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Expanding the Pool of Qualified Teachers for Ohio Schools: A Program for Transitioning Military Personnel into the Teaching Profession.

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Presentation on theme: "Expanding the Pool of Qualified Teachers for Ohio Schools: A Program for Transitioning Military Personnel into the Teaching Profession."— Presentation transcript:

1 Expanding the Pool of Qualified Teachers for Ohio Schools: A Program for Transitioning Military Personnel into the Teaching Profession

2 Ohio Department of Education

3 Center for the Teaching Profession Office of Recruitment and Retention Troops to Teachers Program

4 Section 3319.283 Ohio Revised Code Honorably discharged between July 1, 1994 and June 30, 2000. Hold at least a baccalaureate degree. Have been assigned as an instructor while in the military. May be hired as a teacher even though not yet certified or licensed.

5 Ohio Troops to Teachers Program* 1,782 veterans have requested information. 600 are enrolled with DANTES. Over 150 are teaching in Ohio under TTT. 36 were funded in the early years. Ohio school districts received $1,314,084.41 *As of September 12, 2001

6 Need for the Program Ohio previously produced more teachers than were needed within the state. Ohio is now experiencing the same shortages as other states. (Math, Science, Special Ed, Bilingual) January 1, 2000, Alternative Educator License. (31 issued as of January 1, 2002) There is a need for programs to assist mid-life individuals who want to make a career change to public education.

7 Alternative Educator License Individuals with a baccalaureate degree; A major with a 2.5 GPA in subject to be taught (or 30 semester hours in the subject); 3 semester hours in Adolescent Development, 3 semester hours in Teaching Methods, Pass the PRAXIS II in subject area. Can then be hired and issued the Alternative License.

8 To Qualify for a Provisional License: Two year, nonrenewable Alternative License (School must Mentor); Pass 12 semester hours of Education Courses with 2.5 GPA; Pass the PRAXIS II - Professional Knowledge of Learning and Teaching.

9 Project Goals We identify individuals who will be retiring, and are interested in becoming teachers; They complete the requirements for the Alternative Educator License while on Active Duty; Upon retirement, receive the Alternative License and begin teaching; Continue to take courses for full licensure.

10 Institutions of Higher Education Offer courses at times and locations convenient for military personnel. Accept “Transfer Credits” from other institutions. Offer credit for military “Instructor Training Courses” for “Teaching Methods” course. Offer flexibility for “Student Teaching”.

11 Project Goals Provide financial aid to help individuals complete required coursework. Identify and eliminate barriers to becoming licensed as a teacher in Ohio. Provide incentives to Institutions of Higher Education who will help eliminate barriers. Help individuals become licensed to teach in areas of identified shortages.

12 Required Partnerships Ohio Department of Education; Institutions of Higher Education; School Districts; Military Installations.

13 Plan of Operation Identify greatest teacher shortage areas; Identify military personnel interested in teaching; Work with universities to offer courses needed at a time that military personnel can take them; Encourage universities to accept transfer credit, and offer credit for military schools;

14 Plan of Operation (Cont.) Encourage universities to develop a series of modules for individuals who want to teach Special Education; Encourage universities to develop a program to help experienced leaders to become principals; Encourage universities to offer on-line instruction and/or distance education.

15 Steps Toward Goals Identification of Program Participants; Identification of Districts and Mentors; Initial Coursework prior to employment; Issuance of Alternative Educator License; Readiness for Employment; Completion of Requirements while Teaching; Progression to Professional Licensure.

16 Evaluation What are the immediate effects of this program on students, schools, teachers, principals, and districts? What challenges were encountered? If any part of the program is less-than-satisfactory, can we change, to improve the outcomes? Under what conditions does the program work? How and where should it be replicated?

17 National Significance Ohio has placed 150 teachers in the classroom under Troops to Teachers. By expanding the program, we could place 100 veterans in the classroom each year. This program could readily be expanded to other states. This program could be adopted to serve career changers from other professions who would like to become teachers.

18 Military Population in Ohio Wright Patterson Air Force Base. Cleveland Coast Guard Facility. Reserve Component Personnel. Recruiters. ROTC Staff. JROTC Staff.

19 First Partnership Wright Patterson Air Force Base University of Dayton Wright State University Dayton City Schools Montgomery County Education Service Center (ESC) Greene County ESC

20 Second Partnership Cleveland Coast Guard Facility Cleveland State University John Carroll University Baldwin Wallace University Case Western Reserve University Cleveland City Schools Cuyahoga County ESC

21 Expansion Expand state wide to include other Active Duty & Reserve Component personnel. Expand to as many universities as possible. Could benefit all 62 Education Service Centers, and 612 School Districts in Ohio.

22 Contact Information Ohio Department of Education ATTN: Troops to Teachers 25 South Front Street, Mail Stop 505 Columbus, OH 43215-4183 Phone: (614) 466-5734 or 1-800-852-6064 FAX: (614) 728-3058 E-mail:

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