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Precept: RULE OF CONDUCT OR ACTION. Scourge: Whip or punish severely; cause of affliction or source of severe criticism.

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Presentation on theme: "Precept: RULE OF CONDUCT OR ACTION. Scourge: Whip or punish severely; cause of affliction or source of severe criticism."— Presentation transcript:


2 Scourge: Whip or punish severely; cause of affliction or source of severe criticism

3 Vapid: Dull, unintere sting, tiresome

4 Unwieldy: Not easily carried, handled or managed because of size or complexity

5 Soporific: cause sleep

6 Transient: Staying only a short time

7 Straitlaced: strict in moral standards

8 Scathing: bitterly severe, causing great harm

9 Sepulchral: Funeral, typical of a tomb, gloomy or dismal

10 Saluta ry: Benificial, helpful, healthful, wholesome

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