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Camera Functions Shooting Mode ISO White Balance Meter Image Quality Drive Mode.

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Presentation on theme: "Camera Functions Shooting Mode ISO White Balance Meter Image Quality Drive Mode."— Presentation transcript:

1 Camera Functions Shooting Mode ISO White Balance Meter Image Quality Drive Mode

2 Shooting Modes Manual Aperture Shutter Program Auto Portrait Landscape Sport Night

3 Slow Shutter Foliage Snow Beach Fireworks Indoor

4 ISO ? ISO 50 / ISO 100: Bright Sun, Portrait Mode, Beach, Snow, Indoor Flash ISO 200 / ISO400: Cloudy Day, Sports, Fast Shutter Speeds Bright Sun, Landscape ISO 400 + : Low Light, Indoor Without a Flash, Night, Fast Shutter Speeds During Cloudy Day

5 Can Be Changed From Shot to Shot !!! Set On Camera By : Dial / Function / Menu

6 White Balance Sensors/Cameras sensitivity to the color of light. Light color can be measured: Daylight / Flash = 6000 Degrees Kelvin Incandescent = 2800 Degrees Kelvin Fluorescent = 4200 Degrees Kelvin

7 White Balance Set to: Daylight White Balance Set to: Incandescent

8 White Balance Set to: Daylight White Balance Set to: Incandescent

9 White Balance Settings Auto White Balance Daylight / Sunlight Incandescent Fluorescent Flash Cloudy Day Open Shade Custom

10 Meter Evaluative (Matrix) Reads the entire picture frame and evaluates for correct exposure. Center Weighted Read as smaller portion of the picture frame in the center of the image (18 degrees) Spot Reads only a very small portion of the picture frame in the center of the image (3 degrees)



13 Image Quality JPEG Large / Fine JPEG Large / Normal JPEG Large / Basic JPEG Medium / Fine JPEG Medium / Normal JPEG Medium / Basic JPEG Small / Fine JPEG Small / Normal JPEG Small / Basic

14 TIFF RAW RAW + JPEG Large/Normal



17 Drive Mode Single Shot Press on the shutter release button and takes one picture Continuous Press on the shutter release button and it takes continuous pictures until you release the button Self Timer Press on the shutter release button and the camera has a delay until the picture is taken.



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