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GOAL 3 PART 1:. ESSENTIAL STANDARDS AND GENERALIZATIONS USH2.H.3 Understand the factors that led to exploration, settlement, movement, and expansion and.

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1 GOAL 3 PART 1:

2 ESSENTIAL STANDARDS AND GENERALIZATIONS USH2.H.3 Understand the factors that led to exploration, settlement, movement, and expansion and their impact on United States development over time. USH2.H.3.1 Analyze how economic, political, social, military and religious factors influenced United States imperialism Generalizations: Industrialization and technological innovations in some countries and not others can change the global distribution of power and authority. International competition for political and military control over limited resources, such as land and water, can lead to open conflict. Cultural differences often lead to misguided beliefs about the inferiority and/or superiority of certain groups.












14 IMPERIALISM The policy in which a stronger nation extends their economic, political, and military control over a weaker territories Dawn of American Imperialism - late 19 th early 20 th century Jingoism : extreme patriotism in the form of aggressive foreign policy / supported by WAR!! Imperialism / Jingoism – can be justified by (1) Social Darwinism “Survival of the Fittest” “Natural Selection / Law” (2) Manifest Destiny (Religion / God)

15 3 MAIN GOALS OF IMPERIALISM 1. Militarism (Purpose: compete with rest of the world by building global military bases) & Trade 2. New Markets & Trade (Purpose: America is experiencing overproduction, unemployment and economic depression *solution = foreign trade) 3. Nationalism: 3. Nationalism: Belief in cultural superiority (Purpose: responsibility of spreading Christianity)

16 PRESIDENT WILLIAM MCKINLEY Wins the 1896 Presidential Election (after Cleveland) (Remember: ran against William Jennings Bryan / bimetallism) William McKinley “ SUPPORTS ” Imperialism!!! Response: 1898, Congress and McKinley claimed Hawaii as an American territory (not allowing them to vote) Hawaii becomes the 50 th state in 1959

17 (1)MILITARISM: DESIRE FOR MILITARY STRENGTH U.S. wanted a stronger military **** Alfred T. Mahan **** -urged the government to build up the U.S. Naval power in order to “compete” with other countries - The Influence of Sea Power Upon History - leads to the creation of the “ Great White Fleet ” – represents the signs of America’s “growing” military power!

18 Military/Strategic Interests Alfred T. Mahan  The Influence of Sea Power on History: 1660-1783

19 TEDDY ROOSEVELT’S GREAT WHITE FLEET A worldwide CRUISE to project growing American military strength!

20 (2) THIRST FOR NEW MARKETS Why do we need new markets? *Technology enabled factories to produce far more what citizens could consume or purchase (Overproduction) Foreign trade could be seen as a solution to the problem of overproduction Define: Extractive Economies - Commodity-

21 (3) NATIONALISM: BELIEF IN CULTURAL SUPERIORITY * Social Darwinism * The Americans had the “responsibility” to “civilize” the rest of the world through Christianity and other aspects of American culture. “ White Man’s Burden ”- ANGLO-SAXONISM By: Rudyard Kipling, published in 1899 Topic: It is the Anglo-Saxon’s “responsibility” to colonize other cultures and teach them / Ethnocentrism Interpretation: Racism and Ethnocentrism judging another culture solely by the values and standards of one's own culture.


23 GOAL 3 PART 1:

24 ESSENTIAL STANDARDS AND GENERALIZATIONS USH2.H.3 Understand the factors that led to exploration, settlement, movement, and expansion and their impact on United States development over time. USH2.H.3.1 Analyze how economic, political, social, military and religious factors influenced United States imperialism Generalizations: Industrialization and technological innovations in some countries and not others can change the global distribution of power and authority. International competition for political and military control over limited resources, such as land and water, can lead to open conflict. Cultural differences often lead to misguided beliefs about the inferiority and/or superiority of certain groups.

25 THE U.S. ACQUIRES ALASKA William Seward (Secretary of State) Arrangement: Seward wanted to purchase Alaska from RUSSIA for $7.2 million. House of Rep. did not like it! Nickname: SEWARD’S FOLLY / SEWARD’S ICEBOX 1867 – Alaska was purchased! Why did we want it? Timber, minerals and oil~

26 THE U.S. “ TAKES ” HAWAII 1867, The U.S. took over Midway Islands, north of Hawaiian islands Hawaii: Economically important to U.S. Stop there on our way to China *(trade) U.S. convinces the Hawaiian culture to let them build “ PEARL HARBOR ” – the Kingdom’s best port! (refueling station for U.S.)

27 END OF THE HAWAIIAN MONARCHY King Kalakaua was “strong armed” by America KK was forced to amend their constitution and allow ONLY landowners to VOTE KK died and his sister took over * Queen Liliuokalani * “HAWAII FOR HAWAIIANS” - wanted to remove the property-ownership qualification from voting rights in Hawaii


29 REACTION TO QUEEN L’S DECISION American revolution (U.S. TAKES HAWAII) Leader: Sanford B Dole: (overthrew the Queen and established an American “protectorate” Protectorate : a country whose affairs are partially controlled by a stronger power / nation. President Cleveland directed the Queen to be “put back” onto her thrown! Dole says no! (proves Pres. Cleveland was weak) President Cleveland WILL NOT annex Hawaii unless the majority of Hawaiians VOTE for being part of America!!!

30 U.S. ISOLATIONISM Precedent set by George Washington Imperialism would force U.S. to maintain large, expensive military Contrary to American principles of freedom, self-determination, democracy Racism/Ethnocentrism: U.S. couldn’t assimilate large populations of foreign races Anti-Imperialist, Mark Twain

31 PROMOTION AND OPPOSITION OF IMPERIALISM Justifying / promoting Imperialism Justifying / promoting Imperialism Social Darwinism Manifest Destiny Desire to build up military strength Thirst for new markets Cultural Superiority Opposing Imperialism Opposing Imperialism *Anti-Imperialism League -Imperialism would force U.S. to maintain large, expensive military -Contrary to American principles of freedom, self-determination, democracy -Racism/Ethnocentrism: U.S. couldn’t assimilate large populations of foreign races

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