lake City. Boys Life fees will have to be collected.

16 Internet Rechartering Web-based application running on servers at the National Council Used to update unit roster for recharter –Correct wrong / out-of-date information –Delete members who have left the unit –Add new members not found on current roster –Work can completed in multiple sessions Verify required adult leadership in place Calculate BSA National fees Does not calculate Council accident insurance fee Print updated roster for signature and turn-in

17 If you access the site with another browser, you will get a warning Be warned that some key features DO NOT WORK in other browsers Internet Explorer Required

18 Getting Started Have all the material you have gathered Go to, Under Resources go to “Internet Rechartering” Use the “Tutorial” to get a sense of the systems works. –(This can be done prior to November 1 st ) Click on “Click Here to Recharter” to begin

19 You are a “First Time User” Every Year

20 Registration

21 Agree to Confidentiality Statement

22 Provide your contact information Create password for access code

23 After first time login Enter this year’s access code and your password

24 Internet Charter Overview

25 Load Council Information Do NOT use any other databases or programs

26 You now have a “working copy” of your units data Internet Rechartering keeps a “working copy” of your unit’s registration data That means: –Changes you make will not be visible to anyone else until recharter is processed

27 Updating Unit Roster Any time after you have started you can update your “working copy” with any adult or youth who have been added by the registrar.

28 Updating Unit Roster Updating the roster will NOT change or reset any of the data you have already entered. It is highly recommended to update the roster every time you log into the system. If you have already entered someone it will show another listing. You must delete the listing that does NOT have a BSA ID#.

29 Update Roster Review and if needed update chartering organization information

30 Select Members for Renewal Uncheck the box to remove a member

31 Multiple Membership Do NOT remove anyone who pays their membership in another unit or district or council level. Examples: –Someone registered as a Cubmaster in a Pack and also an Assistant Scoutmaster in a Troop They may choose where they want their primary registration is to be. –Someone who is a District Committee member or Commissioner they must pay through the District and multiple in the unit. You will update fees in Stage 4.

32 Members Selected for Renewal

33 Promote Members Click “Next Step” (Do NOT use this step)

34 Add New Members

35 Add New Adult Click “New Adult” to add Click “Next” if none to add

36 Add New Adult Social Security Number to be added by Council staff Ethnic Background is now required.

37 Add New Adult Be sure to include “email address.

38 Add New Adult Click “OK” on the “Save” dialog box You will be returned to “Add New Members” Click “New Adult” to add another adult Click “Next” when there are no adults to add

39 Add New Youth Member Click “New Youth” to add Click “Next Step” if none to add

40 Add New Youth’s Information Information from Application

41 Add New Youth’s Information Ethnic Background is now required

42 Enter parent’s or guardian’s info Next we must enter the parent or guardian If the parent is on the roster – including new adults just added – we will select the parent Otherwise, we will collect the parent’s information through screens similar to those for “Add New Adult”

43 Enter parent’s or guardian’s info Click “Yes” or “No”

44 Enter parent’s or guardian’s info Be sure to add “relationship”

45 Parent’s or guardian’s info Selected adult turns red. Click “Save”.

46 Update Members Data Click “Update” to change data Click “Remove” to delete member This step you can check the YPT status. It also allows you to make changes to the personal data for all members, including members you have just entered..

47 Update Members Positions Adult leader positions are checked against BSA requirements – problems flagged in red

48 Updating Members Position Click the “Update” link to change a member’s positions – dialog box appears Change the position(s) and click “Save”

49 Complete Roster Update Click “Check Roster” to update

50 Warnings & Errors Finds two classes of problems –Errors, such as missing required data –Warnings, such as a youth that appears to be in the wrong grade for his/her age Errors MUST be fixed before you continue Warnings should be fixed if there really is an error, but can be ignored if “false alarms” Links are provided that will take you to the place to make different possible corrections

51 Summary Click “Summary” to review final roster and fees

52 Update Fees Final roster with fees is displayed “Update” link for fee changes Boys Life can be updated

53 Updating Fees If your unit has members that pay their BSA registration fees in another unit, you do not need to pay BSA fees for them again. Click “Update” by the member. On the dialog, click the “radio button” by “Member paid in another unit” and enter the other unit in the space which will appear. Then click “Save”.

