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Contra el ratón iba I was going = Viajaba I was travelling =

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Presentation on theme: "Contra el ratón iba I was going = Viajaba I was travelling ="— Presentation transcript:


2 Contra el ratón

3 iba I was going =

4 Viajaba I was travelling =

5 Me alojaba I was staying =

6 Veía I used to see =

7 Jugaba I was playing =

8 Hacía I was doing =

9 era It was =

10 Compraba I used to buy =

11 Tenía que I used to have to =

12 Leía I was reading =

13 Trabajaba I was working =

14 Salía I used to go out =

15 Nos alojábamos we were staying =

16 ibámos We used to go =

17 escribía I used to write =

18 visitábamos We were visiting =

19 jugábamos We were playing =

20 veíamos We used to see =

21 comprábamos We used to buy =

22 hacíamos We used to do =

23 hacía he used to do =

24 salían They used to go out =

25 jugaban They were playing =

26 iban They were going =

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