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Ancient Egypt, The New Kingdom

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1 Ancient Egypt, The New Kingdom
Aristea Bell

2 Egyptian Rulers During the New Kingdom
Each Egyptian ruler contributed something unique to the empire. Egyptian Rulers During the New Kingdom

3 Hyksos Well trained warriors with advanced weapons From Asia
Conquered Egypt/Nile Delta Taught Egyptians Curved sword and war chariot Wanted to ally with Nubians to conquer Egypt


5 Ahmose I 1570 – 1546 B.C.E. Ahmose rid Egypt of the Hyksos and established the New Kingdom. He set up Egypt to experience a golden age. Ahmose re-established the economy and trade. He created a central government. Ahmose conquered Nubia and greatly expanded Egypt’s borders.

6 Hatshepsut 1479 – 1458 B.C.E. Female Pharaoh (Most Famous)
Had Great Trade expedition Ruled until her death Name removed from History (From Monuments)

7 Hatshepsut took power from her stepson, Thutmose III.
She was a female pharaoh. Hatshepsut used heavy propaganda, including having herself depicted as a man. Hatshepsut encouraged trade instead of engaging in warfare. She sent the army on a trading expedition, from which they brought back goods such as ivory, leopard skin, and incense.

8 Thutmose Thutmose Thutmose III successfully organized soldiers to defeat the foreign princes who had been in Megiddo. His exploits in war made Thebes one of the most wealthy cities in the Ancient World Kept records of their journeys He created the biggest empire ever conquered and ruled by one king.

9 Full Extent of Egypt’s New Kingdom

10 Amenhotep III 1390 – 1352 B.C.E. Amenhotep III was a diplomat.
He wrote the Amarna letters, carved on small stones, to foreign princes. Amenhotep III gave monetary gifts to foreign rulers, always leaving them begging for more. He married a commoner named Tiy, and saw her as a near-equal. They were both worshipped as gods. He switched his religious interest to the minor god Aten.

11 Left: Amarna letters. Right: Amenhotep III and Tiy’s temples.

12 Akhenaton

13 Akhenaton Akhenaton encouraged worship of the Aten.
He shut down all worship of Amen-Re, and became the first pharaoh to practice monotheism. Akhenaton relocated people, including himself, to a new capital city called Amarna. He became obsessed with destroyed all mentions of Amen, and got so caught up that the empire almost collapsed. Akhenaton died before disaster could strike.


15 Tutankhamen 1336 – 1327 B.C.E. Tutankhamen had no power, since he became pharaoh at 9 years old. During his reign, the old religion was restored. At 19, Tutankhamen died mysteriously. His tomb was discovered, untouched, by Howard Carter in It took 10 years to empty the tomb. His death marked the beginning of a period of uncertainty.

16 Tutankhamen

17 Ramses Ramses II was born a commoner, but his family fought their way into royalty and he became pharaoh at 25. He fought the Hittites from modern day Turkey. Ramses II knew he could not defeat the Hittites, so he negotiated a peace treaty. He created the Ramseum, a temple to tell of his greatness. He began a building program greater than any before. He died at an astonishing 93 years old. The New Kingdom fell less than 150 years after his death.

18 Reliefs of Ramesses II

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