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Univ. of Virginia William F. Walker Forum on Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Biomedical Engineering Education.

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Presentation on theme: "Univ. of Virginia William F. Walker Forum on Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Biomedical Engineering Education."— Presentation transcript:

1 Univ. of Virginia William F. Walker Forum on Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Biomedical Engineering Education

2 BIOM 200 Intro. to BME Design and Discovery What is BME? –Medical Imaging –Tissue Engineering –Biomaterials –Medical Instrumentation –Biomechanics –Computation in BME Conservation Principles System Design Experimental Design Data Analysis (in MATLAB) –Basic Statistics –Curve Fitting –Data Presentation Product Development –Intellectual Property –Team Selection and Development –Developing a Business Plan / Acquiring Capital –Medical Device Regulation University of Virginia

3 BIOM 450 / BIOM 460 BME Capstone I / BME Capstone II Project Planning BME Roles in Industry Medical Device Development –Quality Control –Standards –Design and Process Control Proposal / Progress Report Writing Intellectual Property Regulatory Issues –FDA Regulation –Clinical Trial Design –Human Trials Policy and Enforcement Marketing and Market Analysis Product Development Process in Industry Abstract Writing and Scientific Ethics Entrepreneurship in BME Professional Presentation of Self University of Virginia

4 BIOM 495 / BIOM 695 Biomedical Engineering Entrepreneurship Intellectual Property SBIR Grant Application FDA 510k Application Elements of a Business Plan –The Medical Problem and the BME Product –Management –Development Plan and Marketing Strategy –Marketing Analysis –Financial Analysis Launching a Business –Understanding Entrepreneurship –Getting Started –Managing Time and People –Financing the New Enterprise –Marketing and Selling the Product –Negotiating Deals –Protecting Intellectual Property University of Virginia

5 Novel Methods in BIOM 200 Team Selection Memo –Teams must justify membership –Opens the door for a discussion of gender bias Women - Organized, Creative, Good Communicators, Good Teamwork Men - Good at Science/Math, Good Technical Skills (Programming), Hard Working –Both genders identify prejudices –Prejudice about self is often strongest –Both genders recognize how these biases can affect career development Students Identify Projects –Only constraint is that it must be in BME –Work with medical and engineering consultants –Teams usually identify their own consultants –Students sometimes identify a problem after talking to a consultant Intellectual Property is discussed early and emphasized –Students perform patent searches on their ideas –Classroom discussions consider how the IP status of an idea may impact development. University of Virginia

6 Outcome Measurement in BIOM 200 Weekly Progress Memos –Check performance on specific tasks Brainstorming Design Comparison Prior Art Search Etc. Project Proposal Memos –Detailed summary of work to date –Detailed plan for remaining effort –Time and financial budgets Final Project Presentations –Discuss high level goals –Describe the problem addressed –Present and demonstrate design –Reviewed by a panel of TAs and faculty Course Evaluation –Written student evaluations –Instructor and Chair review University of Virginia

7 Representative Project from BIOM 200 University of Virginia Conforming Putty Antibacterial Gel Strain Gauge Improved Obstetric Forceps

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