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MSW Admission Information Session Fall 2014 MSW Program Dr. Martha Vungkhanching MSW Program Coordinator MSW Program Coordinator& Title IV-E Child Welfare.

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2 MSW Admission Information Session Fall 2014 MSW Program Dr. Martha Vungkhanching MSW Program Coordinator MSW Program Coordinator& Title IV-E Child Welfare Program Corinne Florez, Coordinator

3 Overview Deadline for Applications Deadline for Applications Mission Statement Mission Statement MSW Program MSW Program Course Schedule Course Schedule Valued Added Programs Valued Added Programs  Title IV-E Child Welfare Program (2 years)  Consejo: A Latino Behavioral Health Practice (for MSW 2 nd year)  Public Mental Health Program (2 nd year)  Pupils Personnel Services (PPS) Credential (2 nd year) Application Process & Criteria for MSW Program Admissions Application Process & Criteria for MSW Program Admissions Criteria for Evaluating MSW Application Criteria for Evaluating MSW Application Review Process Review Process Contact Information for MSW Application Contact Information for MSW Application Title IV-E Child Welfare Program Title IV-E Child Welfare Program 25/11/2015

4 Deadline for Application to the Graduate Program in Social Work Application to the University Graduate Program Deadline: January 30, 2015 Application to the University Graduate Program Deadline: January 30, 2015 Application to the Department of Social Work Education Deadline: January 30, 2015 Application to the Department of Social Work Education Deadline: January 30, 2015 Application to the Title IV-E Child Welfare Program Deadline: February 27, 2015 Application to the Title IV-E Child Welfare Program Deadline: February 27, 2015 35/11/2015

5 Mission Statement The Department prepares social workers at the BA and Master’s levels for agency and community-based practice and for informed, active participation as social workers and citizens who are compassionate and proactive in response to human needs. The Department prepares social workers at the BA and Master’s levels for agency and community-based practice and for informed, active participation as social workers and citizens who are compassionate and proactive in response to human needs. Three important goals of the educational program include the development of practice with: Three important goals of the educational program include the development of practice with: 1) A commitment to social justice 2) Diversity awareness 3) An empowerment perspective Practice at all levels Practice at all levels 45/11/2015

6 MSW Program 60 Units 60 Units  Full Time, 2 Years  Part Time, 3 or 4 Years Two years internship (1000 hours) Two years internship (1000 hours) 5 Year Limit to Degree completion 5 Year Limit to Degree completion Cohort of about 60 New Students each year (FT/PT) Cohort of about 60 New Students each year (FT/PT) 55/11/2015

7 First SemesterSecond Semester SWRK 200 Social Welfare Policy I 3SWRK 203 Social Welfare Policy II 3 SWRK 212 Human Behavior in the Social Environment 3SWRK 213 HBSE: Cultural Diversity and Oppression 3 SWRK 220 Social Work Practice I 4SWRK 221 Social Work Practice II 4 SWRK 280 Foundation Field2SWRK 281 Foundation Field 2 SWRK 260 Quantitative Research 3SWRK 261 Qualitative Research 3 Units15 Units15 Foundation Year 65/11/2015

8 First SemesterSecond Semester SWRK 246 Advanced practice With formal organizations 2SWRK 247 Advanced practice with communities 3 SWRK 224 Advanced Practice Individuals 3SWRK 227 Advanced Social Work Practice with Couples and Families 3 SWRK 225 Advanced Practice with Groups 3 SWRK 282 Advanced Field3SWRK 283 Advanced Field 3 Elective3 3 SWRK 292 Seminar in Thesis/Project 2SWRK 298 Project or SWRK 299 Thesis 2 Units16 Units14 Advanced Year 75/11/2015

9 Year 1 First Semester Year 1 Second Semester Year 2 First Semester Year 2 Second Semester SWRK 200 Social Welfare Policy I (3) SWRK 203 Social Welfare Policy II (3) SWRK 220 Social Work Practice I (4) SWRK 221 Social Work Practice II (4) SWRK 212 Human Behavior in the Social Environment (3) SWRK 213 HBSE: Cultural Diversity and Oppression (3) SWRK 280 Foundation Field (2) SWRK 281 Foundation Field (2) SWRK 260 Quantitative Research (3) SWRK 261 Qualitative Research (3) Elective (3) 9 Units Foundation Year (3 Year Part-Time) 85/11/2015

