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Presentation on theme: "FÖRSVARSMAKTENS UNDERRÄTTELSE- OCH SÄKERHETSCENTRUM Magnus Dahnberg Acting Cdr A.F Language school."— Presentation transcript:


2 FÖRSVARSMAKTENS UNDERRÄTTELSE- OCH SÄKERHETSCENTRUM The Armed Forces Language School (Försvarets Tolkskola) was established in 1957 and has been situated in Uppsala since then. The School specializes in training officers and officer cadets in foreign languages, interpreter skills and human intelligence. The escutcheon symbolizes Odin's two ravens Huginn and Muninn from the Norse mythology. The motto means ”The Words are our Weapon” The history of the Armed Forces Language School

3 FÖRSVARSMAKTENS UNDERRÄTTELSE- OCH SÄKERHETSCENTRUM Educate and train military interpreters. Provide intelligence and security training for employees and Officer Cadets. Support the recruitment and training of intelligence and security personnel and interpreters for international operations. Participate in the Nordic Defence Cooperation (NORDEFCO) in the area of foreign language training Main tasks of the Language School

4 FÖRSVARSMAKTENS UNDERRÄTTELSE- OCH SÄKERHETSCENTRUM Military interpreters Language interpreters Locals employed in the mission area. Armed Forces different categories of interpreters.

5 FÖRSVARSMAKTENS UNDERRÄTTELSE- OCH SÄKERHETSCENTRUM Present needs of languages for the ongoing operations ATC Interpreters Defence Attaché’s Office KFOR EULEX ISAF/ FS ATALANTA / ME NBG Special Forces

6 FÖRSVARSMAKTENS UNDERRÄTTELSE- OCH SÄKERHETSCENTRUM Military interpreters Enable oral communication in two languages Promote coherence and understanding between interacting parties … i.a. in high risk environments

7 FÖRSVARSMAKTENS UNDERRÄTTELSE- OCH SÄKERHETSCENTRUM Military interpreters training and service GMU KMU SOU/R Deployed in operations High alert/ readiness Further language education and military training 2 years Basic soldiers training 3 months Preparation Officers course 2 months Specialist Officers course 18 months

8 FÖRSVARSMAKTENS UNDERRÄTTELSE- OCH SÄKERHETSCENTRUM NECESSARY BUT NOT SUFFICIENT CONDITIONS? The OR Officer and Military interpreter in the Armed Forces must be:  Fluent in Swedish  Fluent in Arabic or Russian   

9 FÖRSVARSMAKTENS UNDERRÄTTELSE- OCH SÄKERHETSCENTRUM NECESSARY BUT NOT SUFFICIENT CONDITIONS? The OR Officer and Military interpreter in the Armed Forces must be:  Fluent in Swedish  Fluent in Dari, Arabic or Russian  Fluent in English  

10 FÖRSVARSMAKTENS UNDERRÄTTELSE- OCH SÄKERHETSCENTRUM NECESSARY BUT NOT SUFFICIENT CONDITIONS? The OR Officer and Military interpreter in the Armed Forces must be:  Fluent in Swedish  Fluent in Dari, Arabic or Russian  Fluent in English  Able to switch between these languages in a communication situation 

11 FÖRSVARSMAKTENS UNDERRÄTTELSE- OCH SÄKERHETSCENTRUM NECESSARY BUT NOT SUFFICIENT CONDITIONS? An OR Officer and Military interpreter in the Armed Forces must be:  Fluent in Swedish, English, Dari/Arabic/Russian  Able to switch between these languages in a communication situation  Well-acquainted with military terminology in the three languages  

12 FÖRSVARSMAKTENS UNDERRÄTTELSE- OCH SÄKERHETSCENTRUM NECESSARY, NEVER SUFFICIENT? Fluency in three languages, including military terminlogy, and:  Acquaintance with culture and society of the two or more parties involved in each dialogue  Ability to interpret in different communication situations: staff briefings, press-conferences, witness interviews, formal events, combat operations...  Ability to understand and interpret non-native English  Ability to understand and interpret local dialects  Acquaintance with technical language and special terminology of different fields

13 FÖRSVARSMAKTENS UNDERRÄTTELSE- OCH SÄKERHETSCENTRUM Language Training in the Armed Forces: possible cooperation and collaboration for ensuring a common standard of language levels of our respective armed forces.

14 FÖRSVARSMAKTENS UNDERRÄTTELSE- OCH SÄKERHETSCENTRUM Language training in 3 12-w blocks: Russian, Arabic (MSA, EA, SA) 1: phonetics, basic grammar and vocabulary translation and interpreting exercises (in LL) from week 2 military English troughout the training course 2:advanced grammar and vocabulary interpreting technique, role-plays and LL exercises Swedish-Russian/Arabic, English-Russian/Arabic 3:special vocabulary, practical training Training in language environment, practical mil. exercises

15 FÖRSVARSMAKTENS UNDERRÄTTELSE- OCH SÄKERHETSCENTRUM Interpreting a Dialogue Military Terminology Local Dialects Geography Why This Now to Me? My Boss’s English Culture Society Irony Humour Hidden Agenda

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