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NIU Research Pathways for Undergraduates Louis Stokes Midwest Center of Excellence Conference Chicago, IL  October 24-26, 2014 Julia Spears, Northern.

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Presentation on theme: "NIU Research Pathways for Undergraduates Louis Stokes Midwest Center of Excellence Conference Chicago, IL  October 24-26, 2014 Julia Spears, Northern."— Presentation transcript:

1 NIU Research Pathways for Undergraduates Louis Stokes Midwest Center of Excellence Conference Chicago, IL  October 24-26, 2014 Julia Spears, Northern Illinois University

2 Fast Facts Enrollment Undergraduate: 16,552 Graduate: 4984 College of Law: 333 Total: 21,869 Average Student Age Undergraduate: 22 Male/Female Categories Undergraduate: 49.8% male; 50.2% female Ethnic/Racial Categories– Undergraduate White: 61.3% Black: 16.3% Hispanic/Latino: 11.7% Asian: 4.9% Race Unknown: 2% Average High School Class Rank and ACT Score High School Grade Point Average for NIU freshmen: 3.11 ACT Score for NIU freshmen: 22 NIU is classified by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching in the category of Research Universities (high research activity), and holds an elective classification for Curricular Engagement and Outreach and Partnerships.

3 We believe that Increased student participation in undergraduate research and other high impact practices will improve student learning and ultimately increase retention rates.

4 High Impact Educational Practices 1.First-Year Seminars & Experiences 2.Common Intellectual Experiences 3.Learning Communities 4.Writing-Intensive Courses 5.Collaborative Assignments & Projects 6.Undergraduate Research 7.Diversity/Global Learning 8.Service Learning, Community-Based Learning 9.Internships 10.Capstone Courses and Projects Kuh, G. (2008) High Impact Educational Practices: What they are, who has access they them, and why they matter. AAC&U.

5 Characteristics of High-Impact Practices 1.Necessitate considerable time and effort to meaningful tasks 2.Require interaction with faculty and peers about substantive matters 3.Often challenge students to critically think and explore diversity in personal ways 4.Offer ongoing, critical feedback about performance 5.Provide the opportunity to experience learning in the various settings 6.Has the potential to be life changing

6 Continuum of Research Opportunities Faculty-Initiated Project More developmental Stronger mentoring component Faculty and Student Directed Project Mutual investment New inquiry Student-Initiated Project Strong student development Demonstrated cognitive readiness

7 Identified Needs for Program Growth Freshman/Sophomore research programs Transfer student research opportunities Student employment in research projects Travel support for students presenting their work at conferences Summer research opportunities

8 Program Goals Engage students in faculty-mentored research Provide a positive learning environment Help students pursue their educational goals Introduce students to research process Provide the opportunity to meet other motivated student Provide the opportunity to present at Undergraduate Research and Artistry Day or other venue

9 Before 2009 1.USOAR (Provost Office) 2.URAP (College of Liberal Arts and Sciences) 3.Faculty Supported 4.Course Based After 2010 1.USOAR 2.URAP 3.Research Rookies 4.Undergraduate Research Assistantship 5.URAD and Summer Symposium 6.Summer Research OP 7.REU 8.McKearn Fellows 9.Undergraduate Travel Scholarship 10.Faculty Supported 11.Course Based Undergraduate Research Programs @NIU

10 Undergraduate Research Opportunities Research Rookies USOAR Capstone Independent Study Student Undergraduate Research Assistantship (URA) Faculty Undergraduate Research Assistantship (URA) URAP Summer Research Opportunities Program (SROP) REU Promise Scholars Program McKearn Fellows Program Honors Summer Scholars Expand Your Education (EYE) Grant Travel Grant

11 Research Rookies Two semester commitment Work alongside faculty mentor on small-scale research project Present your research at Undergraduate Research & Artistry Day (URAD)

12 Research Rookies Students will: – Learn research process – Attend monthly meetings – Learn how to write a research proposal – Present research at URAD – Receive $500 stipend

13 Undergraduate Special Opportunities in Artistry & Research - USOAR Provides up to $2500 for student-generated research projects On campus, in the United States, or overseas Applications accepted twice a year in February and October

14 Maria in Spain

15 Sarah Stuebing in Argentina

16 Undergraduate Research Assistantship - URA Work under the guidance of faculty 10 hours/ week for 15 weeks at $10 per hour Present research at Undergraduate Research & Artistry Day

17 Undergraduate Research Apprenticeship Program - URAP College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Approximately 20 positions a semester Students work with one-on-one with faculty to assist in a faculty research project

18 Undergraduate Travel Scholarship Provides up to $300 of support for students whose work has been accepted to present at conference Must receive matching funds from mentor, department, and/or college

19 Undergraduate Research and Artistry Day - URAD Open to any undergraduate currently enrolled at NIU Prizes will be awarded in 2 categories: – Science, technology, engineering & math (STEM) – Social sciences, humanities & arts (SSHA) Faculty Mentor of the Year Award given out Tuesday, April 21, 2015

20 Summer Research Opportunities Program 8-week intensive research program – Faculty-mentored research – 40 hours/week Field trips & excursions Room & board provided $3,500 stipend

21 Research Experience for Undergraduates Operation E-Tank – Focus on energy, environment, ethics and economics in the broader issue of sustainability 8-week intensive research program during summer Room, board, and stipend provided REU opportunities outside of NIU

22 Course Transformation Project (CTP) Large lecture classes designed to feel small Blended Courses – less lecture, more online content, and engaged activities in small groups

23 Develop Partnerships Seek broad campus support. Cultivate partners in in everyone. Integrate undergraduate research into the institutional, student affairs and academic messaging. Participate in university-wide committees. Share your vision.

24 Academic Departments University Relations Scholarship Office Admissions Library Foundation Honors Housing Cultural Centers Graduate School UNIV 101 Who will help you: Identify Recruit Support Mentor Provide programming Fund Assess Expand Examples of Campus Partners

25 Discussion Julia Spears, Ph.D. Associate Vice Provost for Engaged Learning Director, Office of Student Engagement and Experiential Learning 815-761-5446 Annual Report

26 URPD 2015 – THE CONFERENCE for Undergraduate Research Programs June 23-25, 2015, University of Oklahoma-Norman This 1½ day conference is aimed at faculty and academic professionals interested in the improvement, management, and promotion of undergraduate research and creative activities. Conference themes: – High-impact Learning: Expanding, Collaborating, Scaling Up and Scaffolding – Ensuring Access for All – Undergraduate Research Administration Nuts and Bolts – Assessment Proposals due: November 14 th !

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