10 Year 3 First Semester Year 3 Second Semester SWRK 246 Advanced Practice with Formal Organizations (2) SWRK 247 Advanced Practice with Communities (3) SWRK 224 Advanced Practice Individuals (3) SWRK 227 Advanced Practice with Couples and Families (3) SWRK 225 Advanced Practice with Groups (3) SWRK 282 Advanced Field (3)SWRK 283 Advanced Field (3) SWRK 292 Seminar in Thesis/Project (2) SWRK 298 Project (2) or SWRK 299 Thesis (2) 13 Units11 Units Advanced Year (3 Year Part-Time) 95/11/2015

11 Year 1 First Semester Year 1 Second Semester Year 2 Third Semester Year 2 Fourth Semester SWRK 200 Social Welfare Policy I (3) SWRK 203 Social Welfare Policy II (3) SWRK 220 Social Work Practice I (4) SWRK 221 Social Work Practice II (4) SWRK 212 Human Behavior in the Social Environment (3) SWRK 213 HBSE: Cultural Diversity and Oppression (3) SWRK 280 Foundation Field (2) SWRK 281 Foundation Field (2) xxSWRK 260 Quantitative Research (3) SWRK 261 Qualitative Research (3) 6 Units 9 Units Foundation Year (4 Year Part-Time) 105/11/2015

12 Year 3 First Semester Year 3 Second Semester Year 4 Third Semester Year 4 Fourth Semester SWRK 246 Advanced Practice with Formal Organizations (2) SWRK 247 Advanced Practice with Communities (3) Elective (3) SWRK 224 Advanced Practice Individuals (3) SWRK 227 Advanced Practice with Couples and Families (3) SWRK 292 Seminar in Thesis/Project (2) SWRK 298 Project (2) OR SWRK 299 Thesis (2) SWRK 225 Advanced Practice with Groups (3) xxx SWRK 282 Advanced Field (3) SWRK 283 Advanced Field (3) xx 11 Units9 Units5 units Advanced Year (4 Year Part-Time) 115/11/2015

13 Website work/degrees-programs/index.html work/degrees-programs/index.html work/degrees-programs/index.html work/degrees-programs/index.html Download or view application information Download or view application information MSW Handbook MSW Handbook Pre-requisite list Pre-requisite list 125/11/2015

14 Value-Added Programs Title IV-E Child Welfare Program Title IV-E Child Welfare Program Consejo: A Latino Behavioral Health Practice (for MSW 2 nd year) Consejo: A Latino Behavioral Health Practice (for MSW 2 nd year)  work/masters/consejo-grant.html work/masters/consejo-grant.html work/masters/consejo-grant.html Mental Health Stipend Program (MHSP) Mental Health Stipend Program (MHSP) (for MSW 2 nd year F/T) (for MSW 2 nd year F/T) Pupil Personnel Services (PPS) Credential (for MSW 2 nd year F/T) Pupil Personnel Services (PPS) Credential (for MSW 2 nd year F/T) 135/11/2015

15 Application Process & Criteria for MSW Program Admissions 145/11/2015

16 University Criteria for Admission A Bachelor’s Degree from an Accredited College or University A Bachelor’s Degree from an Accredited College or University Cumulative 2.5 GPA (on a 4 point scale) – university requirement Cumulative 2.5 GPA (on a 4 point scale) – university requirement Good Standing at the last College or University Attended Good Standing at the last College or University Attended Graduate Record Exam (GRE) Graduate Record Exam (GRE) Apply at WWW.CSUMENTOR.EDU Apply at WWW.CSUMENTOR.EDUWWW.CSUMENTOR.EDU 155/11/2015

17 Department Criteria for MSW Program Admission Cumulative GPA 2.75 (subject to change) Cumulative GPA 2.75 (subject to change) Completion of THREE prerequisites for non-social work major Completion of THREE prerequisites for non-social work major  Human Biology  Biological Human Development Across the Lifespan/Biological Basis of Behavior  Data Analysis  Research/Statistics Course  Cultural Diversity  Upper Division Course in Ethnic/Cultural Diversity, Women’s Studies, or Disability Studies GRE within 5 Years GRE within 5 Years  Application will not be accepted without scores or proof that you are scheduled to take GRE  For GRE Test Schedule Contact the Testing Office in FFS 110 at 559-278- 2457 Three References Three References Complete MSW Application Packet Complete MSW Application Packet Copy of application Copy of application 165/11/2015

