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FFA AND SANTA RITA ADVISORS Justification of Extended Contracts and Justification for a FFA Advisor Stipend.

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Presentation on theme: "FFA AND SANTA RITA ADVISORS Justification of Extended Contracts and Justification for a FFA Advisor Stipend."— Presentation transcript:

1 FFA AND SANTA RITA ADVISORS Justification of Extended Contracts and Justification for a FFA Advisor Stipend

2 A Comprehensive Agriscience Program Should Address Multiple Learning Styles


4 Dr. Allen Talbert and Dr. Mark Balschweid at Purdue University FFA/Agriscience vs. Other High School Students b More likely to be employed (71% vs. 38%) b 89% of FFA members “believe in career success and are optimistic about the future” vs. 68% of other students b FFA members are more likely to identify a specific career rather than a general field.

5 What are SAE’s? Supervised Agricultural Experience provides students with a learn by doing…not just practicing nor simulating.

6 Benefits of SAE’s b Provide opportunities for earning while learning b Develop valuable work skills b Permit individualization of instruction b Provide opportunities to creatively explore various careers in agriculture. b Permits recognition for individual achievement b Creates opportunities for earning after graduation

7 A recent study performed by Dr. Jack Elliot at the University of Arizona Found... SAE Programs that included home visits with each student, assisted in producing higher standardized test scores and GPA’s for those students.

8 How Does FFA Tie into SAE’s FFA overlaps with SAE programs through awards, recognition, internships, travel, and community involvement based on the students’ SAE.

9 So Why an Extended Contract? b 3-5 hours per student per semester with one-on-one instruction outside of SRHS b Records Upkeep - Mandatory accountability records sent to AZDE b In the NEAR future - maintenance of greenhouse and aquaculture systems - must be daily!

10 So Why a FFA Advisor Stipend? b Career Development Teams - Training is 8 hours per week per advisor after school for 2-3 months and will be longer if the team wins the state competition. b Officer Training - 40 hours in summer b Conferences - State Leadership, Career Development Day, County and State Fairs, Peoria Mini-Camp and National Convention - 250 hours per advisor

11 Continued... b PALS - Partners in Active Learning Support…time averages about 10 hours per semester to plan activities b Creation of POA with Officers - 8 hours b Student Chapter Activities - District competitions, community events, and local event planning - 50 hours per semester per advisor

12 Total Hours for an Agriscience Teacher to Effectively Do Their Job…. 500 Hours per Year Outside of the Classroom Expectations

13 The Average Arizona FFA Advisor - Agriscience Instructor Has... A 20 day extended contract and an advisor stipend equivalent to a coach’s stipend.

14 Thank you for your time

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