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This Mini-Lesson Will Cover: How do movement of the Earth, Moon and Sun relate to events on Earth?

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Presentation on theme: "This Mini-Lesson Will Cover: How do movement of the Earth, Moon and Sun relate to events on Earth?"— Presentation transcript:

1 This Mini-Lesson Will Cover: How do movement of the Earth, Moon and Sun relate to events on Earth?

2 Day 1: Time & Seasons What causes the planets to revolve around the Sun? Gravitational pull of the Sun and the inertia from the rotating cloud of gas and dust the planets formed from. What motion causes day and night on Earth? The rotation of the Earth How long does it take the Earth to revolve around the Sun? 1 year or 365.25 days.

3 Day 1: Continued What is the cause of Earth’s Season’s? 1) Earth is tilted 23.5 degrees. 2) Axis is pointed in the same directions (towards the North star) as it orbits the Earth. 3) As, a result and the Earth orbits the Sun different parts of the Earth are tilted away from the Earth.

4 Day 2: Interpreting Graphics Use the figures below to answer questions 1 and 2. The figure shows the position of Earth during the four seasons..

5 Interpreting Graphics, continued 1. The Northern Hemisphere tilts toward the sun during which season? 2. At which position(s) does the Earth experience equal hours of daylight and nighttime? 3. The Northern Hemisphere experiences a winter solstice (shortest number of daylight hours) when it is at which of the following positions on the diagram? A. position 1 B.position 2 C. position 3 D. position 4

6 Interpreting graphics cont.. 4. During which month is Earth farthest from the Sun? 5. Does distance from the Sun have any significant affect on Earth’s seasons? 6. What shape is Earth’s orbit.

7 Day 2: Answers 1. Summer 2. 2 & 4 3. C 4. July 5. No 6. An ellipse

8 Day 3: Tides on Earth Bulges in Earth’s oceans, called tidal bulges, form because the moon’s gravitational pull on Earth decreases with distance from the moon. As a result, the ocean on Earth’s near side is pulled toward the moon with the greatest force. The solid Earth experiences a lesser force. These differences cause Earth’s tidal bulges. Because Earth rotates, tides occur in a regular rhythm at any given point on Earth’s surface each day. The Sun also has an affect on the tides but not as strong as the moon.

9 Day 3: Causes of Tides

10 Day 3: Tide Questions 1. The diameter of Jupiter is over 40 times larger than the diameter of the Moon. Why does the moon exhibit a much stronger tidal effect on Earth than does Jupiter? Refer to a particular law of science to support your point? 2. Which has a greater indfluence on Earth’s tides: the Sun or the Moon? 3. Due to Earth’s rotation how many high tides and low tides will each place on Earth have?

11 Day 3: Answers 1. Jupiter is much further from the Earth than the moon that is gravitational pull is neglible according the Newton’s Law of Gravity. 2. The Moon has a greater effect but the Sun’s position can strengthen or weaken the tides. Spring tides have the greatest tidal range and neap tides have the smallest tidal range. There are 2 spring tides and neap tides per month. 3. 2 high tides and 2 low tides per day.

12 Day 4: Quiz (Totally!!!)

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