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Governor’s JOBS1st PA STEM Competition Jennifer Shealy, Ashley Boyd, Ashley Walters, Tonia Farnum, Diane Thomson.

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Presentation on theme: "Governor’s JOBS1st PA STEM Competition Jennifer Shealy, Ashley Boyd, Ashley Walters, Tonia Farnum, Diane Thomson."— Presentation transcript:

1 Governor’s JOBS1st PA STEM Competition Jennifer Shealy, Ashley Boyd, Ashley Walters, Tonia Farnum, Diane Thomson

2 Contact Information Jennifer Shealy CCIU Event Coordinator through Dec 2014 484-237-5053 Ashley Boyd CCIU Event Coordinator Jan – Mar 2015 484-237-5053 Ashley Walters CCIU Event Assistant 484-237-5485 Tonia Farnum CCIU Communications Manager 484-237-5355 Diane Thomson CCIU Prg Development & Support Coordinator 484-237-5017

3 Important Dates  November 14, 2014 Deadline to submit team roster to CCIU ****NO SUBSTITUTIONS AFTER 11/14/14  November 30, 2014 Deadline to submit Risk Assessment Form and basic outline of project  January 19, 2015 Deadline to submit 1,000 word maximum proposal/project plan and detailed budget to CCIU  February 2, 2015 (snow date: February 20) Regional Chester County JOBS1st STEM Competition  May 15, 2015 Deadline to submit winner’s updated proposal/project plan and detailed budget to PDE  May 29, 2015 State JOBS1st PA STEM Competition

4 Competition Overview  Goal  Designing a project that is capable of making the quality of life better for citizens of Pennsylvania  5 students plus a Teacher Sponsor  No substitutions after November 14  Strongly encouraged to have 5 members  $500 stipend  Includes donated items  Includes items you already have in your school  Does not include equipment  20 point deduction if you go over budget!

5 CCIU Competition Details  Event Date: February 2, 2015 (Snow date: February 20)  9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.  CCIU 455 Boot Road Downingtown, PA 19335

6 CCIU Competition Details  Risk Assessment and Project Outline  Due to Jennifer at CCIU by November 30  Risk form must have designated supervisor and teacher sponsor signatures


8 CCIU Competition Details  Phase 1a – Device/Project Proposal  Submit 1,000 word maximum proposal/project plan and detailed budget to Ashley Boyd at the CCIU by January 19  Do not exceed $500 budget  Include:  Describe a real-world problem within the community  Identify community needs and possible improvements  Use of engineering processes and principals  Budget documentation (not included in 1,000 words)  A plan for and identification of the costs of improvement  Written communication, including conventions  Outline how your team would spend and additional $750 to improve your project should you win the regional competition

9 CCIU Competition Details  Phase 1b – Device/Project Proposal and Presentation  20 minutes per team  Part 1a. of judging includes review of project proposal submitted January 19  Part 1b. Present your prototype  Mechanisms must be primarily autonomous  Scored on the following:  Knowledge of team’s device and its application  Understanding of STEM skills and processes  Appearance and creativity of device  Design of device  Scalability of the device  Local business/industry connections  Delivery methods and oral communication

10 CCIU Competition Details  Phase 2 – STEM in Your Community  10 minute presentation per team  Partner with a local STEM related company and work with a mentor that is employed by that company  Students develop a general level of understanding of the current STEM opportunities in the community as well as emerging or future STEM opportunities  Teams must demonstrate a thorough understanding of the skills and training required to successfully pursue STEM career opportunities  Presentation should be focused on how STEM is utilized within their community to solve problems

11 CCIU Competition Details  Phase 2 – STEM in Your Community (continued)  Teams will be scored on the following:  Partnership with a STEM business  Identification of how STEM is used to solve community challenges, now and in the future  Explain how research influenced the device  Identify skills/training needed for STEM jobs and why they are needed  Team reflection – on the work performed by every team member and what was learned/gained  Delivery and oral communication  Explain practical application of their device/prototype and how it will meet the needs of the individuals, communities, or state.

12 CCIU Competition Details  Phase 3 – Working as team  30 minutes  Teams will be given a surprise box of items and will be asked to complete a set of tasks as a team  Scored as follows:  Collaborative communication  Teamwork  STEM skills demonstrated  Task completed

13 Judging  All phases of judging will be based on rubrics provided by the Statewide STEM Planning Committee  Judging team will include (at least):  One IU representative  One business representative  One postsecondary institution representative  Phase 1 and 2 will occur concurrently in different rooms  Students start in room 1 – Phase 1  After Phase 1 judging, students will move to Phase 2  Phase 3 will take place after all teams have completed Phases 1 and 2. All teams will complete Phase 3 at the same time.

14 What’s Next  After completion of Phase 3, the judges will determine the 1 st, 2 nd and 3 rd place winning teams.  The 1 st place team will qualify to advance to the state competition  May 29, 2015  Thaddeus Stevens University in Lancaster, PA  1 st place students will receive an additional $750 stipend to improve their project  If any money remains from the $500 regional stipend, you may use it along with the $750 to improve your project  20 point deduction for going over budget

15 State Competition  Phase 1 – Prototype and Project Plan Version 2.0  Beginning March 2, winning team will implement improvements as identified in their regional competition project plan  1a. Teams must submit a 1,000 word maximum proposal or project plan to PDE by May 15, 2015  Proposal should include:  Description of a real-world problem within the community  Identify community needs and possible improvements  Use of STEM processes and principles related to their creation  Budget documentation  A plan for and identification of the cost of improvements beyond the competition  Written communication, including conventions

16 State Competition  Phase 1 – Prototype and Project Plan Version 2.0 (continued)  1.b Presentation of Prototype/device  Scored on the following:  Knowledge of team’s device and the practicality of their improvements  Understanding of STEM skills/thought process used to identify areas of improvement  Appearance and creativity of device  Identification of the level to which modifications improved device performance.  A sense of scale for their prototype and demonstration of calculations on how their prototype/project would need to be up-scaled if it were mass produced  An understanding of the STEM related skills/careers necessary to bring their ideas to life if they were to be mass produced in PA  Delivery methods and oral communication

17 State Competition  Phase 2 – Building a Stronger PA Presentation  5 minute presentation  Teams will explain the STEM related skills/careers that are essential to ensure a strong economy and prosperous future for PA.  Teams will define the skills that enabled their team to successfully redesign the device  Teams will describe how their device would help an individual, their community, or all PA residents if their device was mass produced.  Scored on the following:  Identify essential STEM-related skills/careers in PA  Identify how STEM is used to solve community challenges, now and in the future  Explain how research influenced the device  Team reflection  Delivery and oral communication

18 Judging and Awards  All phases of judging will be based on rubrics provided by the Statewide STEM Planning Committee  Judging team will include (at least):  One IU representative  Two to four business representatives  Two to four post secondary institution representatives  Awards  1 st place: each member of the team will receive a $2,000 college scholarship and an additional $1,000 if they attend a PASSHE school (PA State System of Higher Education)  2 nd place: each member of the team will receive a $1,000 college scholarship and an additional $500 if they attend a PASSHE school  3 rd place: each member of the team will receive a $500 college scholarship and an additional $500 if they attend a PASSHE school

19 Where can I get more information?   This presentation  Rubrics  Contact information  Chester County’s Regional Competition details 

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