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Arch 213: Ecological Issues in Architecture Building for the Future -Sustainable Design- Assist. Prof. Dr. Harun Sevinç Assist. Prof. Dr. Pınar Uluçay.

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Presentation on theme: "Arch 213: Ecological Issues in Architecture Building for the Future -Sustainable Design- Assist. Prof. Dr. Harun Sevinç Assist. Prof. Dr. Pınar Uluçay."— Presentation transcript:

1 Arch 213: Ecological Issues in Architecture Building for the Future -Sustainable Design- Assist. Prof. Dr. Harun Sevinç Assist. Prof. Dr. Pınar Uluçay

2 Sustainable Design According to the AIA (American Institute of Architects) & IUA (Union Internationale des Architects): “ Sustainable design integrates considerations of resource & energy efficiency, healthy buildings & materials, ecologically & socially sensitive land use, an aesthetic sensitivity that inspires, affirms, & ennobles …”

3 How can “Sustainable Design” be achieved? By daylighting issues, which is one small part of larger picture:  Energy & environment  Formal & aesthetic implications  Human implications

4 How can “Sustainable Design” be achieved? Daylight can maintain human’s biologic rhythms & connections to rhythms in nature. Biological needs for daylight  Seasonal affective disorder (SAD)  Rickets – deficiency of vitamin D  15 minutes of sunlight sufficient  Use of phototherapy  Time-related cycles  Colour for therapeutic benefit

5 How can “Sustainable Design” be achieved? Experience of time through light  Physical response  Emotional sensation Cannot be quantified or measured

6 How can “Sustainable Design” be achieved? Visual comfort  Sick building syndrome  Building-related illnesses  Computer vision syndrome Eye & vision problems related to near work during computer use  Quality of life

7 How can “Sustainable Design” be achieved? By bioregional approach, which describes how a specific region influences daylighting :  Sun path  Sky conditions  Nature of site  Climate

8 How can “Sustainable Design” be achieved? Seasons, which influences daylighting  Impact of summer & winter solstices; fall & spring equinoxes  Solstice Longest day of year (21 June) Shortest day of year (21 December)  Equinox (equal night) Two times of year when length of day & night approximately equal (21 March & 21 September)  Northern & southern hemisphere

9 How can “Sustainable Design” be achieved? Geographic locations and its climate zones, which influences daylighting  Hot arid climate Minimize heat gain Control glare Relief & protection from intense sunlight  Hot humid climate Maximum ventilation Maximum control of heat Maximum control of direct sunlight

10 How can “Sustainable Design” be achieved? Geographic locations and its climate zones, which influences daylighting  Temperate climate Greater flexibility Modest temperatures Modest seasonal changes Greater connections inside to outside  Cold climate Tremendous seasonal changes: temperature, precipitation, & sky conditions

11 How can “Sustainable Design” be achieved? Spatial location in building  Interaction of light & form According to Kahn: “Light is mood.”  Colour characteristics Overcast day Clear Sky

12 How can “Sustainable Design” be achieved? Architectural consideration of daylight  Factors that affect flow of light: Building massing Plan Section Window design

13 How can “Sustainable Design” be achieved? Architectural consideration of daylight  Building massing: Linear forms Central forms Clustered forms Palmetto Residence, Southern Florida: Hot-Humid

14 How can “Sustainable Design” be achieved? Architectural consideration of daylight  Plan & Section: Room depth & height Room surfaces & characteristics Ceiling characteristics Palmetto Residence, Southern Florida: Hot-Humid

15 How can “Sustainable Design” be achieved? Architectural consideration of daylight  Windows: Size Location Position on wall Orientation Detailing Mt. Airy Library, North Carolina

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