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Part 3 Presentation A. 84% 58 % 11% 22% 05% 20 %

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Presentation on theme: "Part 3 Presentation A. 84% 58 % 11% 22% 05% 20 %"— Presentation transcript:

1 Part 3 Presentation A

2 84% 58 % 11% 22% 05% 20 %

3 Positive Change Takes Time






9 Academic YearAYP 2006 All Areas and Student Groups Met AYP 2007RD Spec. Ed, MT Spec. Ed., MT F/R 2008RD Spec. Ed. 2009MT All, F/R 2010 All Areas and Student Groups Met AYP 2011 All Areas and Student Groups Met AYP

10 Active Supervision Do I know my school-wide expectations? Did I have at least 5 positive for each negative student contact? Did I move continuously throughout area? Did I scan frequently ? Did I positively interact with most students? Did I handle minor rule violations efficiently? Did I follow school-wide procedures for handling major rule violations? Active Supervision


12 Why Develop a School-wide Reward System? Increases the likelihood that desired behaviors will be repeated Focuses staff and student attention on desired behaviors Fosters a positive school climate Reduces the need for engaging in time consuming disciplinary measures

13 Tiger Paw Drawing

14 North Staff Recognition


16 Carnival Vote

17 Carnival – The Great North Elementary Get Together



20 North’s Positive Playground

21 North Star Café

22 Tiger ROARs

23 Tiger Pride Themes Example - Tiger Traveling in Minnesota Famous People from Minnesota Tiger Statue Hot dish Cookbook MN Trivia MN Vacation

24 Time Travel Theme Tiger in Chicago Chicago

25 2008 Olympics

26 Where in the World is the Tiger Pride Tiger?

27 Tiger Pride Music I Love Tiger Pride Traveling Through Minnesota Traveling Through Books Where in the World is the Tiger Pride Tiger Traveling Through Time


29 15,000 Tiger Paw Reward!


31 Tiger Pride Shirts


33 Year-End Assembly The Tiger Pride Tiger Returns to North – Mr. Beach/ Kelsey Achievement Recognition – Behavior and Academic – Mr. Beach Perfect Attendance – Kelsey/ Austin/ Elliot –Students stand and are recognized AR Certificates – Britanni/ Abby/ Taylor –Students stand and are recognized Track and Field Awards – Mrs. Laabs (TPN Students assist) School Patrol – MaryJane Tiger Troopers – Mr. Beach Student Council Recognition – Mr. Tschumper (stand in place) District Art Awards – Mr. Tschumper Tiger Paws – (Paw drawing) - Shiann/ Courtney/ Kelsey Video Slideshow



36 Staff Tiger Pride Pledge We pledge our support for Tiger Pride (Positive Behavior Supports) at North Elementary. By pledging our support, we are saying that we will work to create predictable, positive, effective, achieving, and caring school and classroom environments for all students, staff, and parents. This includes the following:  Defining expectations  Teaching expectations  Monitoring expected behavior  Acknowledging expected behavior  Pre-correct and correct behavior errors  Actively supervising classroom and nonclassroom settings  Supporting behavioral and academic targeted interventions  Open and honest communication between staff, parents and students

37 Meeting Expectations I will RESPECT myself by:  Being on time and prepared for the meeting  Participating in a positive manner  Avoiding side conversations/multitasking I will RESPECT others by:  Listening to others and being positive  Honoring the agenda  Being concise(short and sweet) I will RESPECT property by:  Returning area to original state  Cleaning up after yourself I will RESPECT the community by:  Being open to new ideas and actively engaging in the process  Voice concerns at the meeting, not after it is over!  Following through with building decision/responsibilities  Valuing others opinions (It is OK to disagree)

38 Family Night Ad 24

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