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Canadian Research Funding Canadian High Commission Canberra, Australia Sciences, Engineering & Health.

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1 Canadian Research Funding Canadian High Commission Canberra, Australia Sciences, Engineering & Health

2 Research Councils in Sciences, Engineering and Health Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) –Invests in people, discovery and innovation to advance knowledge in the natural sciences and engineering –Funds more than 10,000 university professors every year Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) –Funds research that improves Canadians' health, health care system and quality of life –Supports up to 10,000 researchers and trainees in universities, teaching hospitals, and research institutes across Canada National Research Council (NRC) –Government of Canada's premier organization for research and development, since 1916 –Research areas: aerospace, biotechnology, engineering and construction, fundamental sciences, industry, information and communications and manufacturing

3 Overview of Eligibility by Research Council NSERC programs –Foreign researchers may be collaborators on a Canada- based research team/project –Foreign applicants may apply for specific postdoctoral fellowships CIHR programs –Foreign researchers may be co-applicants on a Canada- based research team/project –Foreign applicants may apply for specific postdoctoral fellowships NRC programs –Foreign applicants are eligible for postdoctoral fellowships only

4 Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC)

5 Definitions and Eligibility Principal applicant and co-applicant(s): –Must hold an academic appointment at an eligible Canadian university or college Collaborators: –May be a foreign researcher –Must be qualified to undertake research independently –Will be expected to contribute to the overall intellectual direction of the research project or program of research –Will be expected to bring your own resources to the collaboration (i.e. self-funded) Foreign applicants may apply for the postdoctoral fellowship: –Visiting Fellowships in Canadian Government Laboratories

6 Tools to find a Canadian Researcher NSERC Awards Search Engine –Information on NSERC funded projects since 1991 –Allows foreign researchers to identify Canadian researchers that received NSERC funds in specific fields of research – NSERC Chairholder Database: –Connect with Canada’s leading scientists and engineers –Profiles of chairholders’ activities, keyword search, contact information – Canada Research Chairs: –Profiles of each of the Canada Research Chairs –

7 What do NSERC Grants Fund? Direct cost of research (general principle) NSERC does not fund indirect or overhead costs NSERC also allows: –Salaries and stipends for research personnel (e.g. students, research associates, technicians, postdoctoral fellows, etc.) –Visiting researchers’ stipends – limited to a maximum of $2,000 per month for up to 125 days per year –Travel and subsistence costs for field work, research conferences, collaborative trips, archival work and historical research (for any research personnel associated with the grant) Research Tools and Instruments (RTI) Grants: –Buying and developing research equipment and installations

8 Evaluating NSERC Grants Scientific or engineering excellence of the researcher(s) –Knowledge, expertise and experience –Past or potential impact on the proposed area of research –Group synergy (where applicable) Merit of the proposal –Originality and innovation –Significance and expected contributions to research –Clarity of objectives and methodology –Feasibility Contribution to the training of highly qualified personnel –E.g. postdoctoral fellows, graduate and undergraduate students, technicians Need for funds –Appropriateness of, and justification for, the budget –Availability of other sources of funding

9 Discovery Grants (DG) - Group Projects Ongoing programs of research with long-term goals Recognise the creativity and innovation at the heart of research advances Recipients may use the grant for new research activities, not covered in original application (within NSERC’s mandate) Around 3000 applicants each year (1/3 are first time applicants) Success rate as high as 73% Grants are awarded for 1 to 5 years Average size of grant is $32,000 per year (some as high as $200,000 per year) Total funding in 2005-06 was $320 million

10 Special Research Opportunities (SRO) Unique, emerging, timely or urgent opportunities Must be novel, high-risk or have a strong potential for breakthrough SRO grants do not support: –Ongoing research and collaboration –Research projects eligible for other NSERC programs (e.g. DG) Also pre-research activities involving researchers in Canada and abroad –To investigate and develop potential new collaborative projects –Typically for a workshop or short series of meetings Must have defined milestones and objectives Grants are for up to 3 years

11 Jointly funded by NSERC and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Collaborative research projects in any field of the natural sciences and engineering and the health sciences Program objectives: –Advance knowledge and technologies to improve the health of Canadians –Encourage collaboration and integration of expertise between natural sciences or engineering and health researchers Awards are for up to 3 years Collaborative Health Research Projects

12 Visiting Fellowships in Canadian Government Laboratories Recent doctoral graduates of any nationality Opportunity for emerging scientists and engineers Work with research groups in Canadian government departments and agencies, including: –Agriculture, Conservation, Environment, Fisheries and Oceans, Food Inspection, Health, Industry, Defence, Natural Resources, Parks, etc. Value is C$42,761 per year Term is 1 year, renewable for up to 2 more years 450-500 applications made each year 150 fellowships offered each year (varies) 1/3 of fellowships awarded to foreign applicants

