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Oregon’s Outreach Strategies Reaching Communities of Color

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Presentation on theme: "Oregon’s Outreach Strategies Reaching Communities of Color"— Presentation transcript:

1 Oregon’s Outreach Strategies Reaching Communities of Color
Oliver J. Vera, MBA Community Partner and Outreach Program Manager Oregon Health Authority January 19, 2015

2 We will cover The Program Materials in Spanish Promotion and Marketing
Immigration Law – Public Charge and Eligibility Based on Citizenship Status The System Does Not Meet the Need

3 The Program Our Mission: “Train and empower diverse Community Partners to help Oregonians of all backgrounds to access public and private health coverage”

4 Our Team Oregon Health Authority
8 Regional Outreach Coordinators, 1 Provider Campaign Coordinator, 1 Community Engagement Coordinator Assistors and Network of Community Partners Over 230 contracted partner organizations statewide Network of over 730 certified Application Assistors In Oregon, Navigators and Certified Application Counselors are known as Assistors

5 8 Regions – are comprised according to need – how much variation there is – tribal element – how campaign coordinators fit in Tri-County: Clackamas, Multnomah, Washington North Coast: Clatsop, Columbia, Tillamook, Lincoln Southwest Oregon: Coos, Curry, Josephine, Jackson, Douglas, Lane Willamette Valley: Benton, Linn, Marion, Polk , Yamhill North Central: Gilliam, Hood River, Morrow, Sherman, Umatilla, Wasco, Wheeler Frontier: Grant, Harney, Malheur, Union, Wallowa, Baker South Central: Crook, Deschutes, Jefferson, Klamath, lake

6 Understanding our Community Partners
Organizations include: Health care providers (clinics, hospitals, medical groups) Community-based nonprofit programs Public health departments School districts & educational programs County jails Statewide organizations Staff and volunteers

7 Looking further for Partners
Mexican and Guatemalan Consulates Consulado Movil, Bi-National Health Week, Secretaria de Salud de Mexico(Secretariat of Health of Mexico) Minority Business Associations Somali American Council of Oregon Small Businesses Panaderias, tienditas, fabric stores Mexican and Guatemalan Consulates Minority Business Associations – Hispanic Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce Small Businesses - Panaderias, Tiendas Russian community – Fabric Stores Somali Community – Taxi Cab drivers

8 Regional Collaborative Meetings
What: County-level meetings Regional Outreach Coordinators share system and policy updates, foster networking and collaboration and troubleshoot issues When: Monthly Where: Each of Oregon’s 36 counties (26 locations) Who: Community Partners, Agents, DHS, and other stakeholders

9 Population-Specific Collaboratives
Requested by partners Networking opportunity Ability to discuss what is working and explore challenges Latino Collaborative (webinar, statewide) Inmate Transition Collaborative (webinar; statewide) LGBTQ Collaborative (webinar; statewide) Tribal Collaborative (webinar, statewide)

10 Understanding Our Communities
Identify official leaders, community leaders, and unofficial leaders Never assume anything Get involved - Become part of the community Start and guide the conversation If you don’t know, ask! It will prevent misunderstandings

11 Understanding Our Communities
Always follow up Be open, empathetic, respectful, mindful, sincere, genuine, flexible, etc. Share your own culture or experience Allow time for change to take place Listen, listen, and listen

12 Promotion and Marketing – Take Risks
Soccer Tournament Over 10,000 in attendance over a 3 day period. 6,500 unique contacts Create value and sell it Earned media Media Firm Treat it like a business Make it personal

13 Latino Campaign Market Saturation Lara Media Services
Latino owned – Founded by Victoria Lara in Register as a double minority owner and disadvantage business The most prestigious, awarded, and recognized Latino Media Firm in the Northwest Access to television, radio, newspapers, and social media; all based on our relationship and trust

14 Latino Campaign - Television
Univision (several occasions throughout the year) Reach out to 400,000 households Local community TV station Reach out to ~10,000 households

15 Latino Campaign - Radio
Radio Spots - several interviews or informational segments yearly La Gran D 610 AM (Southern Oregon) La Campeona 880 AM La Pantera 940 AM La Bronca 1240 AM (Central Oregon) La Gran D 1520 AM El Rey 93.1 FM La Zeta 94.3 Radio Movimiento 95.9 FM (Targets farmworkers) Audience 30, ,000

16 Creating Materials Translate all materials - including websites
Linguistically and culturally appropriate – not Google translate etc. No need to translate Ensure materials are culturally appropriate Meet specific population’s needs Produce relevant materials to address needs/concerns Establish a translating and/or reviewing process Involve community partners, stakeholders, and clients in reviewing process and listen to their feedback. It builds trust. It is highly recommended for reviewers to be fluent or native speakers Maximize resources and your opportunity Produce bilingual materials (English – any other language)

17 Latino Campaign

18 African American Campaign

19 Tribal Campaign

20 Asian American Campaign




24 Immigration Law – Public Charge
…IS A TERM USED by U.S. immigration officials to refer to a person who is considered primarily dependent on the government for subsistence, as demonstrated by either receipt of public cash assistance for income maintenance or institutionalization for long-term care at government expense. Where this consideration applies, an immigrant who is found to be "likely to become a public charge" may be denied admission to the U.S. or lawful permanent resident status. Work with Oregon Law Center, National Immigration Law Center, Mexican Consulate and Secretaria de Salud


26 Immigration Law – Eligibility based on citizenship status

27 Immigration Law – Eligibility based on citizenship status

28 Immigration Law – Eligibility based on citizenship status

29 The System Does Not Meet the Community Need
All Oregonians can apply and access for Health Care Not true. Not all Oregonians can apply and access Health Care No Google translator or similar tools Challenges with and I.D. Proofing (limited or not credit history) Mixed status families Unaccompanied Youth New immigrants

30 The System Does Not Meet the Community Need
Directed assistors and applicants to To complete the fillable PDF Paper application

31 The Impact of Our Program
Our community partners were successful in reaching out to hard to reach populations Our program was exceptionally successful in reaching out to the Latino community and other minorities Brought the Oregon uninsured rate down to 5% Community organizations built trust in the community Served the often overlooked populations Show LGBTQ2S Flyer

32 The Bottom Line “We are committed to our Community Partners and clients. Our outreach strategies build coalitions, establish trust, and empower communities. As a result we develop a stronger and healthier Oregon.” Show LGBTQ2S Flyer

33 Contact Information Oliver J. Vera, MBA Manager Community Partner and Outreach Program Office of Client and Community Services Medical Assistance Programs Oregon Health Authority Show LGBTQ2S Flyer

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