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KESS Partners’ Workshop Part-funded by the European Social Fund (ESF) through the European Union’s Convergence programme administered by the Welsh Assembly.

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Presentation on theme: "KESS Partners’ Workshop Part-funded by the European Social Fund (ESF) through the European Union’s Convergence programme administered by the Welsh Assembly."— Presentation transcript:

1 KESS Partners’ Workshop Part-funded by the European Social Fund (ESF) through the European Union’s Convergence programme administered by the Welsh Assembly Government.

2 KESS Central Team Mr Bryn JonesMr Chris Hillier Project ManagerBusiness Development Manager Tel: 01248 383887Tel: 01248 382357 Email: Mr Brian MurcuttMs Katie Minton Senior Project AdministratorSenior Clerical Admin Tel: 01248 382162Tel: 01248 383582 Email: Mrs Penny DowdneyMr Steve Moss Research Skills Development ManagerSenior Clerical Admin (Finance) Tel: 01248 382266Tel: 01248 382162 Email:

3 Project Headlines Officially launched in Nov 09 by the Deputy First Minister and Education Minister; Led by Bangor on behalf the HE sector in Wales; The largest of the 4 ESF collaborative HEI projects (ATM, WBL and Foundation Degrees); 400+ scholarships over 5 years; 96 KESS scholarships live in Wales (Oct. 10); Unique in the way it uses ESF to support Higher level skills development

4 Project Background: Developing Research Skills Objective One Oct 04 - Oct 07 Bangor University 50 PhD Places Full Evaluation Research Skills Training Objective One Jun 05 - Jun 08 Bangor, Swansea & Aberystwyth 80 PhD Places Full Evaluation Knowledge Economy Skills Scholarships Convergence 2009 - 2014 All Welsh HEIs 220 PhD Places 200 MRes Places

5 EU Structural Funds 2007 - 2014

6 West Wales & the Valleys Convergence Region

7 The 3 core components of a KESS Scholarship: Knowledge Economy Skills Scholarships Higher-level Skills Development Collaborative Project Research

8 WAG’s Priority Sectors: Digital Economy Low Carbon Economy Health & Bioscience Advanced Engineering & Manufacturing Welsh Assembly Government’s Priority Sectors

9 Financial Makeup of a KESS Scholarship:

10 KESS Scholars at the project launch, The Management Centre, Bangor University Thursday 19 th November 2009

11 Further information / Contact details: web: e-mail: tel: 01248 38 2162 / 3887

12 Brian Murcutt Senior Administrator

13 Requirements – Academic Supervisors Academic staff are required to: Supervise participants (including weekly meetings); Attend Quarterly meetings with company supervisor and student; Complete timesheets to record time input into the project. This will be used to calculate the match funding (210 staff hours per annum per student); Review and act upon quarterly financial budget statements; Budget responsibility; Contribute to the formulation of quarterly progress reports; Student annual review – inline with BU postgraduate condition

14 University match funding Evidence for match funding: University (staff time) – completion of certified monthly timesheets, activity details and supporting payroll documentation Project staff to be allocated on the University online timesheet system Individual projects will be reviewed every 6 months Overheads

15 Requirements – Company Partner The Company partner is required to: “host” student for minimum of 1 month per year; Attend Quarterly meetings with academic supervisor and student; Provide named supervisor for participants whilst on company premises; Complete timesheets and provide staff cost details to enable calculation of in-kind contribution (annual visit by KESS); Pay annual invoices for cash contributions; Contribute to the formulation of quarterly progress reports

16 Company Match funding Evidence for match funding: Company In-kind – completion of certified timesheets, activity details, signed declaration and supporting payroll documentation In-kind (match) total of £1,500 p.a. In-kind (match) templates available on KESS website Cash contribution dependant on company size between £2,500 – £3,500 p.a. Individual project In-kind (match) will be reviewed every 6 months

17 Requirements – Participants (Students) Complete monthly timesheets (average 39hours per week); Timesheet template now available on KESS website Stipend payments will be made on submission of certified timesheets; Stipend payments will be paid direct into Bank Account; Attend weekly meetings with academic supervisor; Attend quarterly meetings with company and academic supervisors; Achieve agreed milestones; Instigate and contribute to quarterly reports for companies; Spend at least 1 month per year at company

18 Requirements – Participants (Students) cont. Participate in project evaluation; Final report to Company Partner (Presentation or Report); Complete/Achieve Postgraduate Skills Development Award; Submit thesis by given deadlines and achieve professional qualification; Actively seek employment opportunities in the West Wales and the Valleys area at the end of the project; Respond to any requests for information regarding employment destination at the end of the project; Participate in publicity activities as required and ensure all publicity includes recognition for the ESF.

