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Picture This! 2010!. Starter My Bonnie lies over the ocean, My Bonnie lies over the sea, My Bonnie lies over the ocean, So bring back my Bonnie to me.

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Presentation on theme: "Picture This! 2010!. Starter My Bonnie lies over the ocean, My Bonnie lies over the sea, My Bonnie lies over the ocean, So bring back my Bonnie to me."— Presentation transcript:

1 Picture This! 2010!

2 Starter My Bonnie lies over the ocean, My Bonnie lies over the sea, My Bonnie lies over the ocean, So bring back my Bonnie to me. Bring back, bring back O bring back my Bonnie to me, to me. Bring back, bring back O bring back my Bonnie to me, to me.

3 Aims To give you a bank of resources To give you some ideas/resources on how to get your students to do composition

4 Singing...... Easiest area to access, and lots of resources available on the internet. Vanbasco (Gary) Audacity (Kath)

5 FEAR! A study of the different techniques which are used to create scary music.

6 Objectives To LEARN how composers use various musical techniques to create music which communicates the idea of fear.

7 Preparation activity one listening…. First of all you are going to listen to some scary music… The aim is to listen to what professional composers have done to create an atmosphere so that you can use the same ideas in your scary music.

8 Music to create an atmosphere…… ….How does the music work? filmTechnique…or what can you hear happening in the music…. Image…or what do you think is happening in the film.. Other points….this is for anything that you would like to say…. Blade Runner Falling….. Running/movement Psycho

9 Now start to collect some scary sounds......on the keyboard or on some instruments Keyboard voice number Or instrument Type of soundCould be used for

10 Now to learn some techniques... Music device How to play itWhat it could be used for Chromatic scalePlay some notes which are next to each other, one after the other Eerie musical idea. Try playing is slowly high up the keyboard, or quickly lower down DroneHold on two notes Try c and g Try c and f# Which one do you like best? Create tension? A backwash of sound? High pitch notes 3 note idea, short and fast? Or slow and low? Stabbing idea? Spooky idea? OstinatoGet a short musical idea and repeat it A character

11 Now to learn some techniques... Music device How to play itWhat it could be used for CrescendoGradually get louderSomeone approaching Long low notesAt the bottom of the keyboard. Hold the notes on. Preparation/background Cluster chordsGroups of notes which are very close to each other An event....the arrival of something..... StaccatoShortA warning A call to attention A character

12 Now to learn some techniques... Music device How to play itWhat it could be used for glissandoSlide from one note to another Idea of movement, or falling tempoIt means speed – you could speed up or slow down Give the impression of running faster, creating tension, or slowing down SemitonePlay any note, then the note nearest to it. Create atmosphere A musical motif

13 Now to start to create your musical ideas Now create an idea, or motif, which uses not more than 6 notes, and at least two of them are a semitone (1 step) apart. Play your motif to the class, and repeat it 5 or 6 times so that you have created an ostinato. Remember to use one of the voices/sounds that you chose earlier on. RECORD THEM

14 Now explore your idea Now play your motif in a variety of different ways, so that you can see how this effects the atmosphere created… Play it on… 3 different voices…. Play it high notes, then play it on low notes. Play it really loudly. Play it really quietly. Start quiet then use the volume control to get louder. Crescendo Play it in very short notes. Staccato. Play it very smoothly. Legato. Play it with each note lasting twice as long as the original theme. Augmentation. Play it with each note begin half as long as the original theme. Diminution.

15 The Tiger Attack! CREATING A SCORE TO GO WITH A HORROR FILM about an animal.....

16 Start by sketching the story board for this in your books. There should be 6 sections to your story board. 1)A woman is walking through a wood. 2)A tiger is lurking in the shadows and she is aware of it. 3)The woman’s footsteps quicken as she begins to think she is being followed. 4)The tiger jumps out from behind the wall and runs fast towards the woman who also begins to run. 5)The tiger catches up with the woman and circles her. There is a struggle. 6)What happens next?

17 Exploring the brief….

18 Start by sketching the story board for this in your books. There should be 6 sections to your story board. 1)A woman is walking through a wood. 2)A tiger is lurking in the shadows and she is aware of it. 3)The woman’s footsteps quicken as she begins to think she is being followed. 4)The tiger jumps out from behind the wall and runs fast towards the woman who also begins to run. 5)The tiger catches up with the woman and circles her. There is a struggle. 6)What happens next?

19 Unpick and explore the text. What are the verbs? 1)A woman is walking through a wood. 2)A tiger is lurking in the shadows and she is aware of it. 3)The woman’s footsteps quicken as she begins to think she is being followed. 4)The tiger jumps out from behind the wall and runs fast towards the woman who also begins to run. 5)The tiger catches up with the woman and circles her. There is a struggle. 6)What happens next?

20 Unpick and explore the text. What are the emotions? 1)A woman is walking through a wood. 2)A tiger is lurking in the shadows and she is aware of it. 3)The woman’s footsteps quicken as she begins to think she is being followed. 4)The tiger jumps out from behind the wall and runs fast towards the woman who also begins to run. 5)The tiger catches up with the woman and circles her. There is a struggle. 6)What happens next?

21 You will need to have a musical idea for each section. Go through each section, and with your partner, try to work out the sounds that you are going to use. Here is an example of what a good piece of work looks like:-

22 A woman is walking through a wood. Low long drone Deep notes Legato (smooth) 4-note motif above drone, using semitones Volume quiet Maybe on cello sound….

23 Do this for each line of the text…. You may wish to draw a story board on the given bits of paper.

24 Now record you pieces

25 Look at each of the elements of music and see how you can use each one to better effect (Gary)

26 ELEMENTS What are the different elements of music?

27 PITCH Pitch is ………… How high or low a note is. Laaaa

28 Duration Duration is…….. How long or short a sound is. e.g. La la laaaa la la laaaaa (short) (short) (long) (short) (short) (long)

29 Structure Structure is……….. The order of sections in a piece of music. e.g. Verse, chorus, verse, chorus e.g. ABA

30 TEMPO Tempo is…….. How fast or slow a piece of music is.

31 SILENCE Silence is………….. a break or a gap in sound. Ssssssssh!

32 TEXTURE Texture is……….. HOW THE STRANDS OF MUSIC ARE WOVEN TOGETHER. A lot of sounds playing close together is a thick texture.

33 TIMBRE Timbre is………….. Used to describe the sound quality of an instrument or voice.

34 DYNAMICS Dynamics are about………. How loud or quite a note or sound is.

35 How to notate your ideas. You can notate your ideas in a simple graphic score,

36 STARTER activity one To start to turn symbols into sound…….. In groups of four you have 10 minutes to produce a performance of the finger pop rap. How will you organise it so that you all start together? Are you going to have a conductor? How are you going to start the topic? Who is going to do what? Have you listened to everyone in your group?



39 Vaughan Williams The Lark Ascending. Listen to this picture of a lark, flying from a meadow, up into the sky. Could you draw a graph of it? What are the main elements of the music?

40 Web sites specifically to do with animals and music Carnival of the animals, by Saint Seans 4320 4320 Listen to some of animal portraits from playlist /


42 Music and the mind







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