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Alternative Career Paths in Dentistry What if I don’t want to own a business? Eric Childs, DDS.

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Presentation on theme: "Alternative Career Paths in Dentistry What if I don’t want to own a business? Eric Childs, DDS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Alternative Career Paths in Dentistry What if I don’t want to own a business? Eric Childs, DDS

2 @ASDAnet #ASDAnet General Dentist in Coldwater, Mich. Private Practice owner Aspiring Marathoner Husband and Dad Who Am I?

3 @ASDAnet #ASDAnet What have I done? High school teacher Associate dentist Dentist in a Federally Qualified Health Center Private Practice owner

4 @ASDAnet #ASDAnet Options… Residency programs Research Dental Education Associateship Indian Health Service Public Health Service Commissioned Corps National Health Service Corps

5 @ASDAnet #ASDAnet Residency Programs AEGD or GPR –Most are tuition free with a stipend of varying amounts –Some require taking call and working weekends –Many are in based in hospitals or clinics VA: –Can use Match or apply directly in some cases –Some states use the residency year as a qualification for a dental license

6 @ASDAnet #ASDAnet Residency Programs Specialty Programs –Vary in cost and time –Many are competitive and require using the Match service. ( –Fewer positions available

7 @ASDAnet #ASDAnet Dental Research Most commonly require an advanced degree in addition to a dental degree Lab research –Tied to grants at a university –Expected to pull in monies for the university Clinical research –Generally tied to university, but not as significant as lab research –Harder because typically the researchers have little or no formal training

8 @ASDAnet #ASDAnet er/search/results/ er/search/results/ ng/CareersinDentalResearch/ ng/CareersinDentalResearch/

9 @ASDAnet #ASDAnet Dental Education Job market is vast, but many positions require a PhD or specialty degree Pay is low if not full time, and even when full time –Part-time pay is low –Sometimes classified as “courtesy faculty” –Difficult for a new dentist with low pay (one source said $40,000/yr for new general dental faculty)

10 @ASDAnet #ASDAnet Dental Education Tenure Track –A set amount of time to “prove” you are significant to the university –Publishing, research, academically –Evaluated at end of time limit. If not approved, can be terminated

11 @ASDAnet #ASDAnet Dental Education Clinical Track –Less demand on research –Salary can be low Contractually agreed upon appointment –Time spent in teaching, research, and service –60% teaching, 20% research, 10% private practice for example Benefits provided vary widely

12 @ASDAnet #ASDAnet Associateships Vary widely in pay, expectation, opportunity, and structure –Buy in/buy out –Employee Production vs collection Salary Some work well, others do not

13 @ASDAnet #ASDAnet Indian Health Service Federal health services for American Indians and Native Alaskans Loan repayment up to $24,000 per year for a two year commitment –Only health professions loans

14 @ASDAnet #ASDAnet Public Health Service Commissioned Corps Uniformed public service position Similar benefits to military personnel Two year commitment, possible loan repayment GI Bill at termination of service

15 @ASDAnet #ASDAnet National Health Service Corps Loan repayment program available Two year commitment at an approved site—usually in shortage areas at FQHC or other community clinics Awards depend on HPSA score (healthcare professional shortage area)

16 @ASDAnet #ASDAnet FQHC Eligible for NHSC loan repayment Family Health Center of Battle Creek

17 @ASDAnet #ASDAnet Other options Group practice Corporate Dentistry Hospital Dentistry Humanitarian Dentistry – – –Many other opportunities

18 @ASDAnet #ASDAnet Questions?

19 @ASDAnet #ASDAnet Thank You!

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