18 Instructions for Statement of Purpose Write a “statement of Purpose.” You must address EACH of the areas listed below in order. This statement must be typewritten and approximately 4 pages (double-spaced, 12-font style) in length. It should enable the Admissions Committee to make an informed decision about your potential for success in the graduate social work program. 175/11/2015 1. Discuss your motivation for wanting to become a professional social worker. 2. Discuss your goals for wanting to become a professional social worker. 3. Discuss how each of the following has contributed to your wanting to become a professional social worker: A. Professional experiences B. Personal experiences 4. Describe your understanding of the values of social work profession. 5. Discuss how you plan to incorporate the values of social work into your professional goals and practice. 1.

19 Resources for Statement of Purpose In preparation of your application and Statement of Purpose, we strongly recommend that you review the following websites and use them as resources. National Association of Social Workers: NASW Code of Ethics: Department of Social Work Education webpage: k/about/mission.shtml k/about/mission.shtml Council on social Work Education: 5/11/201518

20 Application Process STEP #1: Apply to Fresno State Graduate Admissions University Graduate Admissions WWW.CSUMENTOR.EDU University Graduate Admissions WWW.CSUMENTOR.EDU  Admission opens in late October, 2014  Must be submitted on or before January 30, 2015 STEP #2: MSW Program Application All Application Materials MUST BE SUBMITTED to the Department of Social Work Education (DSWE) IN A SINGLE PACKET, DUE January 30, 2015 All Application Materials MUST BE SUBMITTED to the Department of Social Work Education (DSWE) IN A SINGLE PACKET, DUE January 30, 2015  Department Application (indicate F/T, P/T)  Statement of Purpose  3 References on DSWE Rating Forms (Sealed & Signed across Envelopes)  GRE Scores from General Test (recommend to take the test early to get scores in time and submit by January 30, 2015)  Transcripts or DARS – Unofficial OK for Fresno State graduates 195/11/2015

21 Review Process Review of MSW Application Begins After 2/1//2015 Review of MSW Application Begins After 2/1//2015 Reviewed by Department Admissions Committee Reviewed by Department Admissions Committee Decisions Sent by Mail – By end of April Decisions Sent by Mail – By end of April  Sent to Address of Record on University Application; Notify Department of Changes  Make Sure all Contact Information are Correct and Current 205/11/2015

22 Contact Information Jackie Milian, Admissions Secretary Jackie Milian, Admissions Secretary Department of Social Work Education 559-278-7076; 559-278-7076; Dr. Martha Vungkhanching, MSW Program Coordinator, MSW Admissions Chair Dr. Martha Vungkhanching, MSW Program Coordinator, MSW Admissions Chair Department of Social Work Education Department of Social Work Education 559-278-8741; 215/11/2015

23 Title IV-E Child Welfare Program

24 CalSWEC Mission Statement The California Social Work Education Center (CalSWEC) is a partnership between schools of social work, public human services agencies, and other related professional organizations that facilitate: The California Social Work Education Center (CalSWEC) is a partnership between schools of social work, public human services agencies, and other related professional organizations that facilitate:  the integration of social work education and practice,  effective culturally competent service delivery and  leadership to the people of California 235/11/2015

25 Goals for the Child Welfare Social Work Curriculum in California Preparing a diverse group of social workers for career in human services with special emphasis on child welfare; Preparing a diverse group of social workers for career in human services with special emphasis on child welfare; Defining and operationalizing a continuum of social work education and training; Defining and operationalizing a continuum of social work education and training; Engaging in research and evaluation of best practices in social work Engaging in research and evaluation of best practices in social work 245/11/2015