13 NSERC Grants Deadlines Program NameDeadlines Discovery GrantsAUGUST 1 st – Notification of Intent NOVEMBER 1st – Full Application Special Research Opportunities ANYTIME – Letter of Intent Full Application due within 3 MONTHS of Invitation to Submit Collaborative Health Research Projects MAY 1 st – Letter of Intent OCTOBER 2 nd – Full Application Visiting Fellowships in Canadian Government Laboratories ANYTIME Guidelines and Application Forms Online At:

14 Canadian Institutes of Health Research

15 Definitions and Eligibility Principal applicant: –Must be employed by an eligible Canadian institution for the entire duration of the grant –Must be an independent researcher (i.e. not under the supervision of another person who is directing the research) Co-applicants: –May be an independent researcher, a research associate, a trainee, or a foreign researcher Collaborators: –Provide a special service (e.g. technicians) and do not contribute to the intellectual direction of research Foreign applicants may apply for the postdoctoral fellowship: –CIHR Fellowships

16 What do CIHR grants fund? Direct cost of research (general principle) CIHR does not fund indirect or overhead costs CIHR also allows: –Salaries for research associates, research assistants and technicians –Honoraria for guest lecturers –Travel and subsistence costs for field work, research conferences, collaborative trips, archival work and historical research (for any research personnel associated with the grant) –Research equipment and supplies, including staff training for specialized equipment –Computers and electronic equipment essential to the research

17 Overview of CIHR Grants Open Grants Competition –E.g. Operating Grants, Team Grants –Applications in March and September –3800 new applications each year Strategic Initiatives Competitions –Calls for applications in specific areas of research –Check CIHR website for current opportunities –Includes International Collaborative Partnerships Overall 900 new awards each year Most grants are funded for up to 5 years Currently more than 10,000 researchers hold CIHR grants In 2005-2006 the total grant expenditure was $650 million

18 CIHR Operating Grants All areas of health research Research projects conducted by individuals or groups of researchers Foreign researchers may only apply as co-applicants in a group project Grants awarded for 2 to 5 years Shorter grants may be awarded for pilot projects and feasibility studies Average grant is $122,000 per year for 4-5 years

19 CIHR Team Grants Health research best approached through a collaborative team, in all areas of health research Teams of at least three independent investigators, each with proven track record in collaborative projects Foreign researchers may be included as additional team members (i.e. co-applicants) Up to C$ 1 million per grant for a maximum of 5 years

20 International Collaborative Indigenous Health Research Partnership on Resilience EXAMPLE ONLY: Applications are not currently open Collaborative funding program offered by CIHR, HRC New Zealand and NHMRC Australia Supports research in the area of indigenous health 5 year program (2002-2007) 7 full applications were received 3 teams were funded CIHR’s contribution was $5.5 Million

21 CIHR Fellowships Open to Canadians and citizens of other countries Must hold a PhD or professional health degree (or equivalent) Candidates with more than 3 years post-PhD research training will not be considered Fellowships are awarded for –Up to 3 years (for PhD holders) –Up to 4 years (for professional degree holders) –Up to 5 years (for professional degree holders who intend to complete their PhD as part of the fellowship) Annual stipend is C$21,000 to $50,000 depending on applicant’s experience and qualifications

22 CIHR Grants Deadlines Program NameDeadlines Operating Grants AUGUST 15 th – Registration Deadline SEPTEMBER 15 th – Application Deadline OR FEBRUARY 1 st – Registration Deadline MARCH 1 st – Application Deadline Team Grants FEBRUARY 15 th – Letter of Intent SEPTEMBER 1 st – Full Application Fellowships OCTOBER 1 st (for April start dates) FEBRUARY 1 st (for July start dates) Guidelines and Application Forms Online At:

23 National Research Council (NRC) NRC awards and fellowships generally recognise excellence by Canadian scientists and innovators Foreign applicants may only apply for NRC Research Associateships (postdoctoral fellowship)

24 NRC Research Associateships Open to Canadian citizens and foreign nationals Recent PhD graduates in science or engineering or Masters in engineering and 5 years experience Salaried position from C$49,489 (PhD recruiting rate) Appointments are for 2 years, extendable to a maximum of 5 years

25 NRC Grant Deadlines Program NameDeadlines NRC Research Associateships APPLY ONLINE ANYTIME Guidelines and Application Forms Online At:

26 Contact Us Academic Relations/ Canadian Education Centre Canadian High Commission, Canberra Phone: (02) 6270 4050 Fax: (02) 6270 4083 Email: Website:

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