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Welcome to FY15 Beginning Budget Applications Training.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to FY15 Beginning Budget Applications Training."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to FY15 Beginning Budget Applications Training

2 FY15 Beginning Budget  We will cover:  Timeline & Deadlines  Budgeting Parameters for FY15  BRP Website Tour  Available Tools & Reports Very Short Break  Personnel Budgeting Application Demo  Beginning Budget Application Demo

3 Timeline and Deadlines  April 28 th – All Beginning Budget materials, instructions & applications on BRP website  June 2nd – Budgets are due to BRP  RU may set internal deadlines for departments  June 3 to July 1 – BRP Reviews Budgets  Units may be asked to make adjustments  RU Signed Budget Reports Due  FY15 Period 1 – Budgets Uploaded to Banner  VPs Sign Budgets after Upload

4 What’s New?

5  Updated Non-Academic Budget Process  Provost’s announcement for Unclassified COLA and Merit increases 7/1/2014  Medical Insurance Increase = 5% (12/1/14)  Standard Rate of Inflation (SRI) – 2.67%  OPE Budgets must be by Account Code: Health Insurance, Retirement, Other OPE  Unclassified Salaries must be split into Faculty and Non-Faculty

6 What’s Not New?  Most of the processes for Beginning Budget have not changed  Our tools – the Personnel Budgeting Application and the Beginning Budget Application – have not changed  Unfortunately, the server on which these tools reside is not new either!  This makes updates somewhat risky  This makes glitches tough to fix  Fixing one thing sometimes breaks another

7 Budgeting Revenue Funds  All funds except allocated funds (General Fund, ICC, State Match)  Revenue and expense budgets must net to zero by fund  Move excess expense budgets to other funds  Use 9Bxxx accounts when appropriate

8 Budgeting Labor  Unclassified Personnel budgets  Provost’s Office announced salary increases for 7/1/2014  Not in the PBA  Non-General fund units should budget for these announced increases  You may budget known, permanently funded increases (e.g., tenure promotion)  Faculty in CBA will receive 1.5% COLA 7/1/14  Faculty Merit/Compression pools

9 Budgeting Labor cont.  Classified Personnel budgets  Include step increases in all budgets & funds  PBA does include step increases for classified  PBA does include bargained COLA adjustments effective 12/1/14 through 6/30/15

10 Budgeting Labor cont. GTFs  Contract is in negotiation  All units must budget for GTF salaries and OPE  Academic units also responsible for tuition & fees  Non-academic units with IPSA GTFs, tuition & fees reimbursed by the Graduate School  Remember that GTF tuition rates now vary by discipline  GTF Health Insurance for FY15 is unknown at this time.

11 Budgeting Labor cont.  Other Pay Types-  Unclassified Pay (overload, vacation payout, etc.)  Classified Pay (overtime, shift differential, etc.)  Student Pay  Estimate based on Personnel Expenditure History

12 Budgeting Labor cont.  OPE (Other Personnel Expenses) -  Estimated increase to medical of 5% effective 12/1/14.  Units using funds other than the GF should budget for the increase.  No significant increase in other OPE rates.  All these parameters are built into the Personnel Budgeting application. We highly recommend you use the app for your personnel budgeting.

13 Budgeting Salaries & OPE  Please use specific account codes for  Unclassified Salaries-Faculty – 10102  Unclassified Salaries-NonFac – 10103  Please use specific account codes for OPE  109*4 – Health/Life  109*7 – Retirement  109*8 – OPE Other  Requirements for forecasting and mid-year analysis are becoming more specific  Budgeting at this level will ensure any augments are calculated correctly for your unit.

14 Budgeting Other Expenses  Supplies and Services  General Fund  DO NOT budget a negative amount for supplies and services. Any structural deficit should be addressed to/by your VP  General Inflation Increases  Units may choose to budget an increase using the BRP SRI

15 Budgeting Other Exp cont.  Transfers In/Out  Make sure other side of transfer is also budgeted  Use 9Bxxx (Reserves for Future Years) when you have no plans to spend the funds in FY14  9B100 – Salary & OPE Reserves  9B200 – S&S Reserves  9B300 – Travel Reserves  9B400 – Capital Outlay Reserves

16 Budget Data Loaded  FY14 Permanent Budget (Period 09)  Academic Budget Model Permanent Allocations  Use xGEN activity codes to move amounts  Non-Academic “As Is” Permanent Adjustments  Description “FY15 ASIS -------”  Permanent New Initiatives  Description “FY15 NISI -------”  Period 13 One-Time Adjustments entered by Analyst  Adjustments to Incidental Fee Allocations  ICC Allocations

17 BRP Website Tour  Navigating the BRP Website  Budgeting Tools Available


19 Personnel Budgeting Application  Includes classified and unclassified employees (but not GTFs or Students)  Incorporates all salary and OPE budgeting parameters ( as outlined earlier)  Current employee information downloaded as of 4/25/14

20 Functions the PBA will take into account  if the unit is academic or non-academic (by Level 3 Org Code)  if any part of an employee’s labor distribution is on the General Fund  if the job is below 100 Appt%  if the job is a stipend  if the employee has two jobs with low appointment percents that add up to benefits-eligible  when a classified position is eligible for a merit increase

21 Functions the PBA will NOT do  Update the HRIS-Banner production database  Update the Beginning Budget Application (BBA)  Account for the six-month retirement charge lag for new employees  Budget differently if a job is filled by a retired employee  Warn you when an employee’s jobs add up to more than 100 Appt%  Calculate salary and OPE for GTFs or Students  Calculate overtime or shift differential costs  Re-sort records after a new record is added (use Banner ID search field)  Calculations for any fiscal year except FY14  Read your mind

22 PBA Reconciliation to Beginning Budget

23 Quick Break  When we return, we’ll walk through  The Personnel Budgeting Application  The Beginning Budget Application  Then you’ll be able to sail right through the Beginning Budget Process

24  Be sure to read the PBA manual for more tips! Budgeting Salaries & OPE

25 PBA (Personnel Budgeting Application) Demo  Please take the time to read through the manuals and instructions.

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