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California State University, Fresno Carol Fry Bohlin Frederick Nelson California State University STEM Conference 29 October 2013 ~ CSU East Bay The Fresno.

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Presentation on theme: "California State University, Fresno Carol Fry Bohlin Frederick Nelson California State University STEM Conference 29 October 2013 ~ CSU East Bay The Fresno."— Presentation transcript:

1 California State University, Fresno Carol Fry Bohlin Frederick Nelson California State University STEM Conference 29 October 2013 ~ CSU East Bay The Fresno State Liberal Studies STEM team gratefully acknowledges the support of the S.B. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation and the CSU Chancellor’s Office in the development of this project. Exemplars in Transformative Undergraduate Preparation of Future K-6 Teachers in STEM: Fresno State’s Liberal Studies STEM Concentration

2 California State University, Fresno Preparing Preservice Teachers for Tomorrow’s Classrooms

3 California State University, Fresno An Integrated Approach to Instruction “The [CCSS] call for a more integrated approach to delivering instruction across all subjects. The CCSS are designed to be robust and relevant to the real world... They require student collaboration;...and the development of strong complex reasoning, problem solving, and communication skills.” – California Department of Education – January 2013

4 California State University, Fresno

5 Liberal Studies STEM Concentration Interdisciplinary Partnership Education Engineering Science and Mathematics Karl Runde Fred Nelson Don Williams Mara Brady Fariborz TehraniNell Papavasiliou Carol Fry Bohlin Lloyd Crask Campus CO/MSTI

6 California State University, Fresno New Liberal Studies STEM Concentration Liberal Studies major  Future K-8 teacher 120-semester-unit Liberal Studies major at Fresno State includes 9 sem. units of math + 12-13 sem. units of science Concentration: 12 upper division sem. units Approved (5/1/13) 4-course STEM Concentration: – “Environmental Earth and Life Sciences” (NCSI 115-Revised) – “Energy, Technology, and Society” (NSCI 116-Revised) – “Physics Pedagogy and Outreach” (Physics 168S-Revised) – “Engineering Literacy” (ENGR 191T-New)

7 California State University, Fresno Bechtel Grant via the CSU Chancellor’s Office

8 California State University, Fresno Features of the STEM Concentration Foundation: CCSS-M, CCSS-ELA/Literacy, Framework for K-12 Science Education, NGSS Crosscutting Concepts (e.g., energy & matter in systems) used as themes for making connections across courses Integration of Practices into Content Standards/Disciplinary Core Ideas Inquiry-based instruction; PBL; labs Service-learning and outreach Cohort model

9 California State University, Fresno Instructor Professional Development Background: Common Core State Standards, Framework for K-12 Science Education, Next Generation Science Standards Crosscutting concepts and common themes Instructional theory; constructivist epistemology Inquiry-oriented, student-centered pedagogy

10 California State University, Fresno Physics Pedagogy and Outreach Course 3-semester-unit course (Physics 168S) 2 hours of seminar followed by a 3-hour service- learning outreach experience (the next day) Primarily Liberal Studies and Multiple Subject credential students; some science, math, and physics majors

11 California State University, Fresno Course Topics Physics Content Pressure Torque Mechanical Advantage Linear Momentum Angular Momentum Bernoulli’s Principle Electricity Magnetism Pedagogy Constructivism Discrepant events Misconceptions Conceptual change Service learning

12 California State University, Fresno NSCI 115: Earth & Environmental Life Science Explores environmental issues, sustainability, and interactions among earth’s systems Lead-in course from Liberal Studies major Existing course: upper division GE – Integrate material from lower division courses Two 75-minute lecture meetings per week High enrollment course (~50 students) Multiple instructors, departments

13 California State University, Fresno Energy, Technology, and Society – NSCI 116 Energy transformations Hydroelectric Geothermal Nuclear Solar Wind Evaluating alternatives Explicit connections to Engineering Literacy

14 California State University, Fresno ENGR 191T: Engineering Literacy Equity and Justice – Environmental and Social Justice, Livable Communities Ecosystem and Habitat – Biodiversity, Conservation, Land Preservation Culture – Aesthetics, Historic and Cultural Preservation Air/Water/Space/Land Quality – Greenhouse gases, Storm- water runoffs, Wetlands, Hazardous Waste, Noise, Health Energy – Consumption and Efficiency Materials – Hazardous Waste, and Recycle

15 California State University, Fresno Math and Science Teacher Initiative (MSTI) (MSTI): Engaging K-8 Teacher Candidates Facilitate connections with national, state, and local professional communities Support participation in STEM workshops and conferences, as well as coursework (STEM content plus middle school pedagogy courses). Support success in K-8 STEM teacher pathways (including FLGS & FLM credentials) Promote STEM accomplishments/professional identity development.

16 California State University, Fresno $800 Liberal Studies STEM Fellowship! Receive $200 of the $800 Fellowship when you take Physics Pedagogy and Outreach (PHYS 168S) Receive $200 when you take Environmental Earth and Life Science (NSCI 115) this fall or in a future semester (must also be taking or have taken PHYS 168S to receive the stipend). Receive a total of $400 ($200 each) when you take Engineering Literacy (ENGR 191T) and Energy, Technology, and Society (NSCI 116). Bonus! Students who pass the two CSET tests that lead to a credential in Foundational-Level General Science (FLGS) or Foundational-Level Mathematics (FLM) will not only receive reimbursement for the tests, but an additional $200 stipend!

17 California State University, Fresno

18 Successes

19 California State University, Fresno Challenges

20 California State University, Fresno Questions? Comments?

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