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Non-Res Lighting Subcommittee Retrofit Lighting Standard Protocol Review 10/23/13.

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1 Non-Res Lighting Subcommittee Retrofit Lighting Standard Protocol Review 10/23/13

2 What has happened since March? Incorporated comments from March subcommittee meeting into protocol Further revised protocol and interview guide to use consistent language Split protocols into “retrofit” and “LPA required” instead of “pre-conditions” and ”current practice” – In reality, retrofits could have both baselines present Waiting to develop provisional data collection section until remainder of protocol is reviewed

3 Key Definitions Space Use Type (SUT) For retrofits, SUT is used to define a space inside/outside the building with a specific use and occupancy hours of use (HOU occ ) – SUT is linked to LPA requirements for installations governed by code System Combination of fixtures associated with a single control type within each SUT – Takes into account individual controls effects on different fixtures (Ex. daylight sensors vs. manual switch in same space) – Many fixtures within a SUT can be considered a single system if they have the same control types (i.e. multiple occ sensors in open office) Lighting calculator would require line item entry of fixtures and controls, (i.e. a system) with a SUT and HOU occ for each system Project Sum of all SUT’s and their systems is considered the project – HVAC IF based on primary equipment used to condition entire project

4 PROJECT SYSTEM SUT SYSTEM SYSTEM* *If HOU occ are the same for all fixtures/controls. Systems cannot cross a SUT. SUT

5 Example Space Data Collection Baseline data collection – Identify a SUT based on HOU occ and use of the space – Identify each system within a SUT A system is associated with a particular control type These systems all occur within the same SUT therefore HOU occ should be the same – Note: Systems cannot cross SUT – Eventually determine controlled HOU for each system Apply CSF and results of site interview Fixture Type Fixture Quantity Lamps/ fixture Wattage/ lamp Ballast Type Total Wattage SUTHOU occ Control Type Downlight5160N/A300 Conference room 4.0Manual Switch Sconce2140N/A80 Conference room 4.0Daylight Sensor Counter Light 21100N/A200 Conference room 4.0Manual Switch Gathered by interview

6 Example Space Data Collection Determine baseline power of each system CSF is used to apply an adjustment to HOU occ for each system – Interview answers used to roll up to annual savings Fixture Type Fixture Quantity Lamps/ fixture Wattage / lamp Ballast Type Total Wattage SUTHOU occ Control TypeCSFHOU base Daily kWh consumption Downlight5160N/A300 Conference room 4.0Manual Switch0%4.01.2 Sconce2140N/A80 Conference room 4.0Daylight Sensor40%2.40.19 Counter Light 21100N/A200 Conference room 4.0Manual Switch0%4.00.8 Total:2.19 Calculator does this based on inputs

7 Example Space Data Collection Efficient Case Data Collection & Consumption – Utilize same SUT boundaries when applicable Note: Major change in SUTs means retrofit protocol N/A – Same method as baseline for fixture count, quantity, etc. for each control type within a system – Calculator can determine savings allocation Controls savings vs. wattage reduction savings Fixture Type Fixture Quantity Lamps/ fixture Wattage/ lamp Ballast Factor Total Wattage SUTHOU occ Control Type CSFHOU ee Daily kWh consumption HPT86228 Low (0.85) 286 Conference room 4.0 Occupancy & Daylight Sensor 40%1.60.46 Total:0.46

8 Where things will get tricky Some controls affect both wattage and HOU – Ex. Combo daylight/occ sensor Would need to define consumption and HOU at each power level – Can we do so accurately with an interview guide? HOU required for each space (SUT) – Some programs do this for whole building only Plan to use interview guide to test whole building occupancy schedule to individual SUT schedules for possible simplification in the future

9 Interview Guide Need to link answers from interview guide to savings calculation components – i.e. if practitioner asks a question, the answer needs to be used for something Limit interview guide to only questions that are needed to inform HOU-related estimates – Includes space HOU and controls-related HOU Ex. combo daylight/occ sensor HOU reduction

10 Interview Guide Need to determine if the guide asks the correct questions to get answers needed for savings estimation – Can we remove some? Or refine them to get at a more reliable answer? Understand that programs might use their own interview guide to streamline process in field. – i.e. Developing an electronic guide would allow for flexibility with many SUTs

11 Provisional Data Needs – Next step Need to collect provisional data to prove the Simplest Reliable Method is reliable compared to a best practice approach We don’t appear to have reliable data on: – HOU estimates – Controls Savings Fractions – Fixture wattages? Recent data suggests manufacturer rating may not be reliable Large number of possibilities given various control types and SUTs – 150+ possibilities just using current list of options

12 Comparison of Methods Simplest Reliable MethodBest Practice Method HOU Interview to obtain HOU by SUT Meter non-controlled fixtures to derive HOU based on occupancy Controls Savings Fraction Use default table of values for each control type Meter systems on individual controls to obtain % reduction Fixture Wattage Use manufacturer rating Meter fixtures to obtain in-situ rating compared to manufacturer rating* Need to collect provisionally * Prior best practice was to use manufacturer’s default lamp/fixture rating

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