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Gold By Damon Gilmore. Why do people like gold People like gold because its valuable it looks nice it makes you money. you can use gold for a lot of things.

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Presentation on theme: "Gold By Damon Gilmore. Why do people like gold People like gold because its valuable it looks nice it makes you money. you can use gold for a lot of things."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gold By Damon Gilmore

2 Why do people like gold People like gold because its valuable it looks nice it makes you money. you can use gold for a lot of things such as to wear to collect. Melt it even profit off it.

3 what are gold nuggets? What are Gold nuggets Gold Nuggets are large masses of gold found in dirt and river beds. While gold nuggets have been found on many goldfields around the world, those from Victoria were quite large and abundant. From the time of the first gold rushes in the early 1850s, the discovery of a large nugget a cured. such excitement spread far and wide. Thousands of people from around the world rushed to Victoria, dreaming of making their fortunes on the goldfields dripping, so they hoped they would fined some gold nuggets.

4 When was gold discovered The earliest recorded discovery of gold was made in 1823 at Bathurst, N.S.W. by a Lands Department surveyor, James Mc Brien.

5 Egyptians gold The priceless golden treasures found in the tomb of King Tut have simply stunned people. This was the tomb of a relatively unknown and unimportant boy king but his tomb contained a priceless treasure of gold. What must the golden treasure contained in the tombs of more important Egyptian Pharaohs have looked like? Much of the Egyptian gold treasure has been lost to the tomb robbers. But where did all the Egyptian treasures come from?

6 More information on Egyptians gold The Egyptians had so much gold because The Ancient Egyptians had access to the richest of all the gold supplies in the ancient World. The two major sources of gold were found in Nubia to the South and in the Eastern desert. How was Egyptian Gold obtained? The Egyptian Gold was obtained by crushing the white quartz rock which was found in the desert and also panned from silt found in the river beds. The nuggets and precious particles of gold were then stored in linen bags and transported by donkey trains back to the Nile Valley of Egypt.

7 what are gold nuggets What are gold nuggets? Gold Nuggets are large masses of gold found in soil and stream beds, known broadly as alluvial deposits. While gold nuggets have been found on many goldfields around the world, those from Victoria were particularly large and abundant. From the time of the first gold rushes in the early 1850s, the discovery of a large nugget generated such excitement that news spread far and wide. Thousands of people from around the world migrated to Victoria, dreaming of making their fortunes on goldfields dripping, so they hoped they would fined some gold nuggets unfortunately most of the people didn’t and spent the rest of there money on getting home.

8 pictures

9 Questions What did Egyptians do with gold? What makes gold so valuable? Why do people spend so much money on gold? Why did Egyptians berry them selves with there servants and there treasures? Who is king tut

10 answers 1 Egyptians do a lot of things with gold such as were it even berry them self’s with it 2 Gold is so valuable because it is very rare and its in machinery 3 People spend so much money on gold because they like it 4 Egyptians berry them self's with gold because they don’t want someone else to have it 5 King tut was a boy king and he is famous because nobody found it like the other tombs

11 Bibliography &safe=active&biw=1003&bih=560&gbv=2&tbm =isch&ei=F-Y1TrmHNoWimQX3- pzwCg&sa=N&start=180&ndsp=20 http:// coverycentre/infosheets/gold- nuggets / story.htm http://www.king- egyptians/egyptian-gold.htm

12 bibliography2 mages1/dragon03061.jpg&imgrefurl= y- dragonear.htm&usg=__SpnXrzlii3qponlSiMK1b4fPIN0=&h=464&w=350&sz =48&hl=en&start=21&zoom=1&tbnid=f3affZ8f4rWcoM:&tbnh=128&tbnw= 97&ei=6uBaTubhJOTSmAXcu- i9DA&prev=/search%3Fq%3Ddragon%2Bgold%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den %26safe%3Dactive%26sa%3DN%26rlz%3D1R2ADSA_enAU365%26tbm% 3Disch&um=1&itbs=1 nreason=by- category&username=damon.gilmore1&requestedurl=http %3A// categorydescriptionlist=Social%20Networking&pn=$$FIB YR6

13 bibliography3 a/commons/e/ec/Happy_smiley_face. png\ ionreason=by- category&username=damon.gilmore1&requestedurl=ht tp%3A// ragon_wallpaper_by_artdragon1.jpg&categorydescripti onlist=DET%20Allowed%20Senior%20Studies%20Stag e%205%20plus&pn=$$FIBYR6 on=by- category&username=damon.gilmore1&requestedurl=http%3A/ / g&categorydescriptionlist=Blogs/Personal%20Pages&pn=$$FIB YR6

14 Bibliography 4 by- category&username=damon.gilmore1&requestedurl=http%3A//im 2.9res_500_375.jpg&categorydescriptionlist=Entertainment;Open/ Mixed%20Content;Social%20Networking&pn=$$FIBYR6 action/blocksf?actionreason=by- category&username=damon.gilmore1 &requestedurl=http%3A//www.twcen d%3D102%26amp%3Bpictureid%3D 38099&categorydescriptionlist=Game s;Newsgroups/Forums&pn=$$FIBYR6 category&username=damon.gilmore1&requestedurl=http%3A//mdb8.ibib 8c1a9bb4076eb0856e21d0a96e4d04895c8bdda1991fc3fe.jpeg/dark- evil.jpeg&categorydescriptionlist=Games;Social%20Networking&pn=$$FI BYR6 action/blocksf?actionreason=by- category&username=damon.gilmore1 &requestedurl=http%3A//cheapandsl rydescriptionlist=none&pn=$$FIBYR6 http://blogs- files/2011/04/goldbars1.jpg

15 Thank you for watching

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