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South East Region Troops to Teachers Bill Kirkland Georgia State University College of Education.

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2 South East Region Troops to Teachers Bill Kirkland Georgia State University College of Education

3 AGENDA  Program Overview  TTT Recent Changes

4 Financial Assistance  A stipend of not more then $5,000 for teacher certification.  A one time bonus of up to $10,000 is authorized for participants who teach in a high needs school.  Maximum amount an individual receives cannot exceed $10,000.

5 TTT Financial Assistance Eligability  All veterans are eligible for TTT counseling.  Veterans eligible for financial assistance must meet specific criteria.

6 Time In Service Requirement  4 Years Active Duty Or  6 Years as a Drilling Reservist Or  Separated due to Medical Disability

7 Education Requirements Classroom Teacher  Legislation stipulates applicants for subject areas must hold a bachelor’s degree or higher from an accredited institution. Vocational/Technical Teacher  Applicants must have the equivalent of one year of college (24 credit hours) with six years of military experience to qualify to apply for entry to Troops to Teachers.

8 TTT Obligations  Participants that accept financial aid commit to teach at least three years in a public school.  If they accept the bonus of $10,000 they must teach in a high needs public school for three years.  Certain drilling reservist categories require a 3 year enlistment or extension.

9 SE Region States Georgia South Carolina Tennessee Alabama South East Region

10 South Carolina TTT POCs Anthony Bush – Bill Kirkland - Website –

11 North Carolina TTT POCs Mr. Doug Taggart - Mr. Henry Moore - Web Site - Phone - 888-878-1600

12 Transition to teaching Seminars

13 TTT Stipend Individuals must have exhausted Post 9/11 VA Benefits to be eligible for TTT Stipend.

14 Post 9/11 Benefits “Certificate of Eligibility" 1. Call 888-442-4551 2. Select the first option - PRESS ONE (1) 3. PRESS ZERO (0) to talk with an educational specialist. 4. Speak with an Education Specialist 5. Request an "Awards Letter/Certificate.

15 Three Year Teaching Commitment Stipend Eligible Schools a.30% Free or Reduced Cost Student Lunches b.13% Special Education Students

16 Bonus Eligible Schools High Needs / Bonus Eligible Schools  Elementary and Middle Schools - 50% Free or Reduced Student Lunches.  High School – 40% Free or Reduced Student Lunches or Feeder Schools with 50% or Greater Free or Reduced Student Lunches

17 Troops to Teachers Registration Must Register Before Being Hired

18 How We can Work Together 1. Teacher Certification Programs 2. Degree Completion 3.Numbers: a. North Carolina 2900 / 1300 b. South Carolina 1800 / 1000

19 Wet T-Shirt Contest Questions?

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