54 Membership Inventory Click a reason for NON-renewal for each youth member being dropped

55 Submit Roster Page This is the final stage Once you click “Submit to Council”, you cannot make any further changes Click the “Review/print roster” to print a draft copy of the recharter roster for review. Review the draft with the unit leader and members of your recharter team before proceeding and make any corrections Note that the draft copy is watermarked “Draft” and contains no signature lines – it CANNOT be turned in, even with signatures

56 Print “Draft” for Review

57 Submit Roster If roster is correct, click “Submit to Council”

58 Print Roster After “Submit to Council” is clicked, a PDF file will be created on your computer containing the updated roster. This copy will not be watermarked “Draft” and WILL contain signature lines for the Chartered Organization head and Unit Leader. Print the entire PDF and fasten it together. Do not discard any pages! Cover page MUST be submitted with Recharter Log off Internet Rechartering

59 Now What? Now you need to get signatures of the unit leader and the Institutional Head of Chartered Organization (the person who signed the Charter Agreement with BSA, NOT the COR) Remember that the chartered organization must sign all adult applications and that the unit leader must sign all youth applications. Save yourself and them some time by checking all your new applications to be sure that they are properly signed and take along any that haven’t been signed.

60 And Then? Ask your unit Treasurer for a check payable to BSA for the total amount on the recharter roster PLUS THE AMOUNT ON THE ACCIDENT INSURANCE FORM. ($2 per paid member) –To be on the safe side you can bring a signed check with amount left blank to avoid any problem or delay in submitting your charter. Paper clip it all forms together and turn in at your district’s turn-in event. Cover Page must be included.

61 Be "On Time - Error Free“ Every hour spent by volunteers and Council staff chasing down late recharters and fixing errors can't be spent helping youth. THANK YOU in advance for helping us make the most effective use of our limited resources to provide the best possible Scouting programs for the youth of our area!

62 District Turn-in Dates EagleSac and Fox District Commissioner Chuck Tomlins 918 671-4297District Commissioner David Casey 918 695-3959 DateLocationTimeDateLocationTime Dec 10thPark Plaza Church7:00Dec 5thFirst Presbyterian Church Sapulpa6:00pm Dec 14thScout Resource Center9am-1pmDec 12thFirst Presbyterian Church Sapulpa (prior to RT)6:00pm Dec17thOSU Tech6:30pm Neosho Dec 14thScout Resource Center9am-1pm District Commissioner Joe Morris 918 637-7644 Sequoyah DateLocationTime District Commissioner Larry Stapley 918 274-3917 Dec 12thLDS Church Muskogee (prior to RT)6:00pmDateLocationTime Dec 19thUnited Methodist Church Sallisaw (prior to RT)6:00pmDec 7thLDS Church Owasso 9300 N. 129th9am-1pm Dec 14thScout Resource Center9am-1pmDec 12thMethodist Church-Claremore (prior to RT)5:30pm-7pm Dec 14thScout Resource Center9am-1pm Oka TuliTwin Arrows District Executive Bill Dickson at 915 490-7213District Commissioner Tim Lee 918 850-9560 DateLocationTimeDateLocationTime Dec 19thFirst United Methodist Church - Poteau6:00 PMDec 3rdScout Resource Center7:00pm Dec 12thFirst Presbyterian Church - McAlester6:00 PMDec 7thGraves 9:00am Dec 14thScout Resource Center9am-1pmDec 11thGraves7:00pm Dec 23rdFirst United Methodist Church - Poteau7:00 PMDec 14thScout Resource Center9am-1pm These dates are included in your Recharter Packet.


64 Journey to Excellence helps Units. It brings: A framework for planning for the year A method for evaluating the Unit Assessment of how they’re doing in the key areas found in great Units Guidance in areas where they might do better Specific guidelines and standards of what is good performance Early warning of potential problem areas Recognition for good performance Benchmarking to get ideas and tips from other good units

65 Recognition Units with a satisfactory performance receive the “Bronze” level of recognition Units which do better than satisfactory receive higher recognition –“Silver” level - Effective Performance –“Gold” level - Excellent Performance Recognition items will include a ribbon, plaque patches for the uniform, clip art for Unit web page 65

66 There is incentive for Continuous Improvement Better Performance means better Scouting for youth! Better Performance can earn a higher level of Recognition Key requirements and “leading indicators” are tracked and improvement can be quickly identified

67 Journey to Excellence Forms In your Recharter Packet Found on JTE website Awards/JourneyToExcellence.aspx Spreadsheets and other help can be found on the site.


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