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Bengal Tigers. Characteristics of a Bengal Tiger.

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Presentation on theme: "Bengal Tigers. Characteristics of a Bengal Tiger."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bengal Tigers

2 Characteristics of a Bengal Tiger

3 What Bengals Eat … Boars Antelope Gazells

4 Since the beginning humans have always been the number 1 predators that have threatened the Bengal tiger. Mostly hunted for their fur.

5 The Bengal Tiger also know as the Royal Tiger can be found in the Mangrove Rainforest located in Bengladesh South Asia

6 Canopy, forest floor or Understory? Very little sun Forest is not crowded It is very warm and humid Forest Floor!!!

7 Climate and Environment Tropical Monsoon climate Variations of rainfall High temperatures and humidity Bangladesh is a low-lying riverine county along the Bay of Bengal sea basin in south

8 Equipment and food Go pro (camera) Knife Tent Sleeping bag Rope Flashlight Batteries Matches Dart gun Cooking accessories Water Dry pinto beans Spam Peanuts Top romen Dehydrated survival food


10 Travel Fly out from LAX to Kolkata airport India, rent a car and drive to Sonakhali, India. From there I will take a boat to Sunderbans and I will make my home for the next 30 days at Tiger Camp.

11 Conducting Research Bengal tigers can be identified by traveling alone Size of the tiger Female tigers can be identified by traveling with cubs and small body structure Observe tiger night and day Record observations with camera, video and diary I am hoping to learn how the tiger behaves during day and night They can be located during the day by cool areas near water How do they hunt for the

12 Grand total $20,150 Equipment $2,350.81 Food $897.98 Health (vaccinations) $2,180 Travel $13,469.60

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