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Project Review and Lessons Learned LED Lighting Retrofit at Grafton Bethel Elementary School.

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Presentation on theme: "Project Review and Lessons Learned LED Lighting Retrofit at Grafton Bethel Elementary School."— Presentation transcript:

1 Project Review and Lessons Learned LED Lighting Retrofit at Grafton Bethel Elementary School

2 Touch once: Remove light fixtures during ceiling removal Touch twice: Reinstall same light fixtures same locations Touch third time: Convert same lights to T-8 Touch fourth time: Seal return air vents at top of fixtures to prevent heat loss into attic-previous HVAC system had been VAV Touch fifth time: Remove all thirty-two hard-piped fixtures from each classroom and replace with nine 4-tube F25T- 8 fixtures, install occupancy sensors and remove all T-12 under cabinet light fixtures Final Result: Average 55-60 foot-candles in the classrooms and an Energy Star School How Not to Do a Lighting Retrofit

3 Day lit High School ◦ Projector screen washout ◦ Replace projectors with higher output-more power ◦ Dimming T-8 ballasts failing ◦ Ballasts and daylight sensors replaced ◦ Stroboscopic flickering ◦ Replacing daylight sensors and T-8s with dimming LEDs How Not to Use Daylighting

4  Very rapid change in technology  Glare  Inconsistent color even from same manufacturer  Length of life not proven  Cannot make white LEDs  Color shift of cheaper LEDs  Driver reliability  Tremendous energy savings  Dimmable w/o flickering  Very long life  Excellent visibility vs. LPS  Instant on  Excellent performance in low temperatures  No mercury  Excellent control of light pattern  Repeated on/off cycling does not reduce life  LED cost almost compares to T- 8 fluorescent Pros and Cons of LED Technology

5  Expensive to retrofit  Reduce operating costs- inexpensive to burn  Reduce maintenance costs-very long life  Better lighting  Great light pattern control Pros and Cons of LED Light Replacement

6  Degradation of existing reflective surface  Exact lumen output may vary from fixture to fixture  Brittleness, age, wear and tear on tombstone contacts  Potential violation of the UL rating  Existing diffuser lenses are not sufficient for LEDs  Should replace diffuser lenses- additional cost  LED bulbs are expensive  LED bulbs are not typically dimmable  Potentially less expensive  Potentially faster installation Pros and Cons of LED Light Retrofit (Install Bulbs or Strips vs. Replace Fixtures)

7 Even light distribution Proper light levels at the desk top Glare Over lit Project screen washout Zone control Simplicity of zone control Fewest fixtures 2’ X 2’ vs. 2’ X 4’ fixtures Classroom lighting priorities

8 Ductwork must be removed and replaced Ceiling grids may be removed Ceiling tiles must be removed Lights may need to be repositioned Electricians already on site During renovations During HVAC replacements Optimum Time for Lighting Replacement







15 Original light control issues ◦ Lights not wired on two separately switched circuits ◦ Lights not installed in correct locations ◦ Uneven light distribution Options for projector screen light washout ◦ Replace projector with more powerful one ◦ Dim or turn off first row of lights Calms students ◦ Bright lights seem to irritate students ◦ Dimmed lights appear to help keep students more focused Saves energy ◦ Day lite rooms need less lighting ◦ Dim or turn off lights near windows Classroom Lighting Control


17 Light switching for day lit areas per the International Energy Conservation Code

18 0 to 10v 120/277v Junction Boxes Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Low Voltage wires 120/277v 0 to 10v Dimmer with slide and On/Off button Low Voltage Power Pack for Occupancy Sensor Low Voltage Dual Technology Occupancy Sensor LED fixtures with 0 to 10v dimming solution 0 to 10 Volt Photocell Window

19 120/277v Cat 5 Cable nLight nIO comes is embedded in each fixture nLight nPODM-4S DX ODM-xS.pdf Zone 1 Daylighting Zone 2Zone 3 nLight nWV PDT16 WV-PDT.pdf Could be tied into school via SensorView Software tying in all of the classrooms 120/277v Lithonia VT LED w/nLight nIO Lithonia VT LED w/nLight nIO Lithonia VT LED w/nLight nIO Lithonia VT LED w/nLight nIO Lithonia VT LED w/nLight nIO Lithonia VT LED w/nLight nIO Lithonia VT LED w/nLight nIO Lithonia VT LED w/nLight nIO Lithonia VT LED w/nLight nIO Lithonia VT LED with nLight Scene and Dimming Solution Window nLight nCM-ADCx M-ADC(X).pdf



22 Bridge Port 1 Bridge Port 2 Bridge Port 3 Bridge Port 1 Bridge Port 2 Bridge Port 3 GateWay Port 1 Bridge Port 4 Cat 5e nLight Gateway nLight Bridge Room: 092 Channel 1: All On Channel 2: "A" Zone Channel 3: "B" Zone Channel 4: "C" Zone Channel 5: Occ Sensor Room: 094 Channel 6: All On Channel 7: "A" Zone Channel 8: "B" Zone Channel 9: "C" Zone Channel 10: Occ Sensor Room: 096 Channel 11: All On Channel 12: "A" Zone Channel 13: "B" Zone Channel 14: "C" Zone Channel 15: Occ Sensor Hallway Homerun

23 Before After

24 Room TypeCurrentNewAnnual Power Savings Additional Annual Savings with HVAC Total Savings without Controls Savings 11 Fixture Classroom 1276 Watts528 Watts$216$37$253 13 Fixture Classroom 1508 Watts624 Watts$255$44$299 Hallways4176 Watts1728 Watts$707$121$828 Gymnasium3696 Watts1520 Watts$629$107$736 Estimated Annual Energy Savings

25 Rebates available from Dominion Virginia Power Tax rebates Contracts with energy services companies Where to get the funding?

26 Project Review and Lessons Learned Mark Tschirhart (757) 876-8681 LED Lighting Retrofit at Grafton Bethel Elementary School

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