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 Understand what Fluencies are required at specific grade levels  Understand what “Fluent” means  Create and share mini lessons and activities that.

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Presentation on theme: " Understand what Fluencies are required at specific grade levels  Understand what “Fluent” means  Create and share mini lessons and activities that."— Presentation transcript:


2  Understand what Fluencies are required at specific grade levels  Understand what “Fluent” means  Create and share mini lessons and activities that assist in student understanding and mastery of the expected fluencies


4  means “fast and accurate”  isn’t halting, stumbling, or reversing oneself

5  What? Brainstorm ideas on how we can all help students learn the expected fluencies  How? Gallery Walk: chart ideas of what the assigned person could do to help. When time is up move to the next chart and repeat the process

6 District/School Level Classroom Level  Parents  PTA  PBIS  Principals  District Administration  Classroom Teacher  Special Education/AIS Teacher  Speech/Physical Therapy Teacher  Physical Education Teacher  Music/Art Teacher  Aides Brainstorming Activity

7 Title: Grade Level: Fluencies: Circle One: Mini Lesson Do Now Activity Procedures: Evidence/Assessment: Learning Fluencies

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