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Patterns in Egyptian Jewelry

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1 Patterns in Egyptian Jewelry

2 Princess Sithathoryunet
All the jewelry chosen for this lesson was from the tomb of Princess Sithathoryunet. She was an Ancient Egyptian king's daughter of the 12th dynasty, mainly known from her burial at El-Lahun, Pyramid in Egypt in which, a treasure of jewelry was found. She was possibly a daughter of Senwosret II since her burial site was found next to the pyramid of this king. If so, this would make her one of five known children and one of three daughters of Senwosret II—the other children were Senwosret III, Senusretseneb, Itakait and Nofret. Her name and titles survived on her canopic jars and on an alabaster vessel found in her tomb.

3 Lion Bracelet of Sithathoryunet

4 Lion Bracelet of Sithathoryunet
This bracelet was found in the tomb of Princess Sithathoryunet, daughter of King Sensworset II. In Egypt, the lion represented the ferocious heat of the sun. In Egypt it gets very hot. The lion is also used because there was a goddess (a female god) called Sekhmet who the people believed would kill the enemies of the sun god, Ra. The Egyptians back then, believed there were many gods. She is the power that protects the good and kills the bad. The gold represented the skin of the gods, the fire and power of the sun, and because the Egyptians believed gold always stays shiny and does not get old, it represented living forever.

5 Cowrie Shell Girdle of Sithathoryunet

6 Cowrie Shell Girdle of Sithathoryunet
This girdle was also found in the tomb of Princess Sithathoryunet. A girdle is like a belt and worn around the waist. The cowrie shell used in the girdle looks like an eye. Egyptians believed that if they wore this, it would protect them from people or bad spirits that wished them bad and getting hurt (Evil Eye). Adult fact: This is still believed in parts of Africa and the Mediterranean today. In fact, in recent times the Nilotic women wear the cowrie shell around their pelvic area to risk aborting a child.

7 Pectoral and Necklace of Sithathoryunet

8 Pectoral and Necklace of Sithathoryunet
A pectoral is something you put on a necklace, like a pendant. This pectoral has 374 semi-precious stones. The reason they put the falcons on the pectoral is because the Egyptians believed it would protect them. The Ankh (hanging near their beaks) was the sign of life. Each falcon is grabbing a shen (protection) sign and the other touches the palm ribs. The cobras are holding a shield that has the name of the king Senwosret II. The man on the bottom is Heh, the god of eternity (which means, living forever). He is holding two palm ribs. The string on his right arm with the tadpole means one hundred thousand and the palms represent years. The whole pectoral wishes that the king rules forever under the protection of the sun god.

9 Now its your turn! We will make our own Egyptian-inspired necklace.
You will need: Paper amulet Color pencils Different color beads String

10 First Step Choose the amulet you would like to use for your necklace.

11 Second Step Color your amulet using your color pencils.

12 Third Step Choose the beads you will use to create the pattern for your necklace. Create the pattern for your necklace before putting the beads through the string.

13 Fourth Step String the beads in the same order you placed them in.
*Make sure you string the amulet to the middle of the necklace.

14 Fifth Step Last, tie your necklace and wear it!
*Raise your hand if you need help tying your necklace.

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