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Bob Zdenek, Director, National Neighbors Silver Expanding Economic Security in New York and Beyond October 10, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Bob Zdenek, Director, National Neighbors Silver Expanding Economic Security in New York and Beyond October 10, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bob Zdenek, Director, National Neighbors Silver Expanding Economic Security in New York and Beyond October 10, 2012

2 National Neighbors Silver  National Community Reinvestment Coalition Bridging networks and building on expertise  A multi-pronged approach Organizing, Advocacy and Direct Service  Building a grassroots movement Successes, challenges and lessons

3 The number of older adults will grow from 35 million in 2000 to 72 million in 2030. 1 in 3 older adults relies on Social Security for more than 90% of income. Average is $12,526 for women, and $15,775 for men. Why Economic Security is Important

4 Why Economic Security is Important?  Older adults need $6.6 trillion to maintain their standard of living. This is a huge gap.  The impact of the great recession on older adults is still not over—lost employment income and declining housing values for homeowners.  Increased foreclosure rate for older adults from 2008 ge.pdf). ge.pdf

5 National Neighbors Silver Goals 1. Organize and empower economically vulnerable seniors. 2. Bridge distinct networks in housing, asset building, banking, and aging. 3. Train organizations on fair housing and fair lending for older adults. 4. Reach low-income seniors with housing counseling support; and 5. Promote responsible banking and adequate housing for seniors.

6 Core strategies for NNS Network  Organizing- Creating a network of 15 local campaigns, including one-full-time organizer and 5 community Ambassadors to reach thousands of individuals.  Advocacy- Development of both a national platform and state strategy focusing on economic security and “age-friendly banking”.

7 Core NNS Network Strategies  Financial education- Tailor financial education to older adult issues and needs. Launch a training of trainers program.  Important issues- These may vary in different parts of the country but common themes are transportation, managing health care costs, preserving housing equity, social security becoming automated.  Housing counseling- Connecting to NCRC HCN network for housing counseling with a special emphasis on foreclosure prevention.

8 Effective Practices from Other Sites  Causa Justa, Oakland, CA  Auction actions to disrupt the sale of foreclosed homes.  Large scale action at Wells Fargo shareholder meetings.  ESOP- Cleveland, Ohio  Community action to address vacant properties  Transportation advocacy and plans for older adults  Western Maine Community Action Agency  Retired banker meeting with banks to improve services to older adults

9 Effective Practices Cont:  Faith Action for Community Equity- Hawaii  Mayoral forum on economic security for older adults  Equity Summit panel on seniors and economic security

10 Opportunities 1. Economic Security brings an exciting array of networks and sectors to work on issues that impact many. 2. Economic security can help mobilize older adults around economic justice issues. 3. Understanding basic financial literacy concepts will help older adults be more adaptable to changing economic circumstances.

11 Opportunities Cont: 4. Economic security builds on the assets, strengths, and experiences of older adults. 5. Innovative new approaches like age-friendly banking (others).

12 Resources  Age-Friendly Banking Toolkit  Financial Planning and Retirement Tools  Strategic Planning Toolkit  Multiple Recorded Webinars  Video and Storytelling Resources  Policy and Program Factsheets

13 Information  National Neighbors Silver c/o National Community Reinvestment Coalition 727 15 th Street, N.W., 4 TH Floor Washington D.C. 20005 Bob Zdenek, Director NNS

14 Concluding Thoughts  Economic security is a very important inter- generational issue given the importance of older adults in lives of others.  The Iroquois Nation of New York developed the concept of Seven Generations. Each of us are influenced by the three preceding generations, and the three generations that will follow us.

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