19 Conditions of participating The project would not run utilising existing resources; Participants would not be able to participate without the financial support provided through the ESF; Participants should endeavour to obtain employment in the West Wales and the Valleys area at the end of the project period; Project should lead to increased outcomes in terms of number of qualifications at the equivalent of NVQ level 5-6 achieved (PhD or MRes); Completion of Postgraduate Skills Development Award (PhD 60 credits / MRes 30 credits)

20 Conditions of participating (cont.) Project should lead to an increased number of jobs created in the Convergence West Wales and the Valleys area; Should provide an opportunity for businesses to increase their R&D knowledge, develop new products and processes and attract new staff for future development; Strengthen the region’s research and technological base – in partnership with high technology clusters in the West Wales and the Valleys are.; Ownership of IPR is retained by the Universities

21 Scholarship Budget ItemAmount (£) Student Stipend (starting)KESS Mini 9,270 KESS Maxi 13,869 Travel / Conference Costs (p.a.)1,000 Equipment / Consumables (p.a.)3,000 Skills Development / Training / Student Support (p.a.) 1,000 Academic Travel (p.a.)200

22 Ineligible Costs Internal Transfers; Store recharges (unless audit trail has been approved); Stationery (One order per PhD student/project); Photocopies; Printing – Central Print Unit; Postage; Other internal transfers

23 Expenditure – Eligible Costs Equipment Any single item must not exceed £1,000 (including VAT); Desk top PC (Monitor/tower/keyboard/mouse are treated as one); Must follow University purchasing policy (details on Finance Web page); Must be registered on Department / KESS equipment register; Owned by University and must be returned to Department

24 Expenditure – Eligible Costs Travel Budget is for the student; Incurred directly by the University (Train/Flights/Accommodation); Reclaim expenses following University policy; Small Academic travel budget Consumables Chemicals, Materials, other costs etc…

25 Audit trail Internal Transfer – audit trail to supplier invoice; External purchase – audit trail to supplier invoice and bank statement; Purchasing Cards – audit trail to supplier invoice and bank statement; Consolidated Invoices (e.g.. Lyreco); Procured to Pay (PtoP) – does not include consolidated invoices; Company In–kind – KESS Annual visit to undertake audit; Petty Cash - audit trail to supplier invoice and bank statement and details description on Agresso, otherwise not eligible.

26 Chris Hillier KESS Business Development Manager Marketing and Publicity

27 Marketing and Publicity- Overview Marketing focus: – Maximise the publicity potential of projects Good for company partners Good for participants CVs Good for the University and collaborative research in general – Begin to build legacy activity Network Public engagement – Stakeholder communication Raising profile for all parties

28 Marketing Materials – Case Studies New KESS website as part of Case Studies – Simple data collection form – Case Studies output centrally – Used for PR where appropriate – Used online as examples of best practice – Provided to company partners as PDF files for their own marketing

29 Marketing & Publicity Network – Inaugural KESS network event DEC. 2010 – Incorporating ‘Graduate Junction’ – online KESS network Public Engagement – Communicating research – Entries open to all KESS projects – Image and abstract gallery – Tour of public spaces – Final show and winners

30 Chris Hillier KESS Business Development Manager Integrated Sustainable Development Plan

31 Overview – Fulfilling cross-cutting themes in a joined up way – Beyond box-ticking – A system already in place on other convergence projects – Managed centrally by an arms-length team with experience of delivering SD awareness and training to SMEs in the convergence area

32 Integrated Sustainable Development Plan What company partners are asked to do : – Complete a 10 minute online survey What company partners get in return: – A set of ‘off the shelf’ policy documents Environmental Equality and Diversity Welsh Language – Eco-code advice on energy saving, waste management e.t.c. – Signposting to other funded support in the convergence area

33 Integrated Sustainable Development Plan Integration with Grad school and skills – Sustainable development scenario as vehicle through which key skills are transferred Leadership Persuasion/Influencing Presentation Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Regulation and regulatory bodies

34 Penny Dowdney Research Skills Development Manager

35 Postgraduate Skills Development Award Skills Forge software: initial skills audit; drop-down menu of provision; booking system; calendar; records (skills training and supervisory meetings); details can be locked – implementation : pilot Nov. MRes: 60/120 credit split: 30 KESS credits: need to attend a 2-day GRAD School (10 credits). PhD: 60 KESS credits: 3-day GRAD School in year two (20 credits). GRAD Schools run North, Mid + South Wales spring / autumn.

36 Postgraduate Skills Development Award (cont.) Credits can be made up of modular courses (generic or discipline-specific); Credits can be made up of an equivalent number of hours of agreed training (e.g. workshops / events etc.) Any queries discuss with supervisor and contact Penny; Training will meet the needs of the individual; Students may be able to pick up training at partner institutions; List of provision to be posted on Skills Forge; Guideline: 20 credits = 3 days of training (at appropriate level); Certificate on completion of PSDA; Completion will be monitored (Skills Forge;) Training throughout PhD period.

37 Postgraduate Training Network To provide collaborative, discipline-specific research and business training; Cross-institutional network; Workshops; summer schools; poster fairs etc. Public Engagement project; Involvement of external partners; Programme of events and seminars; Enhance and support existing planned events; Will pioneer events new to Wales

38 Cwestiynau / Questions? Diolch yn fawr / Thank you

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