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The Entrepreneurs EDGE is a non-profit economic development organization which fosters growth in mid-market companies and develops leadership talent in.

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Presentation on theme: "The Entrepreneurs EDGE is a non-profit economic development organization which fosters growth in mid-market companies and develops leadership talent in."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Entrepreneurs EDGE is a non-profit economic development organization which fosters growth in mid-market companies and develops leadership talent in order to positively impact the Northeast Ohio economy.

2 TimeProgram 8:00Overview and Introductions Drivers of Innovation Revisited Small Groups – Developing Innovation Teams NineSigma (Paul Stupay) – Open Innovation ** Break ** Small Groups – How to Apply Open Innovation A Look to the Future – Applying Trends Developing Action Steps @11:45Action Steps / Evaluations / Wrap Up


4 Network:DDRDataGuest Guest account User:bnymellon Guest account Password:NGsK0aDf ^ “ zero”

5 Feb. 28 Mid-Market Innovation / “Thinking Inside the Box” Pressco Technology, Solon Guest: Amit Mayer, Systematic Innovative Thinking (SIT) Mar 6 (bonus)*Drew Boyd, SIT/Johnson & Johnson/Univ. of Cincinnati* Case Western Reserve University, Nord Hall. (3:00 PM) Apr. 30Refreshing the Value Proposition to More Effectively Target New Customers and Markets GrafTech International; Guest: Bush Consulting Jun. 25Open Innovation (NineSigma) + Developing Innovation Teams  3 rd Frontier Funding to support mid-size companies. Aug. 21 Using Product Tear-down to Ideate and Accelerate Innovation Meeting at MAGNET (1768 E 25th St, Cleveland, OH 44114) Guests: Bush Consulting; Dave Heidenreich (EBO Group) Oct. 21 University of Akron Research Foundation Guest: Darryl Fogal, Innovation Leader, Eaton Corporation Dec. 4 Leadership and Culture

6 Value Proposition Best Practices Focus categorization to the customer; consider supply chain, too. Can have more than one value proposition for products & divisions Breakdown/categorize Refresh / Re-launch value proposition activities.

7 Value Proposition Best Practices List benefits & types of differentiation (technology, cost, service) Map competition  Stay away from “sharks” when creating value propositions

8 Technology road-mapping relationship to internal change and direction of organization. Evolution of a 127-year-old company Stage gate and software tools for innovation Develop the 3-stage product refinement for R&D and R&D Budgeting Look at markets and watch evolving opportunities

9 Amit M


11 Feb. 28 Mid-Market Innovation / “Thinking Inside the Box” Pressco Technology, Solon Guest: Amit Mayer, Systematic Innovative Thinking (SIT) Mar 6 (bonus)*Drew Boyd, SIT/Johnson & Johnson/Univ. of Cincinnati* Case Western Reserve University, Nord Hall. (3:00 PM) Apr. 30Refreshing the Value Proposition to More Effectively Target New Customers and Markets GrafTech International; Guest: Bush Consulting Jun. 25Open Innovation (NineSigma) + Developing Innovation Teams  3 rd Frontier Funding to support mid-size companies. Aug. 21 Using Product Tear-down to Ideate and Accelerate Innovation Meeting at MAGNET (1768 E 25th St, Cleveland, OH 44114) Guests: Bush Consulting; Dave Heidenreich (EBO Group) Oct. 21 University of Akron Research Foundation Guest: Darryl Fogal, Innovation Leader, Eaton Corporation Dec. 4 Leadership and Culture

12 Feb. 28 Mid-Market Innovation / “Thinking Inside the Box” Pressco Technology, Solon Guest: Amit Mayer, Systematic Innovative Thinking (SIT) Mar 6 (bonus)*Drew Boyd, SIT/Johnson & Johnson/Univ. of Cincinnati* Case Western Reserve University, Nord Hall. (3:00 PM) Apr. 30Refreshing the Value Proposition to More Effectively Target New Customers and Markets GrafTech International; Guest: Bush Consulting Jun. 25Open Innovation (NineSigma) + Developing Innovation Teams  3 rd Frontier Funding to support mid-size companies. Aug. 21 Using Product Tear-down to Ideate and Accelerate Innovation Meeting at MAGNET (1768 E 25th St, Cleveland, OH 44114) Guests: Bush Consulting; Dave Heidenreich (EBO Group) Oct. 21 University of Akron Research Foundation Guest: Darryl Fogal, Innovation Leader, Eaton Corporation Dec. 4 Leadership and Culture

13 Feb. 28 Mid-Market Innovation / “Thinking Inside the Box” Pressco Technology, Solon Guest: Amit Mayer, Systematic Innovative Thinking (SIT) Mar 6 (bonus)*Drew Boyd, SIT/Johnson & Johnson/Univ. of Cincinnati* Case Western Reserve University, Nord Hall. (3:00 PM) Apr. 30Refreshing the Value Proposition to More Effectively Target New Customers and Markets GrafTech International; Guest: Bush Consulting Jun. 25Open Innovation (NineSigma) + Developing Innovation Teams  3 rd Frontier Funding to support mid-size companies. Aug. 21 Using Product Tear-down to Ideate and Accelerate Innovation Meeting at MAGNET (1768 E 25th St, Cleveland, OH 44114) Guests: Bush Consulting; Dave Heidenreich (EBO Group) Oct. 21 University of Akron Research Foundation Guest: Darryl Fogal, Innovation Leader, Eaton Corporation Dec. 4 Leadership and Culture


15 * Courtesy of Columbia Business School * Every two weeks a company enters or leaves S&P 500.*

16 What to Innovate? OPPORTUNITIES Partnerships (customers or suppliers) Luck; Failure of Competitor REGULATIONS Environmental, Health Safety TRENDS Social Technical (or lack of!) Resources

17 Strategy What to innovate? Values Business Model Branding Drivers Process Resource Procurement ($, Energy, Time) IP Portfolio Management ROI & Assessment Culture Talent Recruitment, Training, Development Facilities Change Management

18 Developing Innovation Teams What areas of your business can you innovate? How would you go about creating teams to address? What would you ask the teams to focus on?

19 Paul Stupay Chief Sales Officer Office 216.295.4810 Mobile 216.225.7955

20 How would you use the Open Innovation model?






26 Top 20 Trends in 2014 Forecast

27 How will your company embed future insights into your own forecasting?

28 Next Meeting: Thursday, August 21 Using Product Tear-down to Ideate & Accelerate Innovation Looking at Patent Searches to Ideate


30 60 business ideas studied From successful Northeast Ohio businesses 30% of ideas generate new revenue in 2-3 yrs





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