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Space By Noah Karch Mercury Mercury was named for the swift Roman messenger god. Mercury is a planet of extreme temperatures. Mercury is a bare and rocky.

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2 Space By Noah Karch

3 Mercury Mercury was named for the swift Roman messenger god. Mercury is a planet of extreme temperatures. Mercury is a bare and rocky planet with deep craters.

4 Venus Venus was named for the Roman goddess of love and beauty. The Chinese name for Venus is ‘beautiful white one’. Venus is the sister to Earth.

5 Earth Earth is a ball of rock covered in water. Earth is the only planet that can support life. Earth is nick named the blue planet.

6 Mars Mars was named for the Roman god of war. Mars is nicknamed the red planet. It is usually very cold on Mars. Only on the hottest summer will it rise above zero.

7 Jupiter Jupiter ‘s red spot is actually an enormous storm. Jupiter is a gas giant. 1,000 Earth s can fit inside Jupiter.

8 Saturn Saturn is surrounded by clouds of raging storms and powerful winds. The clouds appear as bands of light gold and white. The temperature on Saturn may drop to -285° F.

9 Uranus Uranus rotates in the opposite direction of the other planets. It remains in daylight for half of it’s year. Uranus is nicknamed the sideways planet.

10 Neptune Winds on the surface of Neptune reach 600 mph. Scientists believe that the surface of Neptune is very hot. Neptune is an outer planet.

11 Pluto Pluto was considered a planet until 2006. Pluto used to be an outer planet. Pluto is a dwarf planet.


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