26 CalSWEC Child Welfare Competencies EPAS (Educational Policy Accreditation Standards) I. Identify as professional social worker and conduct oneself accordingly II. Apply social work ethical principles to guide professional practice III. Apply critical thinking to inform and communicate professional judgments IV. Engage diversity and difference in practice V. Advance human rights and social and economic justice VI. Engage in research informed practice and practice informed research. VII. Apply knowledge of human behavior to the social environment VIII. Engage in policy practice to advance social & economic well ‐ being and to deliver effective social services IX. Respond to context that shape practice X. Engagement, assessment, and intervention 255/11/2015

27 Title IV-E Full-Time Program The Title IV-E Stipend provides two years of support at $18,500 per year for students (students pay mileage, books and tuition out of this amount) Students must be enrolled full-time at the University Students (on LOA) may not be active county employees during the regular academic year (Spring Break, Xmas and Summer are exceptions) Two-year payback commitment in Public Child Welfare 265/11/2015

28 Title IV-E Part-Time Program Tuition Books (up to $1,300 per year) Mileage minimum of $4,000 per year (at the rate of.56 per mile, plus parking allowance, $2000 per semester) Two-year employment obligation to their county agency 275/11/2015

29 Admissions Criteria for the Title IV-E Child Welfare Program Official admission into the MSW Program Official admission into the MSW Program Leave of absence from current county employer for full- time Stipend Leave of absence from current county employer for full- time Stipend Letter of support from county for part-time program Letter of support from county for part-time program Completion of application Completion of application Paper screening process Paper screening process Interview Interview 285/11/2015

30 Title IV-E Program at Fresno State 1. Title IV-E Integrative Seminar Sequence 2. Advanced Child Welfare Course 3. Public Child Welfare Internship 4. Portfolio Interview 5. Child Welfare Symposium 6. MSW Thesis/Project 7. Two Years Employment Obligation in Public Child Welfare/Indian Reservation/Rancheria 295/11/2015

31 Student Payback Commitment to Families and Children Commitment to Families and Children Commitment to Public Child Welfare or Tribal Agency Commitment to Public Child Welfare or Tribal Agency Commitment to IV-E Child Welfare Program Commitment to IV-E Child Welfare Program Commitment to NASW Code of Ethics Commitment to NASW Code of Ethics Honoring of the contractual agreement Honoring of the contractual agreement 305/11/2015

32 Deadlines to Remember! University Admission Application Due: University Admission Application Due: (application must be filed PRIOR to January 30, 2015) (application must be filed PRIOR to January 30, 2015) Social Work Education Department Deadline Social Work Education Department Deadline January 30, 2015 January 30, 2015 Title IV-E Admission Application Due: Title IV-E Admission Application Due: February 27, 2015 315/11/2015

33 Persons to Contact Department of Social Work Education Department of Social Work Education  Dr. Martha Vungkhanching 559-278-8741  Jackie Milian, Admissions Secretary 559-278-3992 559-278-3992 Title IV-E Child Welfare Program Title IV-E Child Welfare Program  Corinne L. Florez, Coordinator  Cheryl Whittle, BA Coordinator  Maxine Watson, Administrative Coordinator  Kristin Carraway, Administrative Assistant 325/11/2015

34 Persons to Contact Maggie Armistead, MSW Maggie Armistead, MSW Field Liaison/Instructor Title IV-E Child Welfare Program Chris Cole, MSW Chris Cole, MSW Field Liaison/Instructor Field Liaison/Instructor Title IV-E Child Welfare Program 559-278-6698 559-278-6698 Daniel Espinoza, MSW Daniel Espinoza, MSW Field Liaison/Instructor Field Liaison/Instructor Title IV-E Child Welfare Program 559-278-1663 559-278-1663 Frankie Frietas, LCSW Frankie Frietas, LCSW Field Liaison/Instructor Field Liaison/Instructor Title IV-E Child Welfare Program Dolores Siegel, LCSW Dolores Siegel, LCSW Field Liaison/Instructor Field Liaison/Instructor Title IV-E Child Welfare Program 559-278-7279 Cher Teng (Bee) Yang, MSW Cher Teng (Bee) Yang, MSW Field Liaison/Instructor Field Liaison/Instructor Title IV-E Child Welfare Program 559-278-6489 559-278-6489 Eleanor Speakes, LCSW Eleanor Speakes, LCSW Field Liaison/Instructor Field Liaison/Instructor Title IV-E Child Welfare Program 559-278-2454 335/11/2015

35 Good Luck! 345/11/2015

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