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Fluent CFD Software: Overview

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1 Fluent CFD Software: Overview

2 A Suite of CFD Solvers Fluent provides a suite of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) solvers: FLUENT (4.5 & 5) NEKTON FIDAP IcePak POLYFLOW MixSim All are software packages for modeling processes involving: Fluid flow Heat transfer Mass transfer and chemical reactions Related phenomena They differ in the solver technology used and the industrial applications on which they are focused.

3 Why Multiple Solver Technologies?
Each CFD solution method performs best on a specific group of applications. As a result, distinct solver algorithms are needed to optimize speed, robustness, and accuracy on different applications. Fluent Inc. pursues multiple solver technologies in order to meet the diverse needs of our users. Recently, we have also developed products with capabilities and user interfaces that are tightly focused on specific industries/applications (e.g., IcePak and MixSim).

FLUENT 5 integrates FLUENT/UNS and RAMPANT Segregated-implicit, coupled-explicit/implicit FVM solver options Complete mesh flexibility Unstructured quad/hex, tri/tet, or hybrid meshes with solution-based mesh adaption FLUENT 4.5: Pressure-based, segregated, finite volume method Structured quad/hex meshes Contains some models which have not yet been ported to FLUENT 5 Eulerian-Eulerian multiphase flow model Deforming mesh

5 FLUENT 5 Ideally suited for: Typical applications include:
Compressible and incompressible flows Able to handle full range of Mach numbers in single solution domain Flows involving complex geometries and complex physics Typical applications include: Automotive external aerodynamics  High-speed aerodynamics Underhood flows  Compressible nozzle flow Fans, Pumps, Burners, Furnaces  Turbomachinery Reactor Vessels, Heat Exchangers  Internal rocket motor flows

6 FLUENT 5: Flow in a Cooling Jacket
Surface pressure distribution in an automotive engine cooling jacket

7 FLUENT 5: Axial Compressor Blade
Surface grid (one periodic repetition) Contours of pressure

8 FLUENT 4.5 Ideally suited for: Typical applications include:
Incompressible and mildly compressible flows Flows involving complex physics Multiphase flows Flows requiring deforming grids Typical applications include: Cyclones  Mixing tanks (MixSim interface) Bubble columns  Fluidized beds Unsteady piston/cylinder flows

9 FLUENT 4.5: Multiphase Flow in a Riser
Instantaneous solids concentration in a riser, which is a pneumatic solids conveying device. Porous media (simulating a perforated plate) at the top of the domain distributes the flow and produces uniform delivery of catalyst (solids) to the reactor.

10 FIDAP Fully coupled or segregated finite element method
Ideally suited for: Incompressible and mildly compressible flows Flows involving complex geometries and physics Complete mesh flexibility: Unstructured quad/hex, tri/tet, or hybrid meshes Solver of choice for applications involving turbulence, “stiff” chemistry, free surfaces, phase change, and shear dependent viscosity Typical applications include: Biomedical flows Semiconductor flows: CVD, crystal growth, electroplating Metal casting, solidification, and extrusion Extruders, complex die flows

11 FIDAP: Flow in a Blood Pump
Velocity vectors and pressure distribution inside a blood pump.

12 FIDAP: Crystal Growth Flow pattern and melt interface during crystal growth using the Bridgman technique

13 POLYFLOW Fully-coupled and segregated finite element methods
Ideally suited for laminar, viscous flows involving: Complex rheology (including viscoelasticity) Free surfaces Mesh flexibility: Unstructured quad/hex, tri/tet, or hybrid meshes, wedge elements Solver of choice for polymer processing and related applications such as: Extrusion, coextrusion, die design Blow molding, thermoforming Film casting, glass sheet forming/stretching, fiber drawing Chemical reactions, foaming Viscoelastic flows (“memory effects”)

14 POLYFLOW: “Inverse” Die Design
Given desired part shape, POLYFLOW determines necessary die lip geometry. desired part die lip (calculated) Requested part shape and calculated die lip shape for a rubber car door seal. extrusion direction

15 POLYFLOW: Blow Molding
Uses 3D shell elements Simulation of: Parison extrusion Pinch-off Inflation Cooling Prediction of thickness distribution Prediction of extrudate swelling due to: Stress relaxation Other elastic effects Initial configuration Blow molding simulation of a gas tank using the membrane element Final thickness profile

16 NEKTON Variable-order finite element method (spectral element method)
Ideally suited for laminar, viscous flows with free surfaces Unstructured quad/hex meshes with solution-based polynomial adaption (2D) Linear stability analysis for coating applications Solver of choice for thin film coating flows such as: Slide, slot, roll, curtain, and blade coating Multi-layer coatings Deforming boundaries (rubber-backed rolls, compressible substrates)

17 NEKTON: Coating Flow Analysis
Template-based problem solving: base solution can be parameterized to quickly study changes in: Properties, e.g., Density Viscosity Surface tension Boundary conditions, e.g., Flow rates Web speed Vacuum Geometry, e.g., Slide angle Gap

18 NEKTON: Template Example
2. You can make changes in one panel: 1. Initial solution for slide coater 3. Web angle is automatically changed significant savings in problem setup and solution time

19 IcePak IcePak is focused on electronics cooling design: Cooling airflow, heat conduction, convection and radiation heat transfer The user interface and automatic meshing are tailored for applications such as: Cabinet design Fan placement Board-level design Heat sink evaluation Flow pathlines and temperature distribution in a fan-cooled computer cabinet.

20 MixSim MixSim is a specialized user interface that allows quick and easy set-up of mixing tank simulations. The tank size, bottom shape, baffle configuration, number and type of impellers, etc. are specified directly. The mesh and complete problem definition are then automatically created. Other features include: Impeller libraries from leading equipment manufacturers Transient sliding mesh, steady-state multiple reference frame models Non-Newtonian rheology

21 MixSim: User Interface

22 Overall Code Structure
Geometries and meshes can be imported from other CAE packages. GAMBIT TGrid direct input FLUENT 4.5, FLUENT 5, NEKTON import export import export FIDAP POLYFLOW model file results file results file data file case file data file Data can be exported to other CAE packages for postprocessing.

23 Long-Term Product Road Map
FIDAP POLYFLOW NEKTON FLUENT 4.5 FLUENT 5 GAMBIT Common User Environment 2000+ “Shared FEM Technology” “Shared FVM Technology”

24 Summary As your applications for CFD expand, you can benefit from our multiple solver technology. Our goal is to provide the appropriate (best) solver for each application. Development of a common interface will allow you to more easily take advantage of different solvers.

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