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Published byBlaze Bishop Modified over 10 years ago
THREE TEMATIC THEMES 1. The Climate Society: Knowledge, Politics and Practices of Transformation 2. The Good Economy: Values and Controversies in politics of the environment, politics of care and the life sciences 3. Social Media, Digital STS, Market Research and The Public
1. THE CLIMATE SOCIETY: KNOWLEDGE, POLITICS AND PRACTICES OF TRANSFORMATION The public debate about the climate issue has changed character: The discussion now is not so much about if there is a human made climate problem. The discussion is more about how to enable the transformation to a climate friendly society. Science, the social sciences included, is expected to play a key role in this transformation process. In order to manage this transformation well, it is crucial that we understand the role of science and technology in society. But what kind of role does knowledge play? How does science take part in politics and bureaucratic practices? What happens when science become part of political practices? How is knowledge taken into account? What happens when different versions of expertise and knowledge encounter one another? What are the relations between science and the technologies and practices of politics and administration? Empirically this thematic theme will explore efforts at enabling a climate friendly society at key sites in society. Theoretically It will use the climate issue as a key case for exploring the role of science and technology in society.
2. THE GOOD ECONOMY: VALUES AND CONTROVERSIES IN THE BIOECONOMY, POLITICS OF THE ENVIRONMENT AND MEDICINE The European economy is undergoing an i important experiment: A series of strategies, plans, and efforts are being put forward in order to realize a Bioeconomy; this is an economy that seeks to produce value from life and the living in new and innovative ways. The Bioeconomy is closely integrated with the vision that this economy also will have other virtues: That it will solve environmental problems, produce welfare, be responsible, and take care so that the European economy acts within limits. This integrated complex is what this thematic theme names “the good economy”. This thematic theme will explore key aspects of the bioeconomy and its problems and challenges. But the notion “the good economy” will also be employed as an analytical resource more broadly: How to realize an economy that does not only produce economic growth but which is environmental friendly, provides care and good health, for humans as well as non-humans? How to realize such an integrated complex, a “good” economy” – in practice? What are the relations between the economy, politics of health and care, and the life sciences? What are the tools, devices or technologies of politics that are involved and take part in such efforts? The notion “the good economy” does not imply that the economy is good. It points to that values and practices of valuations must be included in studies of the economy. The aim is to explore how different visions and versions of “the good” interact, produce tensions and sometimes conflicts. Empirically the theme will address key sites and issues relevant to the good economy, for instance animal welfare, the aquaculture industry, elderly and end of life care - in everyday practices, policy visions and innovation strategies. Theoretically it will address key theoretical resources in STS such as care studies, valuation studies, and studies of the bioeconomy.
SOCIAL MEDIA, DIGITAL STS, MARKET RESEARCH AND THE PUBLIC New social media and «the digital» have become core to everyday interactions, for the shaping of individual identities and for the making of new forms of the social and the public. But they are also increasingly becoming core sites for tracking behavior, for gathering data and for the making of markets. Which versions of the ‘the social’ and ‘the public’ are enacted by way of new social media and ‘the digital’? How can we understand new social media compared to other versions of publics and the social? How do publics and public opinion take part in shaping social and political issues? How are participation co-produced with market devices, objects and technological devices? Science and Technology Studies (STS) has always been concerned with how science and technology take part in producing the social. The objective of this theme is to explore this topic further in relation to the digital and new social media. This theme will also explore how technologies take part in producing both issues and new publics. STS research will be drawn together with media studies and market research.
TIK PROJECTS TO WHICH THE THEMES ARE ATTACHED IPCC Assessment Reports 5 in Europe, with Cicero, Center for International Climate and Environmental Research The Good Economy: Biocapitalization and the little tools of valuation The Aquagenome project When authorities meet, with (among others) John Law and Ingunn Moser Care at a distance, with Diakonhjemmet The Oslo-Berkeley initiative on valuation studies.
RESEARCH INTERESTS AND APPROACHES Key interest: How is it that science, different forms of knowledge and expertise, take part in politics and administration? What role does knowledge play in politics? What kind of knowledge is taken into account? With which consequences? Ongoing projects: 1.How economists value the environment 2.The good economy 3.When authorities meet 4.Document-work
HOW ECONOMISTS VALUE (THE ENVIRONMENT) Asdal 1998: Knappe ressurser. Økonomenes grep om miljøfeltet. Example of study of how expertise, economic expertise, matter to politics and administration. The book; a study of the role of the economist profession and the Ministry of Finance in encounters with the Ministry of the Environment. Now: taken this study up again, - the title of the extended project: How economists value the environment. For instance: «Grønn skattekommisjon». What does it take for taxes to be ‘green’? How does taxes value the enviroment? With which means? How does economists value compared to other experts and social groups? skattekommisjon-utnevnt/id765895/
THE GOOD ECONOMY: VALUES AND CONTROVERSIES IN THE BIOECONOMY, POLITICS OF THE ENVIRONMENT AND HEALTH The European economy is undergoing an important experiment: A series of strategies, plans, and efforts are being put forward in order to realize a Bioeconomy; this is an economy that seeks to produce value from life and the living in new and innovative ways. The Bioeconomy is closely integrated with the vision that this economy will solve environmental problems, produce welfare, be responsible, and take care so that the European economy acts within limits. This integrated complex is what is named “the good economy”. This project explores key aspects of the bioeconomy and its problems and challenges. But the notion “the good economy” is also analytical resource more broadly: How to realize an economy that does not only produce economic growth but which is environmental friendly, provides care and good health, for humans as well as non-humans? Where and who are the actors who seek to realize the good economy? How is this sought to be realized in politics and administration and by innovation strategies? What are the tools, devices or technologies of politics that are involved and take part in such efforts? The notion “the good economy” does not imply that the economy is good. It points to that values and practices of valuations must be included in studies of the economy. The aim is to explore how different visions and versions of “the good” interact, produce tensions and sometimes conflicts. Empirically the theme will address key sites and issues relevant to the good economy, for instance ICTs, animal welfare, the aquaculture industry, elderly and end of life care - in everyday practices, policy visions and innovation strategies.
WHEN AUTHORITIES MEET Politics in Action: The study of political authority as it unfolds in practice in parliament. E.g. The climate- agreement, public hearings… The Nature of Parliament: How parliament deals with nature-issues, e.g. the whaling-controversy. Related to this; the climate-project (Göran and Erlend) – how climate science is taken into account in bureaucratic and political practice.
METHOD Interested in method: How do we study? Particularly interested in the study of documents. What is it that political docouments, or expert report do? How can we understand, for instance expertise, in better ways if we study the report-work experts partake in? Advantage with the study of documents as a method: often easily accessible, rich in meaning, a lot is invested in them, live sometimes very interesting lives (that is, we can follow them!) Sometimes important documents can change issues (the transformative capacity of documents)
INTERESTED IN THE THEORY OF SCIENCE? The seminar in science studies can be a source of stipend for students who will write their thesis on science/the theory of science. Does not have to be done theoretically, also how science are employed in practice. Ask Kristin or Göran if you are interested and want